Design Notes
April 06, 2011
Changing our name... again!
The return of Artix Entertainment :-)
Happy Mulligan day (Well, it is according to the mistake in our 2011 Calendar which switched the day and the month) Mulligan day is a day of redo's! I would like to thank everyone on the Forums and Twitter for their honesty and feedback regarding last year's company name change. That is why I am pleased to annouced that we are going back to the way it was -- back to the good old days! Today, Miko, Captain Rhubarb and I are making the network wide switch of the logo back to Artix Entertainment. In addition to having the initials AE again (MUCH better than BO or BOG!) the Dragon Logo is about to become VERY important to our online gaming community. It is going to become the new symbol for the "One Login to Rule them All" which will let you access all of the games from a single account. Whenever you see the Dragon logo next to a login (which all of our future games including HeroSmash will use) you can login using your... well, I guess it is not going to be called a Master Account anymore... now it is going to be your AE Account! (Makes so much more sense.)
Almost forgot! Do not worry, we still own the name BattleOn Games and the pre-paid game cards bought in stores that say BattleOn Games will still work with all of the games. As an indie game studio... owned and operated by a team recruited from the growing the playerbase... who builds with your help... we have plans to do some truly amazing things together!