Design Notes

February 16, 2018

Journey To NibbleOn

Hometown of Moglins

Moglins are one of Lore’s most recognizable creatures; they are healers, magicians, caretakers, and sometimes battle companions. This week, journey to NibbleOn, the village Moglins call home, and learn more about the race that has helped you so often on your adventures (and lend a hand to defend it from invaders out to steal their magic… and moglinberries)!

Frostvale may be cool, but this... is... NIBBLEON!

The town of Battleon has always been your hero’s hometown in AdventureQuest Worlds. But this weekend, for the first time ever, you’re invited to visit the moglins’ main hometown: NibbleOn!

Meet the Moglins

NibbleOn is full of like... and moglins! You'll meet a new cast of characters in the moglin hometown:

  • Button the Adorable Greeter Moglin
  • Thistle the Potion Moglin
  • Comet the Flying Treasure Hunter Moglin
  • Bixx the Innkeeper
  • Phero the Pet Store Owner 
  • Zifwin the Colorful the Rainbow Mage
  • Nel the Lorekeeper
  • Tika the Hut Seller
  • Zavnix the Dark Makai (!!!)
  • Herp the derp moglin

SUPER SECRET SPOILER: we have some pretty cool ideas for expanding NibbleOn in the future. Stryche, the head of HeroMart, is vital to these plans and future additions.

Merch from the Moglins

There are 27 new items coming this weekend in the town of NibbleOn (give or take a few that the Makai made off with)! Talk to the different shop vendors, complete their quests, and take on monsters (like the cute-but-deadly DoomKitten) to get fierce, funny, and fuzzy rewards!

Get your /Party On with New Holiday Items

Our month of holiday celebrations continue with all-new gear. Find the Carnival of LoveCupid’s Toga, and Armure l’Amour armor sets this weekend in the Featured Item Shop in your game menu. Check out the Gold Parade armor set in the Yokai New Year Shop.*

*Only avilable only during our Hero’s Heart Day, Yokai New Year, and Carnaval events each year. 

Tags: Alina,
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