Design Notes

June 17, 2013


Grimblight Weapon Recall (Bug fixes & AC refund)

Greetings all! As you know, we have a long history of listening to you and doing our very best to "do the right thing." This weekend, we released a cursed battleaxe called the Grimblight of Destiny. It was supposed to do +5% damage against most monsters except undead... but due to a glitch it was doing 30x damage vs Chaos Monsters. Which was absolutely awesome for everyone farming Blade of Awe pieces from Chaos Lords. But, it is absolutely game breaking and as you surely understand, must be fixed. There was a great deal of misunderstanding about the hallucinagetic effects of the weapon, which includes AFK players appearing to die on your screen, and forcing all players into an idle position (which is great for lag).  Despite this incredible weapon being unlike anything in the game -- the 30x damage bug and confusion have caused dissapointment and even a petition on twitter. Committed to doing "the right thing," there is only one solution... WEAPON RECALL! We are going remove and refund every Grimblight weapon in the game (at full AdventureCoins Value). Even if you had a Grimblight and sold it, you will get the full, correct adjusted amount returned to you. This is a very fair solution to a complex problem that should leave everyone feeling good. Then we are going to fix the damage bug. Everyone who wants this horrifying and amazing weapon, will be able to get the corrected version from Mort's shop.

Weapon Recall (already done)

  • The Grimblight of Destiny has been removed from Mort's shop
  • All Grimblight of Destiny weapons will be removed and refunded 2,000 AC (100%)
  • If you already sold your Grimblight, you will be given AdventureCoins to make the total amount you sold it for worth 2,000 AC.
  • The damage bug will be fixed. (We will set the +Damage vs Chaos bonus to 6% to remember this history making madness.)
  • The Grimblight of Destiny will be put back in Mort's shop for 2,000AC so you can rebuy it.
  • Mort will return each time Grimskull's dungeon updates to sell the GrimBlight of Destiny. The axe will ONLY be available when Mort is in Battleon!


  • ALL Members are getting their Membership extended by +2 days
  • Blinding Light of Destiny is getting +5% vs Undead and "click special" added
Tags: Artix, Grimblight,
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