Design Notes
April 28, 2011
HeroSmash Launch!
Become A Founder!
HeroSmash goes live TONIGHT and this is your first chance to become a Founder of HeroSmash!
Support this brand new game during the first 30-days of launch with any HeroSmash upgrade or SmashCoin package on this game and you will be declared a Founder of HeroSmash. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and once it is gone, it will never be available again. Along with the warm & fuzzy feeling that you are making this game possible, you will receive the Founder Badge on your character page, access to the exclusive in-game Founder Shop and other game bonuses, the respect of your fellow players, the eternal thanks of the AE team, and some serious bragging rights.
If you missed your chance to become a founder of our previous games (like this one, for example)… do not miss your only opportunity to be a Founder in HeroSmash!
Speaking of Founders, AQW Founders get a little perk in HeroSmash. You will get exclusive access to the Drakath HeroSmash Armor. It's just another way for us to say thanks for showing your support for THIS game when it was brand new. We appreciate the faith you have shown in us in the past and we hope you'll stay with us ALL of our new games.
Don't forget that Upgrading in EITHER HS or AQW will get you a V.I.P Membership that works in BOTH games, but the ONLY way to get Founder in HeroSmash is by buying a HeroSmash Upgrade or SmashCoins within the next 30 days!
HeroSmash Launch Shop Is Now Open
To honor the release of our latest game, AQW has release a small shop with items that you can see soon in HeroSmash!
Just click on the HeroSmash button in battleon to browse the items and see what you like. All of these items will be going rare in 1 week.
As you probably know by now, William, Prince of Wales and future head of the British Monarchy and his lovely fiance Kate Middleton are getting married tomorrow!
It's not every day that the Crown Prince of England get hitched so to honor this royal union we will also be opening a Windsor Wedding Shop tomorrow. The shop contains
- The Classy Windsor Wedding armors (styled after William and Kate's attire)
- 10 Hats to match the Male and female versions of the armor.
This also includes 5 top hats one of which is the ULTRAHAT... a top hat so stupidly tall that it goes off the screen in most places in AQW.
The ULTRAHAT started as a joke. J6 decided to make each top-hat taller than the others before it. Finally he made one that was about a meter tall and said "why stop there? so he took it to the next logical (illogical) step and thus the ULTRAHAT was born.
He sent me the preview and we both got a good laugh out of it. I thought... we should share the laugh. I decided to put this silly hat into the game for the AMAZINGLY DUMB price of 5000 ACs figuring it would just give most people a dumb chuckle. At least those who like to laugh at silly things.
We shared this with our Twitter friends and suddenly, against all odds and my explicit request that people NOT waste their money on this hat, people began swearing up and down that they are going to buy it.
If you are one of thes people allow me to remind you one last time that this is a terrible idea. It's a stupid hat. It is in NO WAY worth 5000 ACs. Use your money on becoming a HeroSmash Founder or save them for some nice LQS or Quibble item in the future.
If you really want the hat (confession, i've done dumb things like that just because I can't resist dumb stuff like this) then I am not the one to stop and I encourage you to take pride in your ownership of the ridiculous spirit that also motivates me to greatness, but I REALLY STRONGLY suggest saving your ACs for something worthy.
The hat is still going into the shop and I still hope that most (or all) of you will still get a LOL out of seeing it there, busting out of the preview window. It will be the ONLY AC item in the shop. Everything else is member and non-member gold.
Anyway, the Windsor Wedding shop arrives tomorrow and will last one week and we wish Kate and William and long and happy life together! Gratz from the AQW team and everyone here at Artix Entertainment!
Skyguard Expansion Tomorrow
Tomorrow we continue the Skyguard Member-Only Zone with a trip to the Skyguard Academy where not everything is as it seems.
You will also see some great Player Suggestion items making their way from the pages of our forums to the Player Suggestion Shop in Yulgar's inn.
Don't forget the Spring Art Content going on now! Read more about it on Beleen's Art Contest-a-licious Post!
See you guys tomorrow! Until then, let's all go see what breaks in the HeroSmash launch!