Design Notes
June 22, 2018
2018 Summer Shop + Surfboards
The Heat is ON!
Log in this weekend to find our new 2018 Summer Surf items. Get the Flame Tattoo armor, all-new surfboards, the ShadowScythe Surfer armor, and more at!
Summer 2018 Gear is Here!
This year's new surfboards were inspired by the winners of our May "Design a Surfboard" contest. Each winner will get their own 0 AC board for free storage. Everyone else can find the surfboards in...
Summer Shop (in your Game Menu)
- Artix Dragon Surfboard
- Octo Balloon Surfboard
- Death's Surfboard
These boards will return each year along with the rest of our seasonal summer items.
Featured Gear Shop (in your Game Menu)
- Baconator Surfboard
- Monster Queen Surfboard
- Sepulchure's Surfboard
- Ice Cweam Surfboard
- Stranded J6 Surfboard
These boards will only be available during our Summer 2018 events. Once Summer ends, these boards will be gone forever.
Brutalcorn Boss Drop
- Brutalcorn Surfboard
Battle Brutalcorn in the /battlewedding map for a chance to get this 0 AC surfboard for a limited time.
Featured Gear Shop Update
Summer won't be available forever... and neither will our rare Summer gear! To see what Summer items will go rare in August, head to the Featured Gear shop in your Game Menu to find...
- Rare 2018 Summer Surfboards
- ShadowScythe Surfer armor
- Beach Waves and Beach Bum hair helms
Treasure Map Shop Update
Find the Treasure Map in your AdventureCoin shop in the game menu to unlock 13 armors, the Map of Lore Surfboard, and more!
- Map of Lore Surfboard