Design Notes
January 06, 2025
Class and Combat Dev Blog #4
Year-In-Review 2024
Wow, it's been a while since the last one! 2024 was an interesting year for development on classes, combat, gameplay, and balancing. Now that we're in 2025, it's time to share some of our thoughts with you, and hear what you all think!
For our Dev Blog #4, I’d like to update you all on what the Class Team has done this year, how it has gone, and what we'd like to do going forward. Let’s talk about them!
Get all the details in the full post here.

December 06, 2024
Chilly's 2024 Frostval Gifting Event
Give the gift of holiday cheer by Donating ACs to your fellow Heroes
One of the best parts of our videogame community is seeing heroes helping each other. Chilly is here to help you spread cheer and have the merriest Frostval EVER. Talk to him in Battleon to give AdventureCoins to your fellow heroes and unlock rewards for your generosity. Our Frostval Gifting event will run from December 6th - January 14th. Prize packs will be awarded later that week.
Talk to Chilly in Battleon. Once you complete his Event Participation quest, your character is ready to give or receive AdventureCoins!
How to donate AdventureCoins to other heroes
Log in and talk to Chilly in Battleon. Choose to donate AdventureCoins, check out a list of all the generous Heroes who've donated, or see the items in the Generosity Coin Merge Shop.
- Choose from a list of donation amounts.
- Confirm your choice.
- Click the confirmation button and the game will choose a random hero to receive your gift!
Donate to a single Hero: Choose from 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 5000, or 10000 AdventureCoins
Donate to multiple individuals at the same time:
- 20,000 AC Multi-Gift: 10 heroes get 2,000 ACs each
- 8,000 AC Multi-Gift: 8 heroes get 1,000 ACs each
NOTE: we cannot refund your donation. You'll see a pop-up asking if you're sure you want to donate the amount you choose. Check and double-check before hitting the "confirm" button.
Generosity Coins & Merge Shop
Get one Generosity Coin the first time you donate each day. Any amount qualifies, and every donation you make counts toward unlocking additional rewards once the event ends.
Donation Rewards
- Spend your Generosity coins or save them up to get gear from the seasonal merge shop.
- All donators will unlock additional rewards just for donating. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!
- You can see a list of the top 1,000 donators in your account manager here.
Donation Reward Tiers
The more AdventureCoins you donate to other players, the more rewards you'll unlock! Everyone that meets the reward tier goal will get the prize.
Notes about this year's rewards and tiers:
- Each reward tier has a unique character page badge. You'll see all the badges you've unlocked.
- Tiers 2 - 7 automatically unlock all the 2024 Generosity Shop gear.
Frostval Gifting Rewards
Chilly always likes rewarding generosity. That's why he has exclusive rewards for heroes who donate to others. There are two types of rewards: Generosity Coin Merge Shop items + Donation Reward Packs.
Generosity Coins + Merge Shop
The first time you donate each day, you'll automatically get a Generosity Coin. Spend the Coins in the Merge Shop to get exclusive gear.
Generosity Coin Prices
- Classes: 10 GC
- Armors: 2-3 GC
- Helms: 1 GC
- Capes: 1-2 GC
- Weapons: 1-2 GC
- Pets: 2 GC
- Fancy/Special: 2-3 GC
The shop gear is seasonal, so if you can't get everything you want this year, you'll have another chance next year! This year's Generosity Coin merge shop also has a wider selection + variety of items, based on your feedback after last year's event.
Every time you donate ACs to a random Hero, it will contribute to your donation total. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Donation Reward Packs
Every time you donate ACs to a random Hero, it will contribute to your donation total. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Tier 7: 100,000 ACs Donated
- Sabretooth Chimera Warrior armor set
- Festive Safiria & Constantin Companions Pet (Hero-sized, includes Hair + Armor customizers)
- Festive Safiria Companion pet (Hero-sized)
- Festive Constantin Companion pet (Hero-sized)
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 6
- All new Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 7 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Concept art for the armor here
Tier 6: 75,000 ACs Donated
- High Octane Agility Racer (checkered mount armor, color-custom)
- High Octane Race Fan (checkered regular armor, color-custom)
- Raceway Outfit Armor (unchecked regular armor, color-custom)
- High Octane Agility Racer set accesories + house items
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 5 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 6 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 5: 50,000 ACs Donated
- Polar & Frigid Permanence armor sets + house items
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 4 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 5 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Preview the sets here and here
Tier 4: 25,000 ACs Donated
- Apocalyptic Desert Warrior set + house items
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 3 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 4 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 3: 10,000 ACs Donated
- Winter Night House (winter version of existing in-game map)
- Bank functionality*
- Armor & Hair Customizer*
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 2 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 3 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Vote in-game, on Twitter, or on Discord to help choose which map will be turned into the Winter Night house in this weekend's new poll!
* These are not locked to owner-only
Tier 2: 5,000 ACs Donated
- Frostval Ballyhoo Hero-Sized Companion Pet
- Frostval Ballyhoo armor set
- Companion Pet has a quest to unlock the House Item**
- All item rewards from Tier 1 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 2 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
** The quest is not locked to owner-only, so you can /party up with all your friends to get the reward... even if they don't have the pet.
Tier 1: 1,000 ACs Donated
- Frostval Sepulchure & Baby Gravelyn Bank Pet (Hero-Sized Sepulchure carrying Baby Gravelyn)
- Tier 1 Frostval 2024 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
All donators: 250 ACs Donated
- Frostval 2024 Gifting character page
In addition to their exclusive prize packs, any hero that donates at least 5,000 ACs will automatically unlock all of the 2024 merge shop items in their Book of Lore badge shop at the end of the gifting event.
List of Top Donators
To recognize their generosity, we've got a list of the Top 1,000 Heroes who've donated during this event on our Frostval 2024 AC Gifting Event page. You can see that inside your account manager here.
Want to donate anonymously? Hide yourself from the leaderboard!
Last year, we added the option to hide yourself from the top donators list. That way, those who prioritize their privacy can still be generous without calling attention to themselves.
Frostval Gifting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the requirements to donate a gift?
Complete opt-in quest (requires level 30+ and a confirmed email address)
What are the requirements to receive a gift?
- Account at least 2 weeks old
- Online in last 24 hours
- Complete opt-in quest
How much can I donate per day?
There is no limit to how many times you can donate each day. (There is a limit on how many upgrade packs an account can buy each day.)
How much can I win each day?
There is no limit to how many times in a day you can receive a random AC gift.
Can I choose who gets my donation?
Nope! In the spirit of the season, your gift will go to a random eligible hero. Make someone's day bright... even if you don't know who they are!
Can staff accounts get on the top donators list or give to players?
Nope! Team members' staff accounts can only give to other staff accounts. They will not appear on the public list. Team members' normal (regular player/non-staff) accounts can give to other players and may appear on the top donators list.
How will I be notified if I get a gift?
You'll see a message when you login if you've received a gift since your last login note
What are the reward tiers? Will they go rare?
Find more details on the reward tiers next week! Tier rewards will go rare, generosity shop gear is seasonal.
How long will this be available?
Through January 9th, prizes to be awarded later on that week.
Does the amount of AC donated affect your merge coins received per donation?
You can get a max of 1 Generosity Coin per day, awarded the first time you donate for the day. Every donation you make will contribute to your reward milestones total.
So, is this REALLY totally random?
It really is! The game will look for any eligible account on any server and will randomly choose who to give your prize to. You cannot specify which character will get your ACs.
What if I'm offline?
The game will look for any account that was logged in within the last 24 hours. If you aren't online when you get a gift, it will still be added to your account the next time you log in.
When do I get notified?
There are currently a few ways of being notified you received a gift: when doing battles or switching maps in-game, or when you log in.
What if I make a mistake and donate the wrong amount?
The game will ask you each time if you’re sure you want to donate that amount. We cannot give refunds for incorrect donations, so please check and double-check before you hit the donate button and before you confirm the donation amount.
What if I pick the wrong item in the Generosity Shop? Can I get my Generosity Coin back?
We cannot give refunds for Generosity Coin shop purchases, so please check and double-check before you spend a GC on an item in the merge shop.
Can I see how much I've donated, or how much I've received?
Yes! Log in to your account manager to see your gifts and what you've given.

November 29, 2024
Chilly's 2024 Frostval Gifting Event
The Event begins December 6th. Signup Quest Now Available.
Chilly wants to help you and ALL the heroes of Lore have the merriest Frostval EVER, and he's back in Battleon NOW! Complete his Gifting Participation quest so your character can give or receive AdventureCoins from other heroes once our Holiday AdventureCoin Gifting event begins this Friday. The seasonal Generosity Coin merge shop is ALSO back, for anyone looking to spend last year's coins now. Read on for more news about what the event is, how it works, and what to expect.
One of the best parts of our videogame community is seeing heroes helping each other. Some help new players in-game, and many others will host activities, scavenger hunts, or do Artix Point giveaways on social media. We want to help bring that spirit of giving in-game.
How to Participate
1. Complete Chilly's quest to participate in the event
Choose which of your accounts can receive donations by having them complete Chilly's Quest (or not).
Quest Requirements:
- Account is level 30+
- Confirm your email address
Need help confirming your email address? Check out the Support Page for more exact steps.
2. Log in and talk to Chilly
Once the event begins on December 6th, your character will be ready to give or receive AdventureCoins!
Frostval Gifting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the requirements to donate a gift?
Complete opt-in quest
What are the requirements to receive a gift?
- Account at least 2 weeks old OR donate ACs
- Online in last 24 hours
- Verified email
- Complete opt-in quest
How much can I donate per day?
There is no limit to how many times you can donate each day. (There is a limit on how many upgrade packs an account can buy each day.)
How much can I win each day?
There is no limit to how many times in a day you can receive a random AC gift.
Can I choose who gets my donation?
Nope! In the spirit of the season, your gift will go to a random eligible hero. Make someone's day bright... even if you don't know who they are!
Can staff accounts get on the leaderboard or give to players?
Nope! Team members' staff accounts can only give to other staff accounts. They will not appear on the public leaderboard. Team members' normal (regular player) accounts can give to other players and may appear on the leaderboard.
How will I be notified if I get a gift?
You'll see a message when you login if you've received a gift since your last login note
What are the reward tiers? Will they go rare?
Find more details on the reward tiers this Friday! Tier rewards will go rare, while the generosity shop gear is seasonal. New gear will be added this year.
Notes about this year's rewards and tiers:
How long will this be available?
Through January 7th, prizes to be awarded on Jan 8th.
Does the amount of AC donated affect your merge coins received per donation?
You can get a max of 1 Generosity Coin per day, awarded the first time you donate for the day. Every donation you make will contribute to your reward milestones total.
So, is this REALLY totally random?
It really is! The game will look for any eligible account on any server and will randomly choose who to give your prize to. You cannot specify which character will get your ACs.
What if I'm offline?
The game will look for any account that was logged in within the last 24 hours. If you aren't online when you get a gift, it will still be added to your account the next time you log in.
When do I get notified?
There are currently a few ways of being notified you received a gift: when doing battles or switching maps in-game, or when you log in.
What if I make a mistake and donate the wrong amount?
The game will ask you each time if you’re sure you want to donate that amount. We cannot give refunds for incorrect donations, so please check and double-check before you hit the donate button and before you confirm the donation amount.
What if I pick the wrong item in the Generosity Shop? Can I get my Generosity Coin back?
We cannot give refunds for Generosity Coin shop purchases, so please check and double-check before you spend a GC on an item in the merge shop.
Can I see how much I've donated, or how much I've received?
Yes! Log in to your account manager to see your gifts and what you've given.

October 16, 2024
Game News: October 14 - 19
Read on for the latest news and information
Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.
Monday: Double Rep Boost
Get more reputation from quests until Wednesday!
Tuesday: Midweek Update
New Chaos Beast themed weapons dropping from the following monsters below!
/Venomvaults - Manticore
- 1 Whip
/Palooza - Pony Gary Yellow
- 1 Gauntlet
/Chaoscave- DracoWerePyre
- 1 Sword
- 1 Dagger
/Odokuro - O-dokuro*
- 1 Mace
- 1 Dagger
If you saw my tweet on Twitter, I mentioned /yokaigrave instead of Odokuro, whoopsies!
Wednesday: Double Class Points Boost
Get more class points from battles until Friday!
Thursday: Dark Spirit Orbs Boost
Get double rewards as you battle to create Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor until October 23rd!
Friday Update Details
Read on for news about this weekend's new updates.
New Release: 16th Birthday Event of Doom, Pt 2
16th Birthday Gifts: Double Ultra Boss Drop Boost I (Ultra Ezrajal, Ultra Warden, Ultra Engineer, Ultra Avatar Tyndarius, Champion Drakath)
Collection Chest Update: Second shipment of 16th Birthday Collection Chest
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
Server Boost: Double EXP
Saturday: To be decided!
Sunday: To be decided!
Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest Bug Fixes and Balance Changes are in their patch notes.

September 06, 2024
My Limited Event!
My Limited Event is coming up soon!
It's just around the corner! Read more for the details and the schedule.
Event Details:
/join Yoshino to Participate!
- Daily Quest for 3 tokens available!
- New deadly monster.. it's dark and scary.. o_o
Starting Time:
- September 10, 2024
Ending Time:
- September 12, 2024

October 14, 2023
Friday, October 13th Play by Play
Yoshino writes another design notes?!
Haii everyone, Yoshino here! With the recent Friday the 13th release shenanigans that happened on the backend, I was given approval to reveal some of the inner works of it.
10/13/2023 - Yoshino's Friday Play by Play
11:00 AM Ghost loses electricity*, Yoshino is asleep, Reens checks in and offers to help with the cutscene for Ghost in case his power doesn't come back.
11:30 AM Yoshino still asleep, Alina (who is usually in meetings on Fridays before doing the marketing) begins making artsy things to help out, since Reens usually does a lot of the little art things on Fridays like doing the war meter and making it all pretty and thematical to the release.
12:30 PM Ghost's electricity is restored, Darkon shares some progress to help Ghost along the cutscene, Yoshino is now online.
2:30 PM Teka suddenly vanishes. She's one of our lovely graphic designers. (I hope y'all wished her a happy birthday last month! <_<)
2:50 PM Alina's artsy things are finished for the war.
3:00 PM Alina & Cylisse go over the items, making sure I didn't miss anything.
3:30 PM Teka's is now online. She also lost power for a bit but is now able to keep on working on our graphic designs for the release.
4:00 PM I start to look at all the classes that I'll have to change.
5:00 PM The War Meter breaks. That percentage isn't showing its correct value. I begin to call in Reens for help.
5:20 PM Ghost calls it potentially 1 hour until he's done.
5:30 PM Reens fixes the war meter for me. Day is saved, and release is looking to come out fairly soon** without any TM this time**
6:00 PM Finished making all classes to be AC Tagged. They wouldn't actually stay with their updated ac tag until the release is live.
7:30 PM I summon Immortal Joe to my castle to gimme all the details on things and we update the war meter with a small icon to signify Gravelyn's fate is in your hands! (She didn't have a small head icon during testing)
8:00 PM Ghost finishes his cutscene, We get it up and visible to the testers.
8:10 PM Cylisse notices Sigrid doesn't have any backhair in the cutscenes so she looks a lot older in them without it. This goes for all of the cutscenes made for the week so adjustments to them have to be made.
8:30 PM I begin to look at the GameMenu and change things in and out.
8:50 PM All of the GameMenu images from Teka is done!
9:00 PM GameMenu is 90% done! Time to make sure the war is working as intended.
9:10 PM The War suddenly isn't increasing on turn ins. All turn ins are going into the void and not counting for war progress. Internal panic begins.
9:15 PM Alina pops in to my castle to speed things along and offer some assistance on things.
9:20 PM Rhubarb pops in and tells me 'you have this here and it should be like that.' and fixes the War Meter turn ins. The release is saved!***
9:30 PM We now head back to testing the war and realize that the buttons for reaching a certain percent aren't working anymore. It probably stopped working much earlier in the day when we fixed the war percentage.
10:00 PM Finalizing the release with the release testers, Alina took over doing Battleon for me. (send her much love)
10:30 PM Sudden shift in the air as I have to do a small rebuild of the map to get it working.****
11:00 PM We're 99% done! All I needed were images for the GameMenu. During all of this, there were a lot of gold moderator messages going on in the game from the Ghost of Alina.
11:09 PM Server shutdown timer initiated.
11:17 PM Players are in the map and the release is live! :D
* is forshadowing how the day will go. Just keep on reading, you'll see..
** It was an early release.. right? :D
*** Surely nothing can go wrong right past this point, right?
Anyways, I'm going to go fly away now! Thanks for reading!
Alina's Post-Script
This was the first full-sized holiday event with Yoshino as the primary release builder and test lead*****. What that means is, starting on Tuesday, Yoshino began working with all of the pieces of each part of release (from Cylisse's script + quest text to the monster, map, and NPC art created by Crulon, Darkon, Snowvers, and Aciel... all the way to Reens, Ghost, and Darkon's cutscene files). Like a Master Clockmaker, they got all of the parts to fit together... and then move in time.
Once the release was assembled, in the middle of the week, Yoshino ran through it to catch the most obvious errors, then passed it off to testers to begin their run-through. At the same time, Yoshino worked with Immortal Joe (the game + balance designer) to make sure all of the merge shop reward****** recipes were accurate and the combat felt balanced.
This is hands down the most complex, difficult role on the team. You need a thorough knowledge of how every part of the game fits together, a working knowledge of map coding and file assembly, and then trouble-shooting the files you've put together. You need a basic understanding of animation and how the sound engine works.
For the last year and a half, Yoshino has been steadily leveling up, "stealing" more opportunities to build releases, host live events, and cause all the good trouble. We knew this day would arrive, and as luck would have it (pun intended)... their first major release just happened to be on Friday the 13th.
... >_> ...
On a Friday the 13th where almost everything that COULD go wrong, did. And yet, through it all, Yoshino kept cracking jokes, solving problems, and getting things done. There's a reason we tapped Yoshino to step up into this role; aside from skill and dedication, they've got the heart to be a good lead. The post he wrote above shines a light on each of his team members, and none on himself.... Which is why this post-script was added.
It takes a team to make a game, and with luck, you come across the right people to help take that game to the next level. For over 1.5 years, Yoshino has been working on AdventureQuest Worlds, alongside Spider, Eht, Immortal Joe, Captain Rhubarb, Reens, and all our creators. I can't think of a better dev to step into Reens' role.
Both he and I, and the entire AQWorlds team, appreciate your patience as we battled the Doom Triad's clear efforts to prevent this release from launching. We all hope you enjoyed it, and please... for the love of Lore... finish this fight before Gravelyn's health meter reaches 0.
***** Before this, Reens (who has worked on AQWorlds for 15 years in one role or another) is now focusing primarily on AQW:Infinity. She is still here to help out if Yoshino needs an extra hand, and is always available to answer questions.
****** Prior to assembling the release, Yoshino also worked on testing all of the collection and reward sets.

August 15, 2023
Tuesday, August 15th Updates
Ah-Goooose News!
Haaaaay everyone, Yoshino here! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. We began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently or have been added.
August 15th || New Valencia Hunt!
I heard Valencia in the /Museum map has something new for those who enjoy a l'il hunting. Few weeks ago*, we talked about adding star difficulty and now that has been implemented into Valencia's Museum Hunts.
Reward will be permanently available.
*If you're wondering why the date seems so recent, we've been updating that post with more information on our hunts as time goes on and changing the date as a 'last updated' indication.
Gib badge pls?
Due to popular request, a character page badge for the Voice in the Sea World Boss** has been added!
How to get the character page badge:
- /join seavoice
- Talk to Tara's NPC and click on the "Badge Quest" button. (Requires full storyline progress)
- Complete the Voice in the Sea Badge Quest (requires x1 Algal Bloom) to get your badge!
This quest will only be available until August 28, 2023.
**First character page Badge I created! Maybe more to come for other things?!? :D
A Message from Artix Support!
Anyone who brought the 'Ascended Cosmic Chaos' Ground Rune item when the pricing was 6,000 ACs have been refunded their ACs.
Battle? or Butter On!
Anywhoo, that's all I have in this roundup for today. Hopefully I have something in the works for next month, only time will tell! 👀👀👀

August 09, 2023
Wednesday, August 9th Updates
Aaaaaah-Gust News!
Haii everyone, Yoshino here! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. We began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently.
Recent Changes
The following issues should have been addressed:
- Canadian Flag Staff should no longer turn into the house item banner.
- We've streamlined the J6 storyline now so you won't be resetted back to the start of the storyline when you decide to shoot J6. (Have fun viewing both endings!)
- July Seasonal maps have reopened. They'll be closing at the end of this month.
- This includes: Julyhub, Icestorm, Akibalight, Brightlights, Yokaistarriver
- Don't forget to grab these rare house items before the end of the month
- Lavazard in Augusthub has been eating a lot of items. Our usual seasonal August drop items will now also drop from it.
- MC Runty included! (Wait.. did the Lavazard eat him?!?)
- We've also changed a select few house items (R) versions to be rare as you can now flip house items.
- This applies to: Immortal Crusader's Steed, Marble Merlion Fountain, Merlion Fountain

March 27, 2023
Monday, March 27th Updates
News, News, News! Come hear all about it!
Haii Everyone! With so many players on so many different platforms, the team and I found that our information had become really scattered over the last few years. Last month, we began these "round-up" Design Notes posts to make sure everyone has access to all of the same info, no matter which platform you use! Read on to see what changed recently.
Recent Bug Fixes
The following issues should have been addressed with today's restart:
- Quests requiring Tendurrr The Assistant as a turn in requirement has been adjusted to just require owning him instead.
- Assisting Oblivion Blade, Assisting Crag and Bamboozle, Assisting Drudgen, The Game of Gemstones, Nulgath's Messenger, Kiss the Void
- Hollowborn Reaper's Scythe - Now requires Death's Scythe instead of Incarnation of Glitches Scythe.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Daggers - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Karma - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
- Hollowborn Reaper's Karmas - No longer requires Incarnation of Glitches Scythe to merge.
The First Speaker Updates
The First Speaker is hard. Like, really hard. We’re listening and have heard your praises, complaints, strategizing, and victories. This level of difficulty will remain a one-off, and future bosses won’t be at this level for a very long time. A multi-year saga ending boss that shows that you’ve really conquered the game.
We spend a lot of time with these bosses in development. Testing different solutions, approaches, and thinking about how different types of players would approach them. Here’s a quick glimpse into some of the questions we try to answer when putting together these fights:
These questions must be positive before a boss can release. We work with many limitations, like system performance and lag, and we do think about them- such as making all bosses have static rotations and allowing at least two seconds to respond to most important mechanics.
- Can you beat it in a party of f2p friendly classes?
- Is the boss unengaging, uninteractive, or unfun?
These questions have strong determinants on difficulty and are generally answered positively before release.
- Can you beat it in a party of 3?
- Are there at least 4 unique class combinations that can beat it?
- Is the difficulty due to execution, gearing, or both?
- Is it possible to beat in a public party? (only ingame chat, people you haven’t played with before)
- Can you beat it without potions or boost weapons?
But sometimes, things still go unseen. Over the weekend, several new tactics and solutions were discovered using unintended interactions that made the fight easier than intended. Because many of you really enjoyed the level of difficulty and accomplishment that came with this, we’ve decided to address those by keeping the boss difficult (but speeding it up a bit), without affecting how most strategies work. As well, we’ve made the rewards faster to obtain and stronger.
The First Speaker boss updated:
- The First Speaker will return to position upon Power Split
- Healing reduced by 25%
- Scintillation defense buff reduced (100% -> 75%)
- Magia Burn magic vulnerability per stack increase (100 -> 300%), duration increased (16 -> 18)
- Sanctity duration reduced, and Equalizer will kill you if you have it and are hit
These changes make the fight faster, and prevent a few unintended interactions. It won’t affect most strategies outside of speeding up the fight.
Vohu's reward shop prices changed:
- Goddess of War damage bonuses increased (40% -> 50%)*
- Goddess of War no longer requires Insignia (5 -> 0), but now requires additional components
- War Blade of Power, Speed, Strength, Wisdom, and Courage Insignia price reduced (10 -> 7), but now requires additional components
- Malgor ShadowFlame Blade Insignia cost reduced (25 -> 20)
*Further update: Based on feedback, the merged armor will remain 40% to races, and instead, a quest will become available later this week to upgrade it to 50% and more rep and class rep boost.
These changes make the rewards stronger and require less boss kills to obtain, while increasing farming time spent outside the boss in return for the power.
Bugs Note from Cemaros
While optimizing inventory flow, there was an error resulting in the buyback shop in the Account manager not showing some items. This issue has now been resolved.

March 05, 2023
Sunday Updates and Fixes!
Sunday Updates #5 - March 5, 2023
Haii! (Yoshino here under the Alina disguise.. shhh) We are aware of the following recent issue:
Combat Issues
- Some monsters gained the ability to be stunned that weren't previously stunnable.
- Some monsters also lost the ability to be immune to stuns.
Fixes? You got them!
With tonight's restart.. (well, double restarts!), these issues have been addresed:
Friendships Bug
- Resolved the issue between being unable to talk/gift every day which essentially locked the option of only doing 1 of those every other day.
Guild Commands
- Resolved the issue between being unable to use any guild commands while in a guild.
Wanna read more like these? Check out the previous one here!

February 25, 2023
Thursday Updates And potentially more?!?
Saturday Updates #4 - February 25, 2023
Haii, it's Yoshino here! (under the Alina disguise...again.. shhh - she hasn't noticed!) As part of the recent updates and bug fixes being made every week, some people may miss out on things, so I will be constantly updating this post over time!
Em-pathetic Connection quest updates:
Mana Residue
- Drop rate increased. (30% -> 100%)
- Max stack increased to 40
Mage's Blood Sample
- Drop rate increased. (30% -> 100%)
- Max stack increased to 40
Warlic's Favor
- Drop rate increased. (30% -> 100%)
- Max stack increased to 5
Prior Updates #3 - February 18, 2023
The following maps will now kick people who are AFK:
- /Archmage
- /Revenant
Prior Updates #2 - February 18, 2023
The Frostval 2022 Gifting Tiers have been updated with their respective items:
- Frostval Giftbox Ebil Moglin Pet
- Frostval Giftbox Ebil Moglin Trophy
The LQS Primal Frost Tiger Shop has been updated:
- Frost Tiger of the Void Pet
Prior Updates #1 - February 16, 2023
The Frostval 2022 Gifting Tiers house shops have been updated with their respective house trophy items:
- Frostval Giftbox Evergreeny Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Mort Moglin Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Sage Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Snowy Moglin Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Twig Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Twilly Trophy
- Frostval Giftbox Zorbak Moglin Trophy
Alina note: Noticed more random "info" DNs lately? The team is adding more mid-week Design Notes posts with in-game news and answers to common questions. The goal: to make sure players who don't use social media often can stay up to date as easily as those who do.

February 04, 2023
Clickable Map Items Issue FIXED!
Server Issue is now fixed!
Thank you all for your patience as Captain Rhubarb looked into the issue that occured after the release earlier tonight.*
Investigating current server Issue
Captain Rhubarb is currently investigating the issue where heroes can't recieve map clickable items which is needed to complete their active quest.
* Unfortunately, if you were working on any active map clickable quest during this time, you'll have to re-accept the quest and gather the requirements once more.

January 30, 2023
Monday Updates
Updates and a Mystery Item Hunt?
Haii, its Yoshino here! (under the Alina disguise... shhh) to get all of the wonderful news updates out. But first, let's start with an update on a few one-time-only quest items:
The following items will also now drop from monsters:
Ground Chunks (House item)
- Now Drops from Heart of Chaos in /lagunabeach
Death Pit Sword (Tier 1)
- Now drops from Drakel Gladiator in /deathpit
Death Pit Sword (Tier 2)
- Now drops from Drakel Gladiator in /deathpit
Call of Hope
- Now drops from Viridi in /pyramidpain
Mini Energy Tornado
- Now drops from Energy Tornado in /airstorm
- Now drops from Level 15 Shelletons
Glowing Crown Blade
- Now drops from Doomwood Soldier in /doomwood, /necrotower, /necru, /temple
Primitive Bone Axe
- Now drops from Doomwood Soldier in /doomwood, /necrotower, /necru,/ temple
Fabled Chopper
- Now drops from Earth Elemental in /fableforest
Elders' Blood (Potions)
- Now stacks up to 20
Mystery Item Hunt!?!!
Alright fine, since you've made it this far - here's a hint: A monster tainted by ShadowFlame drops this adorable little guy who comes along with a quest to obtain his armor set. Good luck searching!