Design Notes

January 29, 2013

Hunt for Graveclaw's Gear

Wednesday's Hunt for Graveclaw's Kamas Is On!

It may be that Graveclaw has already had contact with creatures outside his prison! The hunt for the newest version of the Shattersword Kama is on! Battle creatures throughout Lore using the clue below as a starting point for where to look, then slay anything that might fit the hint! 


Decipher the clue, defeat the creature, get the prize!

The location of this weapon - and the clue - will change each day, as will the color of the wrapping on the handle! Each item is 0 ACs, so enjoy the free storage after you /party up with your friends and start hunting! 

Another ally, Graveclaw's trying: 
A minion who battles, never falling, undying.

In Graveclaw's shadow, warriors fall
and rise again at the Defiler's call!

Wait, Who is Graveclaw?

Graveclaw the Defiler is a monstrous beast defeated and imprisoned by a young King Alteon decades ago. Since then, he has raged inside his prison - Shattersword Cavern - deep below the Forest of Chaos.

In recent years, Empress Gravelyn began sending warriors down to battle him. That activity bled off the strength he used to enhance the powerful magic he controls. What no one foresaw was that the dark magic Graveclaw possesses would be twisted by the earth fairy magic of the caverns! Now he has an army, and he's ready to rise up against Swordhaven AND Shadowfall!

Quibble Coinbiter's Shop Returns Friday!

Who doesn't love art previews? I know I do! A lot of you have been asking to see some of the Darkblood gear that Quibble will bring, and Solrac just sent some in this morning! With this armor, you'll be able to stalk the streets of Falguard, City of Secrets, unnoticed!

Shops Leaving Monday, Announcements Coming!

Australia Day Shop and Stratos/Vokun's Birthday Shops are leaving next Monday. Next Tuesday is the SHUT UP AND TAKE MY RARES drawing! As soon as Reens is feeling better, we'll get an update from her about the in-game moderator hunt.

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