Design Notes

March 29, 2024

Spring AdventureCoin Bonus

Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack

Your luck is in! To help you celebrate Dage the Evil's real-life birthday today and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Dark Birthday x Spring AdventureCoin bonus! 

Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!

During our 2024 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Tags: Alina,

March 29, 2024

100% Art-ificial Event

Reminder to All EbilCorp Employees

It has come to Chairman Platinum's attention that EbilCorp customers enjoy looking at "art." This means they are NOT giving him the adoration he requires. Unacceptable. However, it takes years to develop the skill a successful artist requires, and our Chairman is far too important for that. But he IS a genius, and discovered a way to bypass the time, effort, and carpal tunnel syndrome normal artists must endure. YOU are fortunate enough to help him turn his method into a reality. Report to /ebilart to begin. Now.

What's an unethical CEO to do when he needs to become a talented artist fast, but refuses to put in the time and effort? Simple! Steal entire locations, people, and monsters to feed into his Ebil AI generator, then claim the credit. Unfortunately, in the mixing, things have gotten a little... janky. And that's where YOU come in! Log in now and /join ebilart to battle through this week's 100% human-created, very silly AI-pril Fools update!

  • Talk to Yes Ma'am in /ebilart to begin the adventure. NOW.
  • Battle oddly-unsettling monsters and NPCs to collect ebil rewards
  • Complete the event to unlock AI (Oh NO) Miko's Glaring Errors bonus quest and character page badge 

Genuine-ly Ebil Rewards

All heroes are considered EbilCorp employees by default upon creating an account. Fortunately, EbilCorp richly rewards all those who labor on Chairman Platinum's behalf. Read to see what awAIts your successful completion of this weekend's event. 

Monster drops:

  • EbilNet Agent armor + accessories
  • Ebil Company Guard armor + accessories
  • EbilAI Enforcer hair + locks
  • GrAIvelyn Morph helm
  • Chairman Platinum Promotional poster
  • Hoarding Mogbug pet
  • Sunken, Fading, Flipped, and Blended Trees
  • Sackar Coffel house items
  • A totally normal UI element
  • Helms that will make you go goggly-eyed

Yes Ma'am's Merge Shop:

  • Ebilnet Operator + Specialist Operator armors
  • Ebil Company + Scavenger armors 
  • Ebil Company helms 
  • Broken Binary Monitor
  • Ebilnet Flashlight (single + dual-wield)
  • Ebilnet Sign (single + dual-wield)
  • NegaNet Protective Gear
  • Ebilnet Code Tank
  • Ebil Company set accessories
  • Netspace Portal
  • Red + Grey ShadeScadoo Banners
  • Tear in Reality
  • Chairman's Signature

AI-Pril Fools Rares

Find a host of new featured rare items, 100% human-made, just for you! Available in your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoins until May 3rd. Then they'll leave game... forever.

  • Harlequin Fool armor set (color-customizable)
  • Overdriven Evocator Morph helms
  • Flipped Flame cape
  • Enchanted Ebil Kaiju Scientist + weapons*
  • Ebil AI Enforcer set
  • RobinAI Morph
  • Titan Holozilla Pet (color-customizable + Hero-sized)

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: Double Gold, Rep, Class Points, EXP
Resource Boost: Void Auras
Saturday: Literally Corny Farming set from Super Prince in /gardenquest
Sunday: Sturdy Surprises of Nulgath from Sketchy Frogzard in /battlefools

Leaving Soon

Events & Shops

  • March 31: Legion Warseeker + Darkness Chronomancer sets
  • April 5: March Event Hub, Dage's Birthday + Lucky Day events, Dark Treasure Hunt rewards
  • April 9: Dark AdventureCoin Bonus ends
  • April 12: Dage's 2024 Birthday Rares

Daily Login Gifts Leaving March 31st

  • Dragon's Diamond Hoard from Zakhvatchik in /hakuwar
  • Holographic Futuristic Laken + Shogun Guards from Legionator in /futurelegion
  • SoulEater Scythe from Frost Fang in the /eventhub
  • Battleon Barbae Outfit from Heart Elemental in /beleensdream
  • Underworld Sacrificer Helms + Enchained Oneiros cape from Legion Knight in /legionbarracks
  • Overdriven Knight set from Overdriven Knight in /cocytusbarracks
  • Underworld Chandalier Maces + Ivory Penitent Statue from Underworld Chest in /eventhub

* a seasonal non-color custom version of this armor set will drop from a monster in next week's event hub.

Tags: Alina,

March 25, 2024

Game News: March 25 - 31


You are not authorized to view the requested game update details. Any attempt to retain, disseminate, or otherwise digest data contained below may result in extremely egregious penalties being applied. Please click this link to navigate away from this webpage.  

Tuesday, March 26: Cursed Treasure Hunt

Our Tuesday Treasure Hunt is live! This week's Tuesday release adds a new quest onto Angelina Rayder in the /LegionCrypt map. Talk to her to begin battling to collect the pieces of the 0 AC Cursed Sorceror's Underworld Staff. 

Rewards include:

  • Cursed Sorceror's Underworld Staff

This item reward and the quest for it will be permanently available. 

Note: all players can start this quest regardless of how far they are in the Seraphic Saga. Darkon, the NPC next to Angelina Rayder, will tell you to leave... but you don't want to talk to him anyway. Angelina Rayder’s quest and merge shop are fully accessible. 

Wednesday, March 27: Info Updates

Hollowborn Caladbolg Changes

We've heard your feedback on the requirements for the the Pay Homage to Caladbolg (Again) quest to create the Hollowborn Caladbolg. Yesterday, the team and I reviewed what the community concerns were and discussed how we could address them:

1) Some players aren't happy the original Caladbolg is needed to begin the quest.
They want the requirement removed.

2) Some players bought the Altar of Caladbolg specifically so they could get the Caladbolg to begin the quest. They do not want the requirement removed.

3) Other players feel like the rewards aren't enough after how hard it is to complete the Counterblow quest. They want boosts added.

The Hollowborn Caladbolg quest and rewards are permanently available, so for any players who do not currently have the original Caladbolg... you have time to get it; there is no need to hurry! But I apologize that the information was not made available prior to release. Although it's shown as a quest requirement in-game, I understand the impact of the unexpected surprise and additional barrier.

Because there are many players who bought the Altar of Caladbolg so they could get the sword to begin the quest, we cannot simply remove it as a requirement. That wouldn't be fair to them. And we hear all of the players asking for boosts. So here's what the team and I landed on, as the best way to make as many people happy as possible (which is always the goal for all our releases).

1) A new quest is being added to create the Lesser Hollowborn Caldbolg. 
This quest will not require either the original Caladbolg or Lesser Caladbolg swords.

2) The requirements to begin the Pay Homage to Caladbolg (Again) quest will not change.
The original Caladbolg Sword + Altar of the Hollowborn Caladbolg will remain.

3) OMG so many boosts are being added this weekend! Read on for specific updates.
HOORAY! The Empowered Caladbolg weapons are on their way.

  • Hollowborn Caladbolg weapons: 45% boost to ALL Damage added*
  • Hollowborn Lich King: 40% Boost to Human monsters added
  • Hollowborn Lich King's Pride: 50% Boost to Human monsters added
  • Shadow of the Legion cape: boost increasing to 50% Rep
  • How Much For One Rib? quest will be added to create the Lesser Hollowborn Caladbolg** and will also award 250 Hollow Souls
  • Hollowborn Paragon pet quests will get x1 Hollow Soul added to their quest rewards

* These can be merged with the Empowered Caladbolg to get a 51% boost to ALL Damage.
** The set-up and difficulty will be similar to the A Single Rib quest to get the original Lesser Caladbolg blade.

Mirror Caladbolg of Cheer blade Update

The Mirror Caladbolg of Cheer blade was announced as part of our December Limited Quantity Package. This was not originally planned for release, but was added to the list player requests. Due to real life illness and a near-unceasing amount of chaotic real-life misadventures, the sword has been delayed... but not forgotten. It will be added to its respective Book of Lore badge shop automatically once finished.

Thursday, March 28: Void Aura Boost

Get double rewards as you battle to create the Necrotic Sword of Doom until April 3rd.


  • Retrieve Void Auras
  • Gathering Unstable Essences
  • Commanding Shadow Essences

Get x10, x12, or x14 Void Auras while the boost is on!
(Regular reward quantity: x5, x6, or x7)

Friday, March 29th: Update Details

This is a standard Friday update. Nothing unusual about the art or NPCs. Do not question what you think you see. Do not attempt to track anything out of the ordinary. 

New Event: There is a new event.
Rewards: There are rewards.
Featured Gear Shop: There are rare items.

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: Double Gold, Rep, Class Points, EXP
Resource Boost: Void Auras
Saturday: A rare item will drop from a monster in a /map
Sunday: A rare item will drop from a monster in a /map

Leaving Soon

Events & Shops

  • March 29: March Event Hub 
  • March 31: Legion Warseeker + Darkness Chronomancer sets
  • April 5: Dage's Birthday + Lucky Day events, Dark Treasure Hunt rewards
  • April 9: Dark AdventureCoin Bonus ends
  • April 12: Dage's 2024 Birthday Rares

Daily Login Gifts Leaving March 31st

  • Dragon's Diamond Hoard from Zakhvatchik in /hakuwar
  • Holographic Futuristic Laken + Shogun Guards from Legionator in /futurelegion
  • SoulEater Scythe from Frost Fang in the /eventhub
  • Battleon Barbae Outfit from Heart Elemental in /beleensdream
  • Underworld Sacrificer Helms + Enchained Oneiros cape from Legion Knight in /legionbarracks
  • Overdriven Knight set from Overdriven Knight in /cocytusbarracks
  • Underworld Chandalier Maces + Ivory Penitent Statue from Underworld Chest in /eventhub
Tags: Alina,

March 22, 2024

2024 Dark Birthday Rares + Collection

Dage's Immortal Lich King Birthday Gear is HERE

Celebrate darkness, destruction, and Dage the Evil's birthday this weekend! For all you real-life rare hunters, this is the weekend you've been waiting for: Dage's 2024 Birthday gear is here. Log in now and check out the shop in Battleon to buy individual items. Get the Immortal Lich King Collection Chest to unlock ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins!

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs or
  • Buy individual items from Nibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

Available March 8th

  • Exclusive Immortal Lich King 2024 Collection Pet (unlocks the full collection shop)
  • Immortal Lich King armors 
  • Immortal Lich King helms + capes
  • Ecliptica Kingdom Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Immortal + Underworld Sacrificer armors
  • Black Sun Headdress helms
  • Underworld Sacrificer Wraiths cape
  • Deathly Prophecy Altar cape
  • Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape
  • Immortal Summoner + Forsaken Invoker armors
  • Malignant Death companion cape (animated)
  • Underworld Samurai armor set
  • Mystical Samurai Blaze & Flame capes
  • Underworld Eminence Titan armor set 
  • Immortal Lich Paragon pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
  • And more!

Available March 15th

  • Underworld Spirit Summoner armor
  • Underworld Spirit Host armor
  • Corvus Moriorum Sword and Dagger
  • Underworld Raven's Fury set
  • Immortal LionSlayer armor
  • LionSlayer's Soul Whip
  • Nemean Soul Cape
  • Immortal Sacrificial Skull pet (with quest for wall mural house item)
  • and more!

Available March 22nd

  • Hollowborn Paragon armor, helms, and capes
  • Imperial Lich Lord armor, helms, and capes
  • Nekyia Rite weapons
  • Relentless Pursuit Ground Rune + cape
  • Relentless Pursuer Companion pet + battlepet*
  • Underworld Conquest weapons
  • Hollowborn Raven armor set
  • Underworld Stealth Ops armors
  • Underworld Stealth Ops accessories
  • Hollowborn Paragon Bank Pet
  • Hollowborn Paragon Quest Pet

Birthday Shop Items Notes

Undead Legion Member Special Gift 
Get the exclusive, rare Legion Sacrificer armor + select set items from the Merge shop in /legionbarracks. 

Relentless Pursuer BattlePet
The member-only battlepet is available for 750 ACs in the Birthday Rares Shop. The version in the collection chest is non-member 0 ACs.

Immortal Bloodletter Deity Cape Variants March 23 Update

A teal variant of the Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape will be released for HeroPoints when Dage's Birthday Bundle arrives later this month. A color-custom version of the Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape that released in Dage's birthday shop + collection will be added to the collection chest and to Dage's Birthday Shop.

Late Friday night update from Stryche, our head of HeroMart: the bundle should be available soon! The color-custom cape will be added into the collection chest once the HeroPoints variant is available in-game. 

Didn't the Hollowborn Paragon Set already release?!
It sure did! Back in November, we announced that it would also arrive this month, because we have both Dage and Hollowborn events on the schedule and were not able to finish all of the Hollowborn Paragon gear we had initially planned. This is the best of both worlds... especially for heroes who were not able to get the items back in November.

Hollowborn Paragon Quest Pets
This pet is available for ACs, in the Collection Chest, and as a craftable pet for Legion Tokens + Hollowsouls. Each version of the pet lets you access the "Time for Some Spring Cleaning" and "Taking a Boat Trip" quests.

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Dage's Immortal Lich King Collection Chest and Paragon Quest pet, all of the gear contained inside the Collection shop will also be available individually in his Birthday Shop.

Tags: Alina,

March 22, 2024

Hollowborn x Legion Rewards

Embrace the Dark Art(ists) This Weekend

Our Month of Evil continues this week as we shine a (black)light on wicked artwork of team and community artists! We’ve got Hollowborn sets, even more rares and rewards for Dage’s birthday, the Hollowborn Caladbolg, and… the LAST chance to get the rare Hollowborn Paragon set!

New game release

  • HollowDeep Expansion: Hollowborn x Legion quests
  • ShadowRealm Expansion: Hollowborn LoveCaster set
  • Dage's Birthday Gear: monster drops + merge shop rewards
  • Dage's Collection Chest: Hollowborn Paragon, Ravager of Souls, and more

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: Dark Spirit Orbs
  • Resource Boost: Double Reputation
  • Saturday: Dark House Guards from the Hollowborn Judge in /hbchallenge
  • Sunday: Hollowborn Raven's Beacon Lanterns from the Sentient Hollow in /hbchallenge

Hollowborn x Legion Rewards

Talk to Lae in the Eventhub to learn more, or if you're at least level 45, you can head straight to Hollowdeep to begin the quests to craft his dark new Undead Legion gear. Hollowborn Legionnaires are a rare breed, so be prepared for many, many battles if you're looking to craft all these dark and deadly rewards. 

Draftless Quest
requires Undead Champion + Lae's Hardcore Contract


  • Hollowborn Undead Warrior
  • Hollowborn Underworld Legacy Horns + Helm

Flow Stress Quest
requires Lae's Hardcore Contract

  • Hollowborn Legion Champion
  • Hollowborn Legion Champion Crest
  • Hollowborn Soul Eater Blade
  • Hollowborn Undead Legacy Horns + Helm
  • Lich King Fragment

Heat Treatment Quest
requires Ultimate Lich King armor, helmet, and Lae's Hardcore Contract

  • Hollowborn Lich King armor
  • Hollowborn Lich King Horns + Hood
  • Hollowborn Lich King Cloak

Counterblow Quest
requires level 95

  • Hollowborn Lich King's Pride
  • Shadow of the Hollowborn Legion
  • Hollowborn Lich King's Morph + Flaming Skull
  • Hollowborn Apocalypse Flame (single + dual-wield)
  • Hollowborn Soul Eater Blades (dual-wield)
  • Altar of the Hollowborn Caladbolg

And while you're battling through Hollowdeep and HBChallenge, don't miss these other wicked equips.

ShadowSlayer D's Merge Shop:

  • Hollowborn Vampire Knight set
  • Hollowborn Lycan set
  • Hollowborn Vampire Lord
  • Hollowborn ShadowSlayer set

These rewards are permanently available, so if you need to level up to take these evil opponents down, never fear... you've got time!

NEW Dark Birthday Rewards

Whether you embrace the Darkness or choose to fight it and reap the rewards... battles lie ahead of you this weekend. All players can battle Dage the Evil in the /dage map to collect new reward drops, and members of the Undead Legion will find a hoard of new drops in the Undead Legion Merge Shop.

Dage the Evil Boss Drops in /dage:

  • Eminence Helmet of the Legion
  • Horned Legion Eminence Helmet
  • Death's Requiem Axe (single + dual-wield)
  • Undeath Dominion Corona
  • Pale Fae Skull Bangle (single + dual-wield)

Grrrberus in /dagefortress:

  • Bough of the Underworld staff

Legion Merge Additions:

  • Ultimate Lich King cape
  • Ultimate Lich King flaming skull
  • Underworld Dark Ops, Armed Underworld Dark Ops, Underworld Dark Breach Ops armors
  • Underworld Dark Ops Helm, Morph, Mask helms
  • Dark Ops Briefcase + Dark Ops Tactical Gear
  • Dark Ops Ghost Drone pet
  • Dark Ops Cold Steel Kukri
  • Underworld Dark Ops Rifle
  • Hollowborn Paragon Quest Buddy*

NCS's LoveCaster Set

LoveCasters wield the most powerful magic of all: LOVE! It can affect even most stubborn of heroes. And when you combine its power shadow magic… Hollowborn LoveCasters can conquer anyone, anywhere, at any time… especially if they do not expect it.

This weekend is the real-life birthday for NCS, one of our artists + long-time players! As a faithful member of the Hollowborn AND Undead Legion, he's crafted a dark but lovely set for you.

Talk to him in the /shadowrealm to unlock the Hollowborn LoveCaster armor + Top Hat in the AC shop OR by completing a regular + daily quest to save up the merge resources.

* Quest pet lets you access the "Time for Some Spring Cleaning" and "Taking a Boat Trip" quests.

Legion and Hollowborn Balance Updates

Read on to see what we've updated, what's been fixed, and stay up to date in our ongoing Balance Patch Notes! The latest changes are listed below.

Item Updates

Increased the stack amounts for the following items:

  • Legion Token: 25,000 > 50,000
  • Bone Dust: 5,100 > 10,000
  • Dark Token: 600 > 10,000
  • Seraphic Medals: 5 > 600
  • Mega Seraphic Medals: 5 > 600
  • Seraphic Commander's Slain: 6 > 200
  • Ada Defeated: 1 > 20

Changed the damage range of the following weapons to static:

  • Dual Blinding Light of Destiny
  • Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
  • Obsidian Light of Destiny
  • Hollowborn Shadow of Fate
  • Dual Hollowborn Shadows of Fate
  • Void Light of Destiny
  • Cyber Void Light of Destiny
  • Dual Necrotic Swords of Doom
  • Necrotic Blade of the Underworld
  • Burning Sword of Doom
  • Hollowborn Sword of Doom

Changed the damage range of the following weapons to unstable:

  • Ascended Light of Destiny

Item Updates

  • Added Soul Sand x1 as a reward to the Daily Exercise 5: God of the Depths quest.
  • Added Soul Sand x2 as a reward to the Daily Exercise 6: Dage the Dark Lord quest.


  • Added a "The Beast teleport button" to Virgil in /sevencircleswar.

Like what you see? Want to share your thoughts with the team? Send a message to the Class Balance team and Alina_AE on Twitter or in our official Discord server.

Tags: Alina,

March 21, 2024

Battleon Barbae Contest Winners!

Announcing the Winners of our #NationalBarbieDay Screenshot Contest

Happiest of days, heroes! We had over 100 amaaaaazing entries in our “Battleon Barbae” Screenshot Contest to celebrate #NationalBarbieDay. Each entry showcased creativity, style, and a true passion for fashion, so it was hard narrowing down our winners. Luckily, “narrowing down” means we could ONLY choose like 40+ players 🤣

barbae contest winners

Since we have so many winners, head on over to the Battleon Barbae Contest Winners design notes post on to see all the winning screenshots! Fair warning though: slow page load speeds ahead 🐌

Barbae on,
Beleen, the judges, and the AQW team :D

👉 View all Battleon Barbae winners here! 👈


March 18, 2024

Game News: March 18 - 24

Read on for the latest news and information

Our Month of Evil continues this week with new rewards, rares, and much-needed maintenance updates. Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, find out more about this weekend's new update. 

March 19: Server Maintenance DONE

Heads up for you Monday night marathon gamers... AQWorlds and the Artix Entertainment Portal site will go offline shortly after midnight tonight (also known as very, very early Tuesday morning). Current estimates put the downtime at about an hour. We apologize for the inconvenience!

1 AM USA Eastern Time

  • AQ.COM web site Offline
  • AQW Game Servers Offline
  • Account Web Site Offline
  • Portal web site Offline
  • Bug Tracker Offline

3 AM USA Eastern Time

  • Estimated time for everything back online

Tuesday, March 19: Dark Viking Quest

Talk to the Legion Recruiter in /battleontown begin this week's bonus adventure. He'll send you on a quest to learn the story of Tyrnjal, one of the Undead Legion's greatest Vikings. Recover all the memories to unlock a dark new 0 AC reward. 


  • Level 50 required
  • 1 Star Adventure
  • Permanently available

Rewards include:

  • Legion Viking Horn Mace
  • Legion Vikin Horn Daggers

Thursday, March 21: Dark Spirit Orbs Boost

Get triple rewards as you battle to create Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor until March 27th.

Dark Spirit Orb Quests:

  • Dark Spirit Orbs
  • Penny For Your Fought quests

Get x15, x30, x45 or x60 Dark Spirit Orbs while the boost is on!
(Regular reward quantity: x5, x10, x15, or x20)

Friday, March 22: Update Details

Get a first look at what's coming in this weekend's upcoming game release!

HollowDeep Expansion: Hollowborn x Legion quests* 
ShadowRealm Expansion: Hollowborn LoveCaster set
Dage's Birthday Gear: monster drops + merge shop rewards**
Dage's Collection Chest: Hollowborn Paragon, Ravager of Souls, and more

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: Dark Spirit Orbs
Resource Boost: Double Reputation
Saturday: Hollowborn Paragon House Guards from the Hollowborn Judge in /hbchallenge
Sunday: Hollowborn Raven's Beacon Lanterns from the Sentient Hollow in /hbchallenge

Leaving Soon

Events & Shops

  • March 29: March Event Hub 
  • March 31: Legion Warseeker + Darkness Chronomancer sets
  • April 5: Dage's Birthday + Lucky Day events, Dark Treasure Hunt rewards
  • April 9: Dark AdventureCoin Bonus ends
  • April 12: Dage's 2024 Birthday Rares

Daily Login Gifts Leaving March 31st

  • Dragon's Diamond Hoard from Zakhvatchik in /hakuwar
  • Holographic Futuristic Laken + Shogun Guards from Legionator in /futurelegion
  • SoulEater Scythe from Frost Fang in the /eventhub
  • Battleon Barbae Outfit from Heart Elemental in /beleensdream
  • Underworld Sacrificer Helms + Enchained Oneiros cape from Legion Knight in /legionbarracks
  • Overdriven Knight set from Overdriven Knight in /cocytusbarracks
  • Underworld Chandalier Maces + Ivory Penitent Statue from Underworld Chest in /eventhub

Note: the release of the Draw Your Weapon Contest winner weapons announced for today has been delayed.

* Requires Undead Legion membership
** Rewards available for all players

Tags: Alina, Digest,

March 15, 2024

Dark Birthday x Spring AC Bonus

Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack

Your luck is in! To help you celebrate Dage the Evil's real-life birthday today and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Dark Birthday x Spring AdventureCoin bonus! 

Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!

During our 2024 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Tags: Alina,

March 15, 2024

2024 Dark Birthday Rares + Collection

Dage's Immortal Lich King Birthday Gear is HERE

Celebrate darkness, destruction, and Dage the Evil's birthday this weekend! For all you real-life rare hunters, this is the weekend you've been waiting for: Dage's 2024 Birthday gear is here. Log in now and check out the shop in Battleon to buy individual items. Get the Immortal Lich King Collection Chest to unlock ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins!

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs or
  • Buy individual items from Nibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

Check out Dage's 2024 Birthday Rares Shop to find over 60 new event items this week, with more to come later this month!

Available March 8th

  • Exclusive Immortal Lich King 2024 Collection Pet (unlocks the full collection shop)
  • Immortal Lich King armors 
  • Immortal Lich King helms + capes
  • Ecliptica Kingdom Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Immortal + Underworld Sacrificer armors
  • Black Sun Headdress helms
  • Underworld Sacrificer Wraiths cape
  • Deathly Prophecy Altar cape
  • Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape
  • Immortal Summoner + Forsaken Invoker armors
  • Malignant Death companion cape (animated)
  • Underworld Samurai armor set
  • Mystical Samurai Blaze & Flame capes
  • Underworld Eminence Titan armor set 
  • Immortal Lich Paragon pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
  • And more!

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Dage's Immortal Lich King Collection Chest and Paragon Quest pet, all of the gear contained inside the Collection shop will also be available individually in his Birthday Shop.

Available March 15th

  • Underworld Spirit Summoner armor
  • Underworld Spirit Host armor
  • Corvus Moriorum Sword and Dagger
  • Underworld Raven's Fury set
  • Immortal LionSlayer armor
  • LionSlayer's Soul Whip
  • Nemean Soul Cape
  • Immortal Sacrificial Skull pet (with quest for wall mural house item)
  • and more!

Available March 22nd

  • Imperial Lich Lord set (preview)
  • Underworld Tactical Gear set (preview)
  • Hollowborn Paragon set returns (preview)

Birthday Shop Items Notes

Undead Legion Member Special Gift 
Get the exclusive, rare Legion Sacrificer armor + select set items from the Merge shop in /legionbarracks. The Undead Legion Tactical Gear set arrives next week.

Coming Soon: Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape variants
Teal and color-customizable variants of the Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape will be released for HeroPoints when Dage's Birthday Bundle arrives later this month. 

Work in Progress
Danilo's wicked Underworld Spirit Summoner set is now available! He just sent in the animated pet, which will arrive next week. 

Didn't the Hollowborn Paragon Set already release?!
It sure did! Back in November, we announced that it would also arrive this month, because we have both Dage and Hollowborn events on the schedule and were not able to finish all of the Hollowborn Paragon gear we had initially planned. This is the best of both worlds... especially for heroes who were not able to get the items back in November.

Tags: Alina,

March 15, 2024

Battle for Control of the Underworld

Dage's Dark Birthday 2024 Event continues this weekend!

The Underworld was not meant for a Paladin's light. Dage the Evil is missing, and an old frenemy reappears. Log in this weekend as a rebellious Legion General threatens to flood the Underworld with his bright power in Part 2 of Dage's birthday event!

New game release

  • New Story: Dage's Dark Birthday Pt 2, Legion General's Revenge
  • Wicked Rewards: new gear for all heroes + Undead Legion exclusives
  • 2024 Dark Birthday Rares: Underworld Spirit Summoner, Immortal LionSlayer, Underworld Raven's Fury, and more

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Class Points
  • Resource Boost: Spirit Orbs + Metals
  • Saturday: rare Underworld House Items from the Chest in the /eventhub
  • Sunday: rare Overdriven Knight set from the monster in /CocytusBarracks

New Dark Rewards

Dark rewards are waiting in the /cocytusbarracks map! All players can unlock the dark and light Penitent Underworld Keeper + Acheron Usurper sets after completing this weekend's new event. Undead Legion exclusive: the Void Vigilante gear!

Monster drops:

  • Dimmed Overdriven Knight's Blade (single + dual wield)
  • Usurper Lord Helms +Capes
  • Vengeful Soul Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Sullied Blame Blade (single + dual wield)
  • Penitent Keeper Helms
  • Death's Requiem Spear & Staff
  • Undeath Dominion Core
  • Mourner's Hair + Ponytail

Cocytusbarracks Merge Shop:

  • Penitent Underworld Keeper armor + accessories
  • Acheron Usurper Lord armor + accessories
  • Ivory Penitent Underworld Keeper armor + accessories
  • Ivory Acheron Usurper Lord armor + accessories

New Undead Legion Exclusive Gear

  • Overdriven Evocator armor + helms (in the Cocytusbarracks Merge Shop)
  • Void Vigilante sets (in the Undead Legion Merge shop)

If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.

Note: earlier this week, we announced the Lucky Day set would arrive this weekend. Unfortunately, I had a run of real-life bad luck was out sick most of the week, and did not have a chance to communicate with the team about the details for how it would release. It will arrive next week.

Legion Quest Updates

A new set of daily quests has been added to Dage the Evil in /underworld. These quests serve as a replacement to the Legion Soul Collector quests and involve defeating bosses of varying difficulty for large amounts of Legion Tokens. 

Legion Soul Collector 

The Legion Soul Collector has been replaced with a new item called "Legion Promotion".

  • Legion Promotion costs 1,000 Legion Tokens and requires completion of the "The Beast" quest in /sevencircleswar.
  • If you already have the Legion Soul Collector, you will receive the Legion Promotion item for free.

Legion Promotion Quests

Six new daily quests have been added to Dage the Evil in /underworld.

Daily Exercise 1: Ultra Aeacus
Defeat the boss for x100 Legion Tokens, 50000 XP + 50000 gold

Daily Exercise 2: Legion Lich Lord 
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 75000 XP + 75000 gold

Daily Exercise 3: The Beast
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 100000 XP + 75000 gold

Daily Exercise 4: Devastator Deimos 
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 150000 XP + 100000 gold

Daily Exercise 5: God of the Depths 
Defeat the boss for x250 Legion Tokens, 200000 XP + 100000 gold

Daily Exercise 6: Dage the Dark Lord 
Defeat the boss for x250 Legion Tokens, 200000 XP + 150000 gold

Legion Exercise Quest Changes

  • Legion Token rewards for Legion Exercise 1, 2, 3, and 4 increased to x25
  • Legion Exercise 1 no longer requires Chaotic DracoHeart
  • Increased drop rates for Flawless DracoHorns and DracoHearts
  • Increased drop rate of Charred Skull and Intact Tiger Leech Hide on Legion Exercise 2
  • Increased drop rate of Chaorrupted Essence and Chaos Egg on Legion Exercise 3

Souls Quests Removed

The following quests are no longer available from Dage the Evil NPC: Gateway to the Souls, Ghostly Zardman Souls, Cyclops Warlord Ghost Souls, Escaped Wendighost Souls, Belrot the Ghost Souls, Ghostly Deathgazer Souls, Escaped Dai Tenghost Souls, Mercutio's Souls, Ghostly Aracara Souls, Ghostly Grizzlespit Souls


  • Updated Dage the Evil's NPC in /underworld and /darkbirthday
  • Owners of the original Dark Caster, Evolved Dark Caster, Legion Evolved Dark Caster, Arcane Dark Caster, and Mystical Dark Caster classes can now access the quests for the 2019 versions of the classes year round
Tags: Alina,

March 11, 2024

Game News: March 11 - 17

Coming to AdventureQuest Worlds this Week

Our Month of Evil celebration continues all month long! Get the latest details on this week's news, Treasure Hunt, Boosts, find out more about this weekend's new update. 

Monday, March 11: Dark Poster Sneak Peek

Get the first look at Lae's new poster, coming to HeroMart as part of Dage's 2024 Birthday Bundle later this month!

In-game Reward 

A teal variant of the Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape will be released for HeroPoints when Dage's Birthday Bundle arrives later this month. 

Rare item variant update

Coming soon: a color-custom version of the Immortal Bloodletter Deity cape that released last week in Dage's birthday shop + collection. It arrives later this month, available for AdventureCoins and in the 2024 Collection Chest.

Tuesday, March 12: Dark Treasure Hunt

Talk to Valencia in the Museum to get the first clue in your search for the Gorgon's Gaze artifacts! These mystical objects are rumored to be able to turn creatures to stone. (Sounds like they would make excellent weapons... and burglar deterrents.) Discover their location and you'll unlock both the 0 AC rare Gauntlet and Wall Plaque! 

Rewards include:

  • Gorgon's Gaze Gauntlet
  • Gorgon's Gaze Shield (wall item)

Rewards will be available until April 5th.

Other updates going live:

The default heads in the Immortal Lich King + Lich King's Gift armors will be updated to show the Immortal Lich Skull undead face.

(Note: The Immortal Lich Skull morph helm will be available later this month as a 0 AC seasonal daily login gift.)

Thursday, March 14: Spirit Orbs + Metals

Get double rewards as you battle to create your Blinding Light of Destiny Axe until March 20th.

Spirit Orb Quests

  • Essential Essences
  • Bust Some Dust

Get x10, x20, x30, or x40 Spirit Orbs while the boost is on!
(Regular reward quantity: x5, x10, x15, or x20)

Minecrafting Metal Quest

Choose your reward from the list of Metal resources; get x2 Metals while the boost is on.
(Regular reward quantity: x1 Metals)

Friday, March 15: Update Details

New Story: Dage's Dark Birthday Pt 2, Legion General's Revenge
Wicked Rewards: new gear for all heroes + Undead Legion exclusives
2024 Dark Birthday Rares: new gear added to the shop + collection chest
Holiday set: new gear to help you celebrate Lucky Day 2024

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: double Class Points
Resource Boost: Spirit Orbs + Metals
Saturday: rare Underworld House Items from the Chest in the /eventhub
Sunday: rare Overdriven Knight set from the monster in /CocytusBarracks

Tags: Alina, Digest,

March 08, 2024

What Dark Fate awaits the Undead Legion?

Dage's Dark Birthday 2024 Event continues this weekend!

Our Month of Evil continues with Part 1 of our "Legion General's Rise" story! The Legion must have capable, trustworthy Generals if Dage the Evil is going to forge a dark new future. But the undead are restless, and he needs your help to discover what drives their discontent. Is it Cowardice? Apathy? Or something... darker? /join legionbarracks to begin your adventure!

New game release

  • New Story: Dage's Dark Birthday Pt 1, Legion General's Rise
  • Wicked Rewards: new gear for all heroes + Undead Legion exclusives
  • 2024 Dark Birthday Rares: Dage's Immortal Lich King, Underworld Titan, and more

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double EXP
  • Resource Boost: Legion Token + Dark Unicorn Rib
  • Saturday: rare color-custom Battleon Barbae set + seasonal color-custom Rollerblade Hero from the Heart Elemental in /beleensdream
  • Sunday: rare Enchained Oneiros cape + Underworld Sacrificer helms from the Legion Knight in /legionbarracks

New Dark Rewards

All month long, we'll be releasing new Legion and Underworld-themed reward sets for you to collect. All players can complete this weekend's release to unlock the Underworld Sentinel and Ptolomea Necromancer sets!

Monster drops:

  • Underworld Sentinel Skull
  • Underworld Sentinel Shroud
  • Resting Decima Render cape
  • Decima Soul Bow

Legion Barracks Merge Shop:

  • Ptolomea Necromancer armor
  • Necromancer + Blindfold Morph helms
  • Possessed Kokytos Staff
  • Underworld Sentinel armor + helms
  • Underworld Sentinel Shroud and Blade cape
  • Decima Render Blade (single + dual wield)

Undead Legion Exclusive Gear
Available in the Legion Barracks merge shop

  • Skeletal Sacrificer armor
  • Scowling Black Sun Penacho Skull
  • Immortal Sacrificer Tepoztopilli
  • Grand Antaeus Spear

The rare Grand Antaeus Spear is available from Dage's birthday shop for 3 million gold. Members of the Undead Legion can craft a 0 AC variant to store it for free... FOREVER!

If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.

Join us to celebrate in the Underworld this weekend! OR ELSE.

Battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones, take on wicked bosses, and check out his seasonal birthday gear shop. Return next Friday, March 15th for the next update in our birthday event! 

Log in and battle through the following zones to get wicked reward drops:

  • /darkbirthday
  • /undervoid
  • /futurewar
  • /futurelegion
  • /futurewardage
  • /legionarena
  • /sevencircles - NEW!

Who is Dage the Evil?

If you're just joining us, you might not know who Dage the Evil is. In-game, Dage the Evil is the leader of the Undead Legion, ruler of the Underworld, and the Dark Weaponsmith. Many years ago, in the real world, the artist behind the NPC started releasing more and more rewards for his birthday until it became an annual, fan-favorite holiday. But the zones for his one, true love... PVP... are availalbe all year long!

Underworld PVP zones:

  • Underworld Team PVP: /join dagepvp and choose which team you want to fight for
  • Underworld 1v1 PVP: /join dage1v1 and go head to head with your friend... or a stranger
  • Collect Legion Combat Trophies in the Team PVP map 
  • Complete Dumoose's daily quest in the 1v1 map to get Legion PVP Trophies
  • Spend your trophies on all-new undead-themed rewards
Tags: Alina,

March 07, 2024

#NationalBarbieDay Screenshot Contest

OMG I’m totally not making this up! #NationalBarbieDay is legitimately a thing, and it’s happening Saturday, March 9! So duh of course WE MUST celebrate. Carefully. Since we don’t wanna get sued by Barbie or Mattel.  

Get ready to celebrate #NationalBarbieDay with style – and with 0 copyright infringements! – in our Battleon Barbae Screenshot Contest! Channel your inner fashionista to create the most glamorous and creative looks in all of Lore. Strike a pose, capture the moment, and harness the power of Battleon Barbae. AdventureCoins await the winners! 

Battleon Barbae barbie screenshot contest

National Barbie Day Screenshot Contest Rules


  • Dress up your AQW character(s) in outfits inspired by Barbie. Whether it’s chic or splendid, noble or nostalgic, let your wonderful imagination run wild 🦄
  • See the “Categories” below to get your sensational screenshot-senses tingling!  


  • Begins Friday, March 8, 2024
  • Ends Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 11:59 pm EST


These categories are just some fabulous suggestions to get your creativity flowing, since it certainly got me excited thinking about the possibilities! Eeeeep! 

  • 💝 Best Battleon Barbae or Barbro: 
    Show off your AQW character’s style with the most amazing ensemble that’s totally 200% Barbie-approved. 
  • 🪄 Character Class Barbae:
    If Barbie was in AQWorlds, what Class would she choose? IRL Barbies can be Astronauts or Veterinarians… but not Vampires, Paladins, or Necromancers! What’s up with that?! With over 100 Classes in AQW to choose from… how does your Battleon Barbae do battle? 
  • 🏡 Barbae Dream House:
    Get ready to create a Barbie-tastic abode! If you were designing Battleon Barbae’s Dream Home, what would it look like? 
  • 🐎 Barbae Riding Club:
    True story folks: “Barbie Riding Club” was me and my sister’s favorite PC game growing up (feel free to message me on Twitter to relive nostalgic memories of that game. OMG it’s Sky Racer… and she has a foal! *squeeee!!*). So um, yeah, that being said… there’s just gotta be a horse-themed category for this contest, otherwise 10-year-old me is gonna freak the freak out! (I think dragons should also be accepted into the Battleon Riding Club, since dragons can also be ridden by the bravest Barbaes and Barbros.)
  • 💀 Dage’s Undead… Dolls?
    Dark Lord Dage of the Undead Legion just celebrated his birthday – and he’s got loads of Legion gear just waiting for you! But who says Battleon Barbaes and Barbros can’t be Malibu Minions for Dage’s Undead Army? Yeah! Party on, skeletons! 
  • 🤩 Maybe more categories?! 
    We’ll just have to see what our community dishes out! Feel free to submit any screenshots you think will really wow the judges (and Barbie too, JIC she is watching… which we secretly hope she is). 


  • The Grand Prize Winner in each category will receive 1,000 AdventureCoins!
  • Our 2nd Place Winner(s) will win 500 ACs.
  • 3rd Place Winners(s) will get 250 ACs.
  • Runner Ups will get 100 ACs each. 
  • As always, we reserve the right to award additional prizes!

Additional Information that you probably won’t read but it’s important nonetheless:

  • Multiple entries are absolutely allowed, but each participant can only win once.
  • Screenshots should not be edited or altered outside of AQW.
  • Your AQW account must be in good standing in order to win a prize.
  • By submitting your entry, you agree to allow us to showcase your screenshot on our websites and social media platforms.
  • Artix Entertainment is in no way affiliated with Barbie or Mattel, but since March 9 is National Barbie Day, we wanted to do something fun and creative to celebrate!

How to Enter:

  1. Log into your AQWorlds account 
  2. Take screenshots of your character showcasing their Barbie-inspired look
  3. Up to 4 screenshots allowed per player (but each participant can only win once)
  4. No editing, altering, or cropping screenies, please
  5. Upload screenshot(s) in the post comments, or on socials
    @AE_Contests on Twitter 
    @AQWorldsMMO on Facebook
  6. Use the hashtags 
    #NationalBarbieDay, #ScreenshotSaturday, and #AQW
  7. Don’t forget to write your AQW character name in your post!
  8. Submit your entry no later than Sunday night (knight?) at 11:59pm EST

So what are you waiting for, my fantasy fashionistas? Let's make this National Barbie Day one to remember! Get your creativity flowing, strike a pose, and show us your iconic style in AQWorlds!

Battle on, Barbaes and Barbros!
Beleen, the judges, maybe someone from Mattel if they wanna do a collab, and the amazing AQW team

#NationalBarbieDay #ScreenshotSaturday #AQW

PS: Do you play AQ3D? Surprise! We will be hosting a Screenshot Saturday contest for Dage the Evil starting tomorrow, but we are also welcoming Battleon Barbae screenies as well! So if you wanna up your chances at winning a prize… why not enter both contests ^__^


March 01, 2024

Dark Birthday x Spring AC Bonus

Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack

Your luck is in! To help you celebrate Dage the Evil's real-life birthday today and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Dark Birthday x Spring AdventureCoin bonus! 

If you bought any AdventureCoin or Membership package starting at 12:01 AM EST on Friday, March 1st (that's the 24 hours before the bonus began), good news! Captain Rhubarb ran a query to give you the extra ACs, so it's like you got the AC bonus, too!

Get 60,000 ACs while our Spring Bonus is on!

During our 2024 Spring AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Tags: Alina,

March 01, 2024

Dage's Dark Birthday Returns

Join us to celebrate in the Underworld this weekend! OR ELSE.

The month of EVIL begins now! Log in and battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones, take on the Devastator Deimos boss in the /legionarena, and check out his seasonal birthday gear shop. Then join us on March 8th and 15th as we continue our celebration with two new story events exploring the future of the Undead Legion 

  • Holiday Events return: Dage's Dark Birthday and Lucky Day seasonal events return
  • March Seasonal Set: Legion Warseeker returns
  • New Battles: New Underworld Boss + Rewards
  • New Bonus Pack: color-customizable Underworld SoulSeeker upgrade bonus sets*

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Gold Boost
  • Resource Boost: Legion Token and Rib Boost
  • Saturday: Futuristic Holographic Guards from the Legionator in /futurewardage
  • Sunday: SoulEater's Scythe from Frost Fang in the Event Hub

Log in and battle through the following zones to get wicked reward drops:

  • /darkbirthday
  • /undervoid
  • /futurewar
  • /futurelegion
  • /futurewardage
  • /legionarena
  • /dage
  • /ultradage

Dark New Rewards

All month long, we'll release dark new rewards for you to collect. All heroes: defeat the Devastator Deimos boss to unlock gear in the /legionarena Merge Shop. Legion Members: the original, never-released Soul Eater Blade can be yours for Legion Token

Who is Dage the Evil?

If you're just joining us, you might not know who Dage the Evil is. In-game, Dage the Evil is the leader of the Undead Legion, ruler of the Underworld, and the Dark Weaponsmith. Many years ago, in the real world, the artist behind the NPC started releasing more and more rewards for his birthday until it became an annual, fan-favorite holiday. But the zones for his one, true love... PVP... are availalbe all year long!

Underworld PVP zones:

  • Underworld Team PVP: /join dagepvp and choose which team you want to fight for
  • Underworld 1v1 PVP: /join dage1v1 and go head to head with your friend... or a stranger
  • Collect Legion Combat Trophies in the Team PVP map 
  • Complete Dumoose's daily quest in the 1v1 map to get Legion PVP Trophies
  • Spend your trophies on all-new undead-themed rewards

All month long, we'll be releasing new Legion and Underworld-themed reward farming sets for you to collect.

Members of the Undead Legion will also be able to craft items for gear exclusive to Dage the Evil's most loyal followers. If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.

Dark Caster Class Series Returns

The Undead Legion is made up of Lore's finest undead (and not-undead-yet) warriors. That is why last year, we brought back ALL the Dark Caster Class skills, tied to art created by Dage just for his birthday. Each class is available from Dage's Dark Birthday Shop for 2,000 ACs and will return each year for his birthday.

  • Infinite Dark Caster Class uses the Evolved DC class skills
  • Timeless Dark Caster Class uses the Arcane DC class skills
  • Immortal Dark Caster Class uses the original DC class skills

Original Class owners:

If you have the original Dark Caster Class, you will get the Immortal Dark Caster Class for FREE. Talk to Dage in the /darkbirthday map to complete his quest to claim your free class. 

Tags: Alina,

March 01, 2024

Answer the Underworld Soulseeker's Call

Upgrade to unlock all the exclusive new bonus gear

The SoulSeekers roam the Underworld in solitude, twisted by devouring the souls of fallen gods. Unlock all 28 pieces of the color-customizable Underworld Soulseeker sets when you upgrade your account any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.

Pack Details

Choose the new upgrade bonus set to unlock all the color-customizable gear from the set's badge shop in your Book of Lore. The set includes:

  • Underworld Soulseeker armor
  • Elite Underworld Soulseeker armor
  • Soulseeker Vulture Morph helm
  • Soulseeker Skull, Halo, and Horned helms
  • Suffering Skulls cape (animated)
  • Soulseeker Wings, Death Defier Array, and 3 more capes
  • Soulseeker Claws, Armblades, Hooked Blades
  • and a character page badge

Once you've chosen the new pack on the Account Manager page, log in and open your Book of Lore. You'll find the badge shop in the Other Achievements tab.

12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
  • and a character page badge

Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.

2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
  • 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
  • and a character page badge
Tags: Alina,
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