Design Notes
January 23, 2013
Coming Friday
Darkblood, Treasure Chests, MOD Birthdays and More!
This Friday the new Chaos Lord Lionfang saga continues in the Darkblood city of Falguard.
Captain Madra and one of her Falguard Dreadwatch Soldiers
This week you will enter the mysterious Darkblood city of FALGUARD, whose doors have remained closed to outsiders for years. The Darkblood Scroll has been translated and a newly empowered CHAOS LORD LIONFANG plans to test out his new powers searching for the Darkblood weapon that may be able to defeat Chaos.
The City will feature the Thunderforge Reputation Shop (on Madra herself), A Weapon Shop, An Armor Shop, a Hair Shop, at least one dark alley, a few quests to grind Thunderguard Reputation (more for Members) and, of course, the storyline quests.
Can you find the secret weapon of the Darkblood before Chaos Lord Lionfang rips Falguard apart?
Other Stuff Happening This Week
- We have new treasure chest items coming for all of you who have unlocked been stocking the treasure chests up and Members who have been stockpiling your free Treasure Chest Keys from Twilly
- We have TWO Mod birthday shops coming Friday as well. Captain Stratos, Co-head Moderator and Bug Master General and Vokun, one of our newest volunteer assistant developers!
- The 1 Year Member Golden Set Member Package is going away, to be replaced by the Jade Samurai 1 Year Member Set which is exactly the same as the other package but with a different set.
Stuff Coming In The Future
We're working on some new Membership perks for you guys, in addition to the one that Alina talked about earlier. We are trying to workout a system where Members would simply get MORE ACs. If you buy the 2000 AC package and you're a Member then you would get more than 2000 ACs.
How many more? Still working on making it happen (It may never happen, but we're trying) so we'll saw for sure at that time.
Next week Quibble will be coming back to Battleon and will be bringing a host of all new, slightly used rares from the future (and past in this case). A few of you were asking if Xavier Lionfang's Silver Lion Armor would be released during the Lionfang Saga... well, it is.
Funny story: ORIGINALLY the Lionfang armor art was silver, but went back for a recolor and came out the gold version that we all know. Makes sense that Xavier would get his big brother's hand-me-downs.
Changes to Battleon will start happening soon. Things will start moving, appearing, vanishing, shifting, sliding and expanding.
The Search For New Mods Continues
Reens and Stratos are still looking for a few good players who help expand the Moderator team of AQW.
If you want to know how to apply, READ THIS CAREFULLY. I've had people e-mailing me and even trying to apply on Twitter which just proves that you either
- Didn't bother to read the directions,
- Skimmed them but didn't pay attention, or
- Can't read English well enough to be a Mod.
No matter which way you go, if you can't even apply correctly then you lacking some very necessary qualifications that we need in our Mods.
People have been asking me who "won the Mod contest?". I can't stress enough that this is not a contest to be won, it's a volunteer job to be applied for. It's a pretty serious and necessary position and we have some fairly high standards for what we expect from our Mods.
It's hours and hours of helping, reading thousands of player reports and trying your best to help other players. It's a thankless job but that's OK because we don't pay you anything. We even put restrictions on the items that Mods get. The only rewards are a gold name, the chance to test the releases before they are finished and the chance to help make AQW a better and safer game for everyone.