Design Notes

May 15, 2020

Enter the Hall of Classes

A Hub for all your Class Training Needs

The first wing of the Hall of Class Trainers is open! Log in and /join classhall to talk to the 16 Trainers for classes geared towards heroes level 1-25. Talk to Class Loremaster Arlen for his quests, merge shop, and permanent rewards shop.

Talk to each of the trainers to learn more about how to best use the different classes, and access the quests/shops to obtain them.

Class LoreMaster Arlen needs your help

Arlen's quests are geared towards heroes of all levels, and reward Loremaster faction rep and badges. Spend them in his merge shop to unlock versions of the Shinobi and Battle Berserker armor sets. The Greenguard Ranger set is available for gold for all heroes.

Tackle the Training Dummies

Head to the room north of Class Loremaster Arlen to find our training courtyard and three SUPER-HIGH HP training dummies. The high HP will give you a chance to test out your skills and practice your moves and combinations alone or with friends.

Hall of Classes Rare Gear

Find color customizable versions of the Shinobi and Battle Berserker armor sets in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu. These sets will leave Friday, May 29th.

Even more news to share

You're able to see the most visible parts of the AQWorlds team's work each week with the new releases. But every day, in addition to building that week's update, the team is working on additional projects, creating assets for upcoming releases, updating existing gameplay / content, or planning fun new additions. 

Tags: Alina,
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