Design Notes
October 20, 2010
New Fun in Store!
Well, technically, it’s in a Shop.
There is a new type of shop coming to AQWorlds this Friday that you are going to love! For lack of a better fancy-pants name, we are calling it a Merge Shop.
That jpeg hardly does it justice. Merge Shops will allow you to get certain items by trading in other items instead of just flat-out buying it with Gold. A great example is the PvP Trophy system in Battleon where you trade in Trophies (currently set as Quest turn-ins) to get the wicked PvP gear Dumoose offers.
But there’s a problem with this current system. You can SEE the item name that you want, but you can’t SEE the item itself until you turn your hard-earned PvP Trophies in. And what happens if you slaved in PvP combat, traded your trophies in, but didn’t like the item reward?
Merge Shops fix that!
Tadaa! You get a lovely preview of the item along with the item turn-ins required. Merge Shops will put an end to the crazy get-quest-then-get-items-required-for-that-quest-and-then-turn-in-quest-after-getting-those-items-and-then-get-item-reward-that-you-cannot-see-until-after-you-turn-in-the-quest madness.
We will start putting these new Merge Shops all over Lore in the near future. The first Merge Shop you will encounter will be in this week’s upcoming new Mogloween release!
Mogloween 2010
Jack-o-Dooms and crazed monocle-wearing dentists have nothing on the newest Mogloween installment. This Friday at sundown, you and your buddies are going to discover where the Cauldron Sisters get their candy supplies from… where else than the Candy Cornfields!
But the Sisters’ candy corn suppliers haven’t filled this year’s order yet. History tells us that something must be wrong, and you must travel to the candy cornfields to uncover what is holding up the operation. Brand new monsters, a whole new zone, killer cutscenes, and Mogloween Seasonal Rares await!
The Mogloween Seasonal Shop from previous years will be returning… but in a different way. Remember that Merge Shop thing I told you about? Yup, this will be your first encounter with this new feature! The monsters in the candy cornfields will be loaded with all sorts of candy that you can collect and turn-in for spook-tastical armors, weapons, helms and more, some being past Mogloween favorites and others being brand new! W00t!
…wait, why can’t I trade in my candy IRL for new clothes? Does HeroMart accept payments by bubblegum? I’ll have to look into this.
And for those who have been wondering about the Pumpkinlord Class… YES, it WILL come back as a drop off this year’s big bad boss ^____^ (I’m not sure if I was supposed to tell you that…)
More Pumpkins!
If you have logged into Battleon recently (which I hope you have!), you probably noticed a giant glowing pumpkin chillin’ over by Twilly. If you click that gourd, it will give you some links to give your friends the free and rare Great Mogloween Pumpkin helm!
Much like the Marshmallow on a Stick for the Friday the 13th Event, this lovely pumpkin helm can be Upgraded! But not yet. You are ganna have to wait until this week’s release in order to upgrade this helm into a Fiery Mogloween Pumpkin or a . Wahahha >:D It’s super secret, so you’ll have to find out for yourself (if you can find it… and if Dage doesn’t leak the secret ahead of time lol!)
Speaking of pumpkins, the Pumpkin Carving Contest is still underway! If you have no shame in chopping up a defenseless pumpkin, gourd, or squash, then this contest is PERFECT for you!
You can see a full list of rules on the Official Contest Forum Post. Some of the entries are REALLY awesome, and for those of you who poured your hearts (and knives) into carving a pumpkin, I want to personally thank you =D
Knight of the Dragon haz srs skillz!
You wouldn’t believe some of the entries I have seen with people COPYING last year’s winners and pretending it to be their own. This makes me so sad =( I don’t like to use frowny-face emotes, but whenever I see someone copying someone else’s hard work, and claiming it to be their own, I can’t help but equal-sign open-parentheses.
So let’s keep this fun, guys and gals! That’s what a contest is all about, right? Right! Also, Cysero promised a super-cool item for the Grand Prize Winner—on top of 5,000 ACs—so what do you have to lose? (Please don’t say a finger, because I KNOW how sharp those carving tools can be!)
Full moon this Friday?
According to Google, it is! When was the last time we celebrated a Full Moon? …did we do something special before involving wolves or something? Would you guys like the return of the limited-time only Full Moon shop?
Lemmie hear your thoughts on my Twitter! Majority wins =D