Design Notes
June 11, 2019
The Summer Shop is BACK!
Summer is here, and so is the hottest gear of the year!
This Friday, log in as we bring back the Summer Shop. Find all the returning seasonal items you guys love to battle in, plus Aranx's Summer Style and Summer Rave sets. Then, next week, return to find Noir's Waterpolo gear, new hairs, and new surfboards!
Find the Summer Shop in your game menu, containing:
- Summer Style armor
- Summer Rave armor
- Prismatic Summer Rave armor
- Summer Rave accessories
- Victory and Battle Swimwear armors
- Robes of Knowledge
- Class of 2019 banner cape
And our seasonal surfboards:
- Artix Dragon surfboard
- Treasure Map surfboard
- Surfboard of the Nation
- Surfboard of the Legion
- Surfboard of Destiny
- and more!
New Beach Towel Capes + Taking Pride in Who You Are
The Artix Entertainment community has always been made up of many different heroes. We live in different countries, believe different things, have different types of families.... but one thing has always been true. We believe that you should always be proud of who you are and the struggles you've overcome (especially at the ages most of our community are... whoever said being a kid or teen was easy?!).
Every June, we release our Summer Shop. And this month -- when people across the world celebrate Pride Month and staying true to who you are, no matter who you are -- we're adding in 5 new striped beach towel capes, available for gold to everyone:
- Rainbow Striped Beach Towel
- Multi-Striped Beach Towel
- Prismatic Striped Beach Towels (with color customization in 3, 4, or 5 stripe designs)
The prismatic capes stripes will be color customizable and will match your Base, Trim, Accessory, Eye, Hair colors, depending on how many CC stripes are in your cape.
The team and I stand by our heroes, and -- like many other companies across the internet and world this month -- are taking this opportunity to show that support visibly. We want all our heroes to feel free to show off who you are with pride... at the beach, at home, at school, and everywhere else your journeys take you.