Design Notes

March 21, 2016

This Friday, the Grenwog Returns!

Egg-stra Ancient Origin Story!

Millennia ago, a tribe of ancient humans dominated the area we know as the Bloodtusk Ravine. This war-loving society prized strength, speed, and courage. Before young heroes were pronounced fit to adventure through the world, they had to test their strength and skill against one of the most fearsome beasts in the land....

That tradition spread to other lands and peoples, and continued through the ages until the reasons for it were lost to time... and overshadowed by bunnies, chocolate, and cheeps chirping each Spring. (And Cabdury's egg hunt!)

Grenwog is an egg-straordinary holiday on Lore - with eggs to find, bunnies to catch, and the dreaded Grenwog to defeat… but WHY do we fight the Grenwog… and how? Its origin story has been lost to time… until now!

Quibble Coinbiter Returns!

In preparation for our next main storyline* (written by Artix!), Quibble will be making his way to Battleon with chests full of dark, deadly, and EVIL gear!

Arcane Dark Caster Class Buffs!

We got a lot of feedback over the weekend from people who'd gotten a chance to play the newest class - Arcane Dark Caster. This week, Arklen and the class team will be looking at the class and testing changes to its power... then making it BETTER! Changes will go live on Friday. :) 

If you were one of the 202 people who purchased the accidentally-released Arcane Dark Caster ARMOR for 1000 ACs but want to get to unlock the class, a new quest has been added to the NPC in Battleon just for you!  Since you paid 1000AC fo your Armor, your quest requires you to purchase a 1000 AC token from the NPCs Merge shop to complete your quest.  Once you do that, you will recieve the class token like the rest of the quests!

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