Design Notes
December 01, 2016
Frostval 2016 Holiday Event Coming Soon
Our three-part Karok vs Kezeroth event begins December 16th!
The conclusion of a story 26,004 years in the making ends this month as Karok and Kezeroth come face to face for the first time in millennia... but will WE survive?!
The Story So Far...
Many years ago (ok, back in 2012)...
We learned of a alien creature named Kezeroth the World Ender and how 26,000 years before, he tried to free the Beast Quetzal from his prison in a giant ice comet, but failed. Back in 2012, Quetzal's comet was finally close enough once more for Kezeroth to sense it, and to end what he began so long ago.
His plan was to use Quetzal's power to encase the world in ice... ending all life on Lore for good! If you're just joining us, next week you'll be able to battle through the "End of the World" adventure and face both the Beast Quetzal and Kezeroth the World Ender.
But the story doesn't stop there!
Two years later, in 2014...
We met Karok the Fallen, a mage from the alien ice world of Glacera. What we coulnd't have known then was that Karok was not the first Glaceran enemy we've faced -- his brother, Kezeroth, lay buried under the ice... trapped for 26,000 years. But there was far, FAR more pressing matters to deal with -- like the horde of Frostspawn Karok sent at us, trying to destroy our world.
Last year, in 2015...
Karok returned, stronger than ever and with a brand-new, very untrustworthy ally -- the Queen of Monsters! If you've played our games for any length of time, you'll know that there was no way THAT would end well, and you'd be right. You just wouldn't know how... but this year, you'll find out!
Kezeroth and Karok Reunite...
And that reunion might spell the end of more than just our Frostval winter holiday! Log in next week to replay all our previous seasonal Frostval events, and study Kezeroth and Karok. Because on December 15th, they'll BOTH want to see you again, and it won't be to Netflix and chill.
More like, "Netflix and Kill"
So get ready, because Frostval 2016 is almost here!