Design Notes
January 30, 2024
Game News: January 29 - February 4
Read on for the latest news and information
Get details about upcoming events, server boosts, bug fixes, art previews, and other news throughout the week in our Digest Design Notes post.
Sunday, February 4: Year of the Dragon Guests
Battle Mutou Hong in /yokaihunt to collect 2 new House Guests!
- Year of the Dragon Guests (0 AC, rare)
- Dragon Bao Server (0 AC, seasonal)
Gift leaves March 1st.
Saturday, February 3: Terran Dragon Guards
Battle Mutou Hong in /yokaihunt to collect 4 new Terran Dragon House Guards!
- Terran Dragon's Protection Detail (0 AC, rare)
- Terran Dragon Companion (0 AC, seasonal)
- Terran Dragon Duo Guards (0 AC member, rare)
- Prosperous Terran Dragon Companion (0 AC member, seasonal)
Gift leaves March 1st.
Friday, February 2: Update Details
February is a Triple Holiday month-long celebration: from the SuperBowl /party and Carnaval all the way to Hero's Heart Day and Yokai New Year! Log in all month long for new holiday events, stories, and gear.
- New Story: Year of the Wood Dragon Boss Battle
- New Rewards: Treasure hoard of new Yokai dragon gear
- Class Updates: Not a Mod rework + new icons, DragonSlayer General rebalance
- Holiday events: the Groundhorc, Yokai New Year, Hero's Heart Day, and Carnaval return
- Upgrade Bonus: find an all-new upgrade bonus set based on the Year of the Dragon
- Server Boost: Double Reputation
Stay up to date with upcoming release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar.
Thursday, February 1: Celestial Dungeon Resource Boost
This week’s resource boost is live! Get double dungeon drop rewards as you battle to create your Greatblade of the Entwined Eclipse until February 6th. Log in each day for a new reward, boost, or other bonus.
NOT A MOD Class Rework
It's been almost 11 years since NOT A MOD first released and a lot has changed since then. We've all leveled up IRL, some of us have started families (or gotten battle cats), and who knows, maybe one of us has even gone to space *eyes the robot* ... But despite everything that's changed, there's one thing that's remained constant, and that is non-stop requests from people asking to become a mod. No, you still can't be a Mod.* ;_;
You're just a normal gamer like most of us reading this post. However, what you can be is NOT A MOD, a ridiculous, yet deceptively powerful class that won't give you any special mod powers, but can allow you to unleash that inner gamer spirit within.
Get more details on Not a Mod Class Updates in this post.
* Unless you go through the proper channels, survive 6 rounds against Dage the Evil in combat, and find the real-life Blinding Light of Destiny locked in a box, hidden away deep inside Artix's Artifact Storage Rarehouse.
Tuesday, January 30: Dark Treasure Hunt
Defeat the darkness as you battle monsters to recover a two deadly weapons! Battle Creature 12 in Darkon's Garden to begin your search. Survive, and you may just find yourself wielding the Dark Dragon Summoner's Rifts (single or dual-wield.) This hunt will be available until Friday, March 1st, 2024.
- Get more details on midweek treasure hunts, zone expansions, and star ratings here.
- See what's coming up on our event calendar.
Useful Links + Patch Notes
OMG Client Patch Notes: Most recent client changes + quality of life updates
Class Balance Updates: Latest balance changes to classes and quests
Account Manager: Change your email, update password, buyback items, and more
Bug Tracker: Found an issue inside AQWorlds? Report it here!
Support Site: Having problems with your account? Contact our Player Support Team

January 26, 2024
Nulgath's 2024 Birthday Rares
Unlock 150+ rare items in the Void Commander Collection
Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, the Nulgath 2024 Collection Chest is here! Log in now and check out all the rare items in Nibble's Shop in Battleon to buy individual items. Get the Void Commander Collection Chest to unlock ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins!
Void Commander of Nulgath Collection Details
Read on for important notes about this year's collection.
- Get the full collection + character page badge for 10,000 ACs or
- Buy individual items from Nubble's Rares shop in Battleon
- The rares shop + collection chest leave February 9th
- The collection chest cannot be sold. It will enter the IoDA Choice pool on March 9th.
Collection Exclusives:
- Void Commander Blade pet with quest for the character page badge
- Void Commander Blade battlepet (0 AC, non-member)
- Enchanted Aurum Battle Blade battlepet (0 AC, non-member)
- Enchanted Cultist Grimoire battle pet (0 AC, non-member)
Battlepets in the Collection Chest do not require membership as a special bonus. Battlepets in the birthday rares shop require membership to use.
January 12th Update:
- Exclusive Void Commander Collection Chest pet (unlocks the full collection shop)
- Void Commander of Nulgath armors (regular + inverse)
- Void Commander Blade pet, and battle pet (color customizable)*
- ArchFiend Thunderlord set (color customizable)
- Dragon Summoner of the OverSoul sets
- Dark Summoner's Dimensional Rift cape
- Dragon Summoner's Ritual ground rune
- Dragon Summoner's Portal floor item
- Abyssal Void Sorcerer + Magus sets
- Void Dusk Glaives & Abyssal Dusk Wings + Sigil
- Radiant Bloodfiend of Nulgath set
- Nation's Eternal Blaze + Infernal Blaze capes
January 19th Update:
- Draconic Disciple + Priest of Nulgath sets (color customizable)
- Fiendish Void Dragon Guardian cape
- Sternlord of Nulgath set (regular + inverse)**
- Sternlord's Aurum Blade Pet + BattlePet (color customizable)**
- Magus of Nulgath set (color customizable)**
- Enchanted Magus Grimoire Pet + BattlePet (color customizable)**
January 26th Update:
- Diamond Collector of Nulgath set (color customizable)
- Black Dragon Ronin of Oversoul set **
- Dragon Fiend Ronin set **
- Enchanted Formal Nation Suit (color customizable)
- Swrag (aka Golden Crag) (color customizable PET)
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Void Commander Collection Chest shop will also be available to buy individually in Nubble's Event shop.
** Due to a miscommunication, the names for these items will be changing.
- Battlepets in the birthday rares shop are member-only. Battlepets in the Collection Chest are not member-only.

January 26, 2024
A Diabolical Adventure Awaits
Secrets. Shadows. Wicked Reward Gear.
Log in now and battle through the darkness that fills the halls of the Lost Villa as you uncover shadowy secrets and unimaginable atrocities. Descend into despair in this weekend's Diabolical Faction expansion.
Friday, January 26 Update Details
- Story: Diabolical Faction Expansion
- Rewards: rep shop items in /lostvilla, merge shop items in /crocriver
- Collection Chest: the final shipment of Nulgath's birthday rares
- Holiday AC Gift: Talk to Cysero in Yulgar's Inn 500 free ACs
- Nulgath's Shop: Fiendish Storm Orb + Reaver weapons
- Birthday Pet: Battle the Reaper in /thevoid for Dominik's birthday pet
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double EXP, Gold, Rep, Class Points boosts
- Saturday: Two new 0 AC rare drops from Carnage in /voidrefuge
- Sunday: 0 AC rare Sternlord + Magus capes from Carcano in /voidchasm
Stay up to date with upcoming release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar.
Bright & Dark Rewards
Whether you thrive in the sunlight or prefer to stalk the shadows, you won't want to miss this weekend's new monster drops, merge shop items, and other wicked gear.
Diabolical Rep Shop:
- Diabolical BeastHunter armor
- Diabolical BeastHunter helms
- Diabolical Fur Wrap cape
- Diabolical War Gonfalon
- Diabolical Beast Shredder
LostVilla Monster Drops
- Diabolical Gargoyle armor
- Mutilated Cowl and Gaze helms
- Gargoyle's Tail, Armaments + Appendages capes
- Diabolical Armorbreaker swords (single + dual-wield)
- Diabolical Morningstar (single + dual-wield)
- Mutilated Atrocity Guard
- Covetous Disgrace Guard
- Covetous Disgrace's Tail
TheVoid Monster Drop
- Mini-Dominik Companion
Crocriver Merge Shop
- Pharaoh of Storms armor
- Sandstorm Wings
- Sandstorm Sceptre
- Enchanted Pharaoh of Storms
- 8 Pharaoh Djeba helms
- Enchanted Sandstorm Wings
- Enchanted Sandstorm Sceptre
Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop
- Formal Nation Suit
- 8 Formal Nation helms
- Formal Nation Blade (single + dual-wield)
- Formal Nation Cane
- Formal Nation Cane Sheath
Gear Update: The capes shown as part of the rare Radiant Bloodfiend of Nulgath set (available from this month's collection chest and rares shop) have been moved. They will be released as rare Daily Login Gift Drops in February so that more players can enjoy them.

January 21, 2024
Game News: January 21 - 28
Read on for the latest news and information
Get details about upcoming events, server boosts, bug fixes, art previews, and other news throughout the week in our Digest Design Notes post.
Friday, January 26 Update
- Story: Diabolical Faction Expansion
- Rewards: rep shop items in /lostvilla, merge shop items in /crocriver
- Collection Chest: the final shipment of Nulgath's birthday rares
- Holiday AC Gift: Talk to Cysero in Yulgar's Inn 500 free ACs
- Nulgath's Shop: Fiendish Storm Orb + Reaver weapons
- Birthday Pet: Battle the Reaper in /thevoid for Dominik's birthday pet
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double EXP, Gold, Rep, Class Points boosts
- Saturday: Two new 0 AC rare drops from Carnage in /voidrefuge
- Sunday: 0 AC rare Sternlord + Magus capes from Carcano in /voidchasm
Find upcoming release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar.
Thursday, January 25: Essences & Totems Boost
Get double Essences & Totems of Nulgath rewards from select quests until January 31st.
Essences of Nulgath: used in creating the Void HighLord Class and to complete select Nation quests.
Totems of Nulgath: used in the Diamond Merge Shop, for creating the ArchFiend Warlord set, and to complete select Nation quests.
Tuesday, January 23: Sandsea Treasure Hunt
Banish the chill of this cold, cruel winter as you return to the bright sunny dunes of the Sandsea! Talk to Valencia in the /museum map; she'll send you off on the first part of this week's multi-step treasure hunt. Your diligence, skill in battle, and attention to detail will reward you with the 0 AC Sapphire Cobra Cane weapon!
- Get more details on midweek treasure hunts, zone expansions, and star ratings here.
- See what's coming up on our event calendar.
Monday, January 22: Client Patch Notes 3.0098
- Text support for Ravenous
- Updated Class Active Auras UI
- Updated Party Interface
- Potions bug
- Weird bug causing attack animations to go haywire
We are still investigating a few lingering potion bugs. We haven't gotten reliably recreatable reports on any issues that remain.
See the full list of recent changes in the OMG Patch Notes post.
Sunday, January 21: Honorable Hero Updates
Missing the Honorable Hero Badge + AC Gift given out on Friday? Good news! There was a bug in the query to award the honorable hero prizes; that was fixed several hours after the release went live. So if you didn't see your badge + ACs and are eligible to receive them, please make sure you log back in.
Get more details on the Honorable Hero rewards in this post.
Sunday, January 21: Lord Justice Items Renamed
If you've looked in your inventory and can't find the Lord Justice of the ArchAngel set items, never fear... they're still there! We renamed the items to the match what was announced the previous week: SternLord of Nulgath.
Useful Links + Patch Notes
OMG Client Patch Notes: Most recent client changes + quality of life updates
Class Balance Updates: Latest balance changes to classes and quests
Account Manager: Change your email, update password, buyback items, and more
Bug Tracker: Found an issue inside AQWorlds? Report it here!
Support Site: Having problems with your account? Contact our Player Support Team

January 21, 2024
OMG Client Patch Notes
Running list of game client updates
Read on to see what we've added, what's been fixed, and stay up to date!
OMG 3.0098 - 1/22/2024
# Additions
- Text support for Ravenous
# Changes
- Updated Class Active Auras UI
- Updated Party Interface
# Fixes
- Fixed potions bug
- Fixed weird bug which caused attack animations to spazz out
See the full list of recent changes in the OMG Patch Notes post.

January 19, 2024
2023 Holiday Gifts + Rewards
Log in to get your Honorable Hero Prize
As a way of saying "thanks!" to the heroes who did not get muted or banned in 2023. Among all of the adventures, battles, and challenges online and in real life, you kept your cool in-game, followed the rules without fail, and emerged from the fires still standing strong. As an incentive for everyone to keep following the rules in 2024, we are awarding players who helped keep AdventureQuest Worlds a positive, fun, and family-friendly game!
What's an honorable hero, you ask? Good question! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and we want to reward them for a year's worth of good behavior... with 500 FREE AdventureCoins and a character page badge!
Starting January 19th, 2023, if your hero account met the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2023
- Not currently disabled
- Logged in between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023
- Level 11 or higher, before December 31st, 2023
- Created your account before January 1st, 2023
You've already been awarded your 500 AdventureCoins. Your character page badge is available now!
Missing your Honorable Hero Badge + AC Gift on Friday? Good news! There was a bug in the query to award the honorable hero prizes; that was fixed several hours after the release went live. So if you didn't see your badge + ACs, please make sure you log back in.
Enjoy! From Artix, Alina, and the entire AQWorlds Team!

January 19, 2024
Discover the Secret of the Void this Weekend
Nulgath's Birthday Continues with New Rares, Rewards, and more
Nulgath's birthday celebration continues NOW! Log in and battle through Part II in the /voidchasm to discover the secret of the void. Craft wicked rewards and unlock the new Fiend Shard house item (and its quests and gear). Next week: more reward drops!
New game release
- New Story: "Secret of the Void"
- New Rewards: complete the event for new gear + an endgame farming reward
- Collection Chest: the second shipment of Nibble's new Nulgath rare items
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double EXP boost
- Resource Boost: Blood Gems
- Saturday: rare Void Orb Staff drops off this weekend's event boss
- Sunday: 3 rare Fiendish House Guards drop off Carnage in /voidrefuge
(Warlord, Arcane, Darkblood of Nulgath)
Login in this weekend and /join voidchasm to begin your adventure!
Fiend Shard Endgame Farming Quests
Complete this week's release in /voidchasm in order to purchase the "Fiend Shard" house item from the Rewards Shop.
The Fiend Shard House item can be clicked on to open a menu with a shop and a series of one-time farming quests. Each time a quest is completed, the Fiend Shard will grow in size and new items in the shop will be unlocked. Be warned though, each quest is more difficult than the last, so only the most dedicated members of the Nation are going to be able to bring out the full potential of their Fiend Shard.
Fiendish Prize Gear
Grow the Fiend Shard to its full size to unlock exclusive rewards in the shard shop.
Fiend Shard Shop
- Infernal ArchFiend set
- Celestial ArchFiend set
- Ravenous Weapon Enhancement.
The Infernal and Celestial ArchFiend items increase damage to all races by 40%
Ravenous / Weapon Enhancement
- 100% chance to activate on autoattack
- 20 second cooldown
- Applies Execute to yourself for 20 seconds, causing your skills to deal 1% bonus damage for each 1% of your target's missing HP.
Note: This enhancement trait may change in the future based on player and team feedback.
Note #2: Execute functions similarly to Rogue's Concealed Blade.
Fiendishly Useful Improvements
Immortal Joe has another HUGE round of Nulgath related changes, along with answers to some of the most common questions we've gotten about them. Find a detailed list of new quality of life updates in this post.
Nulgath's Roulette of Misfortune
The Mini King Klunk and Oblivion Blade of Nulgath pets have been updated to use the Nulgath Larvae version of the "Nulgath's Roulette of Misfortune" quest.
Kiss the Void Quest Updates
A few of changes have been made in regards to the Kiss the Void quest:
- In the /blindingsnow map, a "Go to Nythera" button as been added to the Adak NPC.
- Walking out of Nythera's room will lead directly to the Chaos Gemralds.
- Fragments of Chaos now stack to 640.
- Broken Betrayal Blade are now a permanent item and stack to 64.
Nulgath's Birthday Events
We've been celebrating Nulgath's birthday for many years now, and over time, you've battled through countless lands and defeated hordes of enemies... unless you're just joining us. And in that case, prepare for a host of dark adventures as you battle to earn the respect of Nulgath the ArchFiend... and the dark rewards he gives to those who serve him well!
- Fiend Champion of Adimonde
- Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
- Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has gathered around him many followers, creatures, and allies over the centuries. This weekend, as we celebrate Nulgath’s birthday once more, log in and battle to uncover more information about one of his mysteriously silently minions, the sentient Rock Beast known only as… Crag.
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and the love they feel for his character and art style, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate
January 16th Update: Fiendish Weapon Pt 2
We're celebrating Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday this month with a frenzy of gear fit for the ArchFiend's favorite hero. Log in now and head to the /underworld. Talk to Klunk to access Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop to see the newest addition.
Treasure like this isn't cheap! To craft the 0 AC rare Molten DragonSpear of Nulgath, you'll need:
- 5 War-Torn Memorabilia
- 200 Nulgath's Approval
- 200 ArchFiend's Favor
- 20 DragonScale
The polearm will be available in Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop until Friday, February 9th!

January 19, 2024
Holiday AC Bonus Final Weekend
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
This is the FINAL weekend for our Holiday AdventureCoin bonus! Get 50% more ACs until Monday, January 22nd. This is the best time to top up your AC stash before next Friday's1 final update to Nulgath's birthday rares shop and Void Commander collection chest!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Last Chance to get 60,000 ACs!
Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

January 19, 2024
Nulgath's 2024 Birthday Rares
Unlock 150+ rare items in the Void Commander Collection
Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, the Nulgath 2024 Collection Chest is here! Log in now and check out all the rare items in Nibble's Shop in Battleon to buy individual items. Get the Void Commander Collection Chest to unlock ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins!
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs or
- Buy individual items from Nibble's Rares shop in Battleon
Check out Nulgath's 2024 Birthday Rares Shop to find over 150 event items!
Available January 12th:
- Exclusive Void Commander Collection Chest pet (unlocks the full collection shop)
- Void Commander of Nulgath armors (regular + inverse)
- Void Commander Blade pet, and battle pet (color customizable)*
- ArchFiend Thunderlord set (color customizable)
- Dragon Summoner of the OverSoul sets
- Dark Summoner's Dimensional Rift cape
- Dragon Summoner's Ritual ground rune
- Dragon Summoner's Portal floor item
- Abyssal Void Sorcerer + Magus sets
- Void Dusk Glaives & Abyssal Dusk Wings + Sigil
- Radiant Bloodfiend of Nulgath set
- Nation's Eternal Blaze + Infernal Blaze capes
Available starting January 19th:
- Draconic Disciple + Priest of Nulgath sets (color customizable)
- Fiendish Void Dragon Guardian cape
- Lord Justice of the ArchAngel set (regular + inverse)**
- Lord Justice's Aurum Blade Pet + BattlePet (color customizable)**
- Abyssal Nation Cultist set (color customizable)**
- Enchanted Cultist Grimoire Pet + BattlePet (color customizable)**
The third (and final) collection update includes:
- Diamond Collector of Nulgath set (preview on Twitter)
- Black Dragon Ronin of Oversoul set (preview on Twitter)
Collection Exclusives:
- Void Commander Blade pet with quest for the character page badge
- Void Commander Blade battlepet (0 AC, non-member)*
- Color customizable 0 AC non-member Battle Pets: Enchanted Aurum Battle Blade + Enchanted Cultist Grimoire Battle Pet*
* The battlepets in the birthday rares shop are member-only. The battlepets in the Collection Chest are not member-only.
** Due to a miscommunication, the names for these items will be changing.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Endless Winter Collection Chest shop will also be available to buy individually in Quibble's Event shop.
Void Commander of Nulgath Collection Notes
Read on for important notes about this year's collection.
- All of this year's event rare items are available individually from Nibble's Birthday Rares Shop until February 9th
- Additional items will arrive later this month as we continue the birthday celebration!

January 12, 2024
Nulgath's Birthday Returns
New Birthday Rares, Farming Rewards, and Story!
Log in this weekend as we celebrate Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday with an all-new story expansion in "Nulgath's Nation: Blood Betrayal, Stolen Secret"! Battle to unlock wicked rewards, level up your Betrayal Blades, and check out the evil and epic new rare items in his birthday collection. Then return next Friday for Part 2!
New game release
- New Story: "Blood Betrayal, Stolen Secret"
- New Rewards: complete the event for wicked new rewards
- Collection Chest: the first shipment of Nibble's new Nulgath rare items
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: double Gold boost
- Resource Boost: Unidentified 34 + 35 boost
- Saturday: rare Shadows of Carnage Katanas
- Sunday: rare Polished Carnage house guard
Login in this weekend and /join voidrefuge to begin your adventure!
Dark New Reward Gear
Battle through this week's new story update in /voidrefuge! Battle the event boss to collect all his item drops, then save up merge shop resources to craft a color-customizable version of the Evolved Carnage of Nulgath set!
If you've been fortunate (and determined) enough to craft the Betrayal Blades of Nulgath, starting this weekend you'll be able to evolve them!
To craft the Evolved Betrayal Blades, you'll need:
- the original weapon
- Dark Crystal Shards
- Diamonds of Nulgath
- Gems of Nulgath
- Blood Gems of Nulgath
- Tainted Gems
Fiendishly Useful Improvements
Immortal Joe has another HUGE round of Nulgath related changes, along with answers to some of the most common questions we've gotten about them. Find a detailed list of new quality of life updates in this post.
Nulgath's Birthday Events
We've been celebrating Nulgath's birthday for many years now, and over time, you've battled through countless lands and defeated hordes of enemies... unless you're just joining us. And in that case, prepare for a host of dark adventures as you battle to earn the respect of Nulgath the ArchFiend... and the dark rewards he gives to those who serve him well!
- Fiend Champion of Adimonde
- Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
- Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has gathered around him many followers, creatures, and allies over the centuries. This weekend, as we celebrate Nulgath’s birthday once more, log in and battle to uncover more information about one of his mysteriously silently minions, the sentient Rock Beast known only as… Crag.
Talk to Bamboozle in /cragglerock to begin your quest. Collect special gems for his best boulder bud to earn the special gear that only a powered-up Crag can create.
Complete Bamboozle's quests to reawaken (or at least... partially /heal) Crag to collect stones for his merge shop and to rank up the new CraggleRock faction.
And if you're a true member of Nulgath's Nation, you'll want to find Lae in the /tercessuinotlim zone! He's got a bounty of new gear for you... IF you can pay his price. All crafted by Yo Lae for members of Nulgath's Nation to celebrate the ArchFiend's birthday!
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and the love they feel for his character and art style, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate
January 9th Update: Fiendish Weapon Pt 1
We're celebrating Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday this month with a frenzy of gear fit for the ArchFiend's favorite hero. Log in now and talk to Valencia in the Museum to begin your hunt for the first Venomous Fang Blade. You'll need it to craft the 0 AC, animated Envenomed Edge of Nulgath!

January 12, 2024
Draw Your Weapon Contest: Dage vs Nulgath
Draw your sword… literally! Full contest details below.
Welcome to the ultimate clash of clans! To celebrate the upcoming birthdays of our beloved overlords, we are hosting an exciting contest for Nulgath and Dage devotees:
Draw Your Weapon Contest!
Prove your allegiance to Dage’s Undead Legion… or pledge your loyalty to Nulgath’s Nation… through the power of artistic endeavors! This contest allows you to draw any weapon you see fit to be forged for the Nation or the Legion. Winners will have their weapons made by the Artix devs and transformed into game items for everyone in the AQWorld to enjoy!
- 2 weapon designs per player
- Sketch AND finished art required
- Your art MUST be created by you
- 2 categories: Dage or Nulgath
- 3 winners in each category
- Winners chosen & announced in February
- Winning weapons released in March as 0 AC rewards
Full Contest Guidelines
Eligibility & Rules:
- All players and all artists welcome, no matter your skill level or faction affiliation
- Open to Humans only – meaning no AI art allowed
- Your art MUST be made by you (so no copying / stealing / using someone else’s work)
- Sketch, line art, or concept art also required with your entry to prove you’re awesome
- Your AQW account must be in good standing in order to place
- Up to 2 weapon entries allowed per player
- While you CAN submit older weapons you designed in the past, you MUST have a sketch proving that you indeed designed that weapon
- Using someone else’s work or using AI art will lead to an automatic disqualification
Craft, draw, or doodle diabolical weapons that highlight the essence of
💀 Dark Lord Dage and the Undead Legion
~ or ~
😈 ArchFiend Nulgath and his Nation
Art Medium:
- Submissions can be in any visual art, including digital illustration, traditional drawing, or hecc, even sculptures! Be as creative as you want!
- No AI art allowed whatsoever. You don’t wanna make Dage AND Nulgath angry. Yiiikes 👀
Submission Period:
- Begins January 12, 2024
- Ends Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 11:59pm EST
- Winners will be announced in February, and all items will be released in March for everyone to farm because March is the MONTH OF EVIL! MWAHAHA! Although, what is not evil is the fact that these weapons will be marked as 0 AC rewards so every AQW player can enjoy!
How to Enter:
- Dream your weapon design; draw, illustrate, sculpt, or creatively create your weapon(s)
- Take a picture of your sketch, work-in-progress, or concept art
- Take a pic of your finished weapon design
- Up to 2 weapon entries allowed per player
- Sign your AQW Character Name on your art
- Submit entries in the comments section of this post, and/or on socials:
- And don’t forget to type your AQW Character Name in your comment / tweet, too!
Judging Criteria:
🤩 Entries will be judged based on creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme.
💪 Artistic skill doesn’t guarantee a win; we are also looking for weapon designs that have a great concept or potential.
Prizes & Winnings:
- The judges will select 3 winning weapons for Nulgath and 3 winning weapons for Dage.
- Each winner will get their weapon created in AQW, the Birthday Collection Chest belonging to the overlord they salute, 2000 AdventureCoins, and the Contest Winner Character Page Badge!
- The winning weapons will be made into AQW items for everyone to wield, and the artist will be credited in the weapon description – and ofc on the DNs when we announce the winners :) Winners will obviously get their curated weapon sent straight to their inventory once it’s forged in AQW!
- Honorable Mentions will also be selected since our community is just too darn talented; these runner ups will receive 1,000 ACs and a Character Page Badge.
Important Note:
This contest is like our ‘player-inspired items’ we did back in the early days of the game. A fan favorite for sure, and personally some of my fondest memories! And I know this contest will create amazing memories as well 🤩 So once the judges have chosen the winners, the AQW team will get to work creating the winning weapons. Our artists will try their best to keep true to the artist’s design, but some details might have to get omitted or altered a bit to work within the game. Just throwing that out there as a disclaimer and a heads-up!
Now… let the faction feud begin
The time has come, heroes and villains and overlord minions: choose your side, pick your artistic arsenal, and let the colors collide! They say the Wacom Pen is mightier than the sword… and now’s your chance to prove it.
Doodle on!
Beleen, the judges, and the birthday bois Nulgath & Dage

January 05, 2024
Triple Artist Birthday Month
Celebrate Birthdays for Nulgath, Crulon, and Hikari and more!
This month, we're celebrating the new year and a host of AE team member birthdays! We kick off the gift-off with an all-new boss battle from Crulon, the Djinn Realm Guardian. Plus, find Nulgath, Hikari, Axeros, and more AQWorlds team members in the /eventhub. The adventures will continue all month long, so gear up and get ready to /SLAY! Whether you are a fan of light gear, dark adventures, or everything in-between, this week has something new for you to do!
New game release
- New Djinn Realm boss battle and treasure trove shop
- Quality of life updates in /tercessuinotlim
- Wrath of Nulgath upgrade bonus set
- January holiday events and NPC birthdays in /eventhub
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: Double Rep boosts
- Resource Boost: Spirit Orbs
- Saturday: Sphinx's Secret Axe from the Chaos Sphinx in /sandcastle
- Sunday: Sky Splitter Scepter Mace from Sobekemsaph in /crocriver
Djeba's Treasures
Unlock a treasure trove of bright new rewards from Crulon in /crocriver by defeating the Lord of the Oasis, Sobekemsaph. Talk to Djeba for a merge shop full of golden artifacts and equippable items. Then check out the /eventhub to easily find all our January seasonal holiday + team member events and shops.
CrocRiver Merge Shop
- Sphinx Sentinel armor
- Sphinx Commander, Sentinel, and Desher Helms
- Sphinx Sentinel Cape and Blades
- Desert Black Moon Blade (single + dual-wield)
- Criosphinx Sun Sword (single + dual-wield)
- Noble Anubian Overseer armor
- Noble Anubian Helms
- Anubian Skyfall Spear + Resting Skyfall Spear
- Noble Anubian Tail, Keys of Life, and combined capes
- Oasis Storm Armblade (single + dual-wield)
CrocRiver Monster Drops
- Sobekemsaph Guard
- Sphinx Sentinel Helm
- Sheathed Black Moon Blades
- Sphinx Sentinel Cape
Guardian of the Djinn Realm: Dream Palace
A fabulous palace appeared in the Djinn Realm, as if from someone’s dream. Log in and explore /dreampalace to see what treasures it holds!
Great ready to...
- /join dreampalace and take down a series of all-new minibosses
- Continue battling until you their unique weapon drops then quest to level them up into even more mystical versions
- Create versions of the boss armor sets in Crulon's Dream Palace merge shop
- Battle Zahad to collect the Midnight Dream Palace house and a host of dreamy house items
- Find the DayDream Palace House in the /buyhouse map to get a daytime variant with a bank frame
Being a Djinn Guardian, you come across a LOT of mystical chests. Several years ago, Crulon found one locked with three magical seals. Decipher his riddles, locate the monsters, and fight to get the seals you need.
Talk to him in /djinn to begin his quests. Complete his Seal of Approval quest and to collect the pieces of the Serpent Knight gear. Find his Sandsea Enchanter set in his birthday shop or the Featured Gear shop in your game menu.
Nulgath Map and Quest Updates
Hello everyone, Immortal Joe here. Once again, Nulgath's birthday is upon us, and to kick things off, some big changes have been made to the /tercessuinotlim map and the way Essence of Nulgath is obtained! First, I'll go over the "what" in case you're short on time or eager to get into battle. Then I'll delve into the "why" for inquiring minds.
Major changes
- Two new quests to introduce heroes to Nulgath + reduce confusion
- Hiding NPCs until new heroes have explored the zone and talked to Nulgath
How to Unlock the Tercessuinotlim map + NPCs
- Complete the Grand Inquisitor's Penance quest from Murry in /citadel.
This allows you to access the portal room. If you've already completed this quest, you don't need to do it again. - Enter the portal room in /citadel. Complete the new quest that appears above the monster in this room.
This allows you to access the /tercessuinotlim map, and will let you use the /join command. - Find Nulgath in /tercessuinotlim and complete his new quest.
This unlocks access to all of the NPCs in the zone.
Note: These must be completed in order to access the Tercessuinotlim map and the NPCs within, even if you've been in the map before.
And now... the reason for the changes after so many years. One of the most notable changes is the inclusion of two new quests that serve as an introduction to Nulgath. With the introduction of additional NPCs to /tercessuinotlim over the years and the fact that Nulgath is located deep in the map, we found that most heroes would first encounter other NPCs before Nulgath and get confused as to what the objective of the area was.
This update aims to alleviate that confusion by adding a clearer direction on what to do upon entering the map. For starters, upon entering /tercessuinotlim for the first time, all NPCs except Oblivion are hidden until Nulgath is spoken to first, with Oblivion initially serving as a sort of guide that tells the hero to find Nulgath. Once Nulgath is found and spoken to, all NPCs become accessible as they were previously.
Nulgath Introduction Quests
The following quests have been added:
- Beyond the Portal: Defeat Death's Head to unlock the /tercessuinotlim map.
- Contract With the Abyss: Simply accept and turn in to unlock the /tercessuinotlim NPCs.
Citadel Updates
- The Grand Inquisitor's Penance quest now rewards a misc item that acts as a guide toward the portal room. This item serves no other purpose.
- In order to enter the portal room, the Grand Inquisitor's Penance quest from Murry now must be completed.
- Bone Dust is no longer required to enter the portal room.
- Death's Head has been added to the portal room and their HP and damage has been increased.
- Added a new quest called "Beyond the Portal" to Death's Head. Completing this quest unlocks access to the /tercessuinotlim map.
- Casparilla has been relocated to /tercessuinotlim.
- The Hologram of Polish NPC will no longer appear until the Contract With the Abyss quest has been completed.
Tercessuinotlim Updates
- The map can now be accessed with the /join command after completing the Beyond the Portal quest.
- Death's Head has been promoted to portal guard and has been replaced with a Dark Makai.
- Shadow of Nulgath has evolved (it's a late bloomer!), level reduced to 50.
- Oblivion has been moved (back) to the entrance and has been given new introductory dialogue.
- In the "maze of caves" section, the rocks on the ground have been rearranged to guide towards the correct path to Nulgath.
- Added introductory dialogue and explanation text to Nulgath.
- Added a new quest called "Contract With the Abyss" to Nulgath. Rewards x1 Unidentified 13 upon completion, can only be completed once.
- All NPCs in the map except Nulgath and Oblivion can't be interacted with until the Contract With the Abyss quest has been completed.
- Polish's dialogue boxes now mirror the ones they use in /cragglerock.
- NPCs that required progression in quest chains such as /lair and /dwarfhold in order to speak with them no longer require the completion of those quests.
- Some cave entrances now lead to different rooms.
- Casparilla has been moved to the room with Yin and Yang.
Essence of Nulgath and Totem of Nulgath
Several new ways to obtain Essence of Nulgath and Totem of Nulgath have been added!
- Essence of Nulgath now has a 5% chance to drop from the "The Assistant" quest.
- Essence of Nulgath now has a 10% chance to drop from the "Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance" quests.
- Essence of Nulgath now has a 20% chance to drop from the "Nulgath (Larvae)" quest.
- Nulgath now has a chance to drop Essence of Nulgath.
- Dark Makai are no longer aggressive when respawning in the /tercessuinotlim and /nulgath maps.
- Totem of Nulgath x1 can now be purchased from Swindle's Ripoff Emporium for Receipt of Swindle x3 and Unidentified 10 x50.
- Totem of Nulgath x2 is now available as a choice reward from the Wrong Turn at Voidbuquerque quest.
Enchanted Nulgath Nation House
- The house portal no longer takes the user to the /citadel bone room. Instead, it now opens a menu that allows the user to choose from a list of select /tercessuinotlim NPCs to directly teleport to (house owner only).
- The Nulgath NPC no longer appears in the house.
Nulgath Update Follow Up (January 9th)
Based on your feedback, some followup changes have been made in regards to the Nulgath update last week Notable changes include the readdition of the Nulgath NPC in the Enchanted Nulgath Nation House and an adjustment to the maze of caves in /tercessuinotlim. There may also be a couple more Nulgath related changes on Friday, so stay tuned!
Tercessuinotlim Updates
- The Lair quest requirements have been removed from Swindle Bilk.
- The Tainted Elemental has replaced the Dark Makai in the room with the Evil Elemental.
- Shadow of Nulgath has evolved (it's a late bloomer!), level reduced to 50.In the "maze of caves" section, the rocks on the ground have been removed so that the way forward is no longer obvious. Instead, taking the wrong path has now been made more apparent (he he he). This change should be more fitting for the mighty ArchFiend!
- In the regular Nulgath Nation House, Bone Dust is no longer required for the portal room.
- In the Enchanted Nulgath Nation house, the Nulgath NPC has been readded and updated to match the NPC in /tercessuinotlim.
- In the Enchanted Nulgath Nation house, a Nulgath House Guard has been added as a reward to the Void Destroyer Diamond Quest. Owners can click on it to travel directly to Nulgath in /tercessuinotlim.

January 05, 2024
Sandsea Behind the Scenes
First of all, happy birthday to Crulon!
His big day kicked off the first of our releases for 2024 and was primed to dive into the ancient history of the Sandsea. Crulon designed a regal pair of Pharaohs, and beautiful sets for the warriors who served them during their reign! I had a lot of fun planning and writing the Lore with Crulon for this release!
Djeba is based on one of the gods from the Ennead in ancient Egyptian mythology - Shu, the god of peace, lions, air, and wind. His children are the earth and sky, which he keeps separated so people can live between them without getting crushed.
His grandchildren include the gods Osiris, Isis, and Horus, who were believed to reincarnate as the Pharaohs and their royal families. (Note: this is a very abridged explanation of the fascinating stories about the Ennead).
In AQW Lore, the concept is inversed. Djeba, named after the archaic name of ancient Upper Egypt, was a Sand Elf who ruled as Pharoah of the Sandsea long before the arrival of Sek-Duat. He was deified as the Pharoah of the Storms, reigned for a respectable time, and gracefully stepped down for his successor.
Long after his reign came Pharaoh Sobekemsaph, based off of Sobek, the ancient Egyptian god of the Nile, water, and occasionally the army. The name Sobekemsaph was taken from real life Pharaohs Sobekemsaf I and II.
AQW's Pharaoh Sobekemsaph was a human mortal that rose to the Sandsea throne, proved himself by protecting his people, and was deified as a crocidilian guardian that wards away evil. He also reigned for a time and stepped down for his successor, ensuring that the sands continue to change for the better with new blood and ideas.
Both Sobekemspah and Djeba are able to emerge from their tombs if the Sandsea needs them but the arrival of Sek-Duat and his prolonged reign prevented them from seeing to their duties. Until the Sandsea was free, it became stagnant under the lich's rule; its original protectors and lectors banished to the empty wastes.
(J6 designed the map this week and it's gorgeous!)
Now, the heroes from Sandsea's golden age can return and test the mettle of the current Pharaoh. For the time being, Crulon (the NPC) was named as Chief Lector - a role that stayed empty when Sek-Duat eliminated them to keep his throne. It is his duty to choose a worthy warrior to duel Sobekemsaph in ritual combat. Winning would allow the people of the Sandsea to drink from a newborn river. He knew that the best of the best was you, the Hero!
The current Pharaoh was meant to preside over this duel, but the Sandsea Desert itself is wary of him. Djeba had to reawaken to temporarily oversee the match.
In the near future, we'll see that Pharaoh tested when the story returns to the Sandsea as a chaotic Shadow slithers across the desert.

January 02, 2024
Frostval Gifting Event Ends Wednesday
This is your Last Chance to Get & Give AdventureCoins
Our Frostval AC Gifting event ends tomorrow night (January 3rd). We've seen a horde of generous heroes spread cheer and AdventureCoins over the course of the holiday... and soon they'll reap the rewards of their goodwill and kindness.
Talk to Chilly in Battleon and complete his Event Participation quest. It will be your last chance to give AdventureCoins before the event ends.
- This Friday: Gifting Tier rewards will be added to the Book of Lore.
- Next week: the 2023 Honorable Hero Award and gift will be added.
- Friday: January 12th: the Generosity Coin Shops leave. (The extra time gives everyone a little more time to spend any coins you've saved up.)
Post-Event Presents
The biggest change from last year's event is that instead of Leaderboard rank-based rewards, everyone that meets the reward tier goal will get the prize. Reward tiers are based on how much you donate, and there are no limits on how many people can get the reward. You can see a list of the top 1,000 donators in your account manager here.
- The top four tiers will be unique armor sets.
- Each tier has a unique badge. Character pages will display all the badges you've unlocked.
- Tiers 2 - 7 automatically unlock all the 2023 Generosity Shop gear.
- This year's new Generosity Coin Shop items will be in a new shop to help you easily find the gear.

Generosity Coins + Merge Shop
The first time you donate each day, you'll automatically get a Generosity Coin. Spend the Coins in the Merge Shop to get exclusive gear.
2023 Generosity Merge Shop Gear
- Twilly's BFF Hoodie armor + helms
- Twig's BFF Hoodie armor + helms
- Zorbak's BFF Hoodie armor + helms
- Underworld CryoCaster armor set
- Glaceran Warlord Class + armor set
- Magical Bean Twilly + Twig weapons
- Royal Astravian Advocatus blade
Returning Generosity Merge Shop Gear
- Garaja Armor, Morph, Staff
- Bright Oracle weapons
- Derp Star Sword
- Festive Silver Star Blade + Staff
- Frigid Wolf Staff + Scythe
- Frozen Dracolich Pet
- Halcyon Bow of Blessings
- Key of Eternal Joy (imported from DragonFable)
- PermaFrost Lightning Staff
- Mini Aurora Cape
- GlitterFrost Fairy armor set
- PandaPlush armor set
The shop gear is seasonal, so if you can't get everything you want this year, you'll have another chance next year! The 2023 Generosity Coin merge shop also has a wider selection + variety of items, based on your feedback after last year's event.
Donation Reward Packs
Every time you donate ACs to a random Hero, it will contribute to your donation total. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Tier 7: 100,000 ACs Donated
- Northlands Beast King armor set
- Frostval Fa Bank Buddy (Hero-sized)
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 6 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 7 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 6: 75,000 ACs Donated
- Underworld Barbarian Chief armor set (color-customizable + regular variants)
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 5 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 6 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 5: 50,000 ACs Donated
- Cryozen's Dragonlord armor set
- Cryozen Dragon cape
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 4 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 5 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 4: 25,000 ACs Donated
- God of Storms armor set (color-customizable)
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 3 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 4 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 3: 10,000 ACs Donated
- Safiria's Winter Castle House with:
- Bank + multiplayer Armor & Hair Customizer*
- All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 2 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 3 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
* These are not locked to owner-only
Tier 2: 5,000 ACs Donated
- Holiday Chaos Twins Companion pet (Hero-sized) with:
- Hair & Armor Customizer Companion pet (click to swap customizer UI)
- All item rewards from Tier 1 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
- Tier 2 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
Tier 1: 1,000 ACs Donated
- Icy Vordred Pet & Battle Pet (Hero-Sized, Battlepet is non-member)
- Tier 1 Frostval 2023 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge
All donators: 250 ACs Donated
- Frostval 2023 Gifting character page
In addition to their exclusive prize packs, any hero that donates at least 5,000 ACs will automatically unlock all of the 2023 merge shop items in their Book of Lore badge shop at the end of the gifting event.
List of Top Donators
To recognize their generosity, we've got a list of the Top 1,000 Heroes who've donated during this event on our Frostval 2023 AC Gifting Event page. You can see that inside your account manager here.
Want to donate anonymously? Hide yourself from the leaderboard!
Last year, we added the option to hide yourself from the top donators list. That way, those who prioritize their privacy can still be generous without calling attention to themselves.
Frostval Gifting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the requirements to donate a gift?
Complete opt-in quest (requires level 30+ and a confirmed email address)
What are the requirements to receive a gift?
- Account at least 2 weeks old
- Online in last 24 hours
- Complete opt-in quest
How much can I donate per day?
There is no limit to how many times you can donate each day. (There is a limit on how many upgrade packs an account can buy each day.)
How much can I win each day?
There is no limit to how many times in a day you can receive a random AC gift.
Can I choose who gets my donation?
Nope! In the spirit of the season, your gift will go to a random eligible hero. Make someone's day bright... even if you don't know who they are!
Can staff accounts get on the top donators list or give to players?
Nope! Team members' staff accounts can only give to other staff accounts. They will not appear on the public list. Team members' normal (regular player/non-staff) accounts can give to other players and may appear on the top donators list.
How will I be notified if I get a gift?
You'll see a message when you login if you've received a gift since your last login note
What are the reward tiers? Will they go rare?
Find more details on the reward tiers next week! Tier rewards will go rare, generosity shop gear is seasonal.
How long will this be available?
Through January 9th, prizes to be awarded later on that week.
Does the amount of AC donated affect your merge coins received per donation?
You can get a max of 1 Generosity Coin per day, awarded the first time you donate for the day. Every donation you make will contribute to your reward milestones total.
So, is this REALLY totally random?
It really is! The game will look for any eligible account on any server and will randomly choose who to give your prize to. You cannot specify which character will get your ACs.
What if I'm offline?
The game will look for any account that was logged in within the last 24 hours. If you aren't online when you get a gift, it will still be added to your account the next time you log in.
When do I get notified?
There are currently a few ways of being notified you received a gift: when doing battles or switching maps in-game, or when you log in.
What if I make a mistake and donate the wrong amount?
The game will ask you each time if you’re sure you want to donate that amount. We cannot give refunds for incorrect donations, so please check and double-check before you hit the donate button and before you confirm the donation amount.
What if I pick the wrong item in the Generosity Shop? Can I get my Generosity Coin back?
We cannot give refunds for Generosity Coin shop purchases, so please check and double-check before you spend a GC on an item in the merge shop.
Can I see how much I've donated, or how much I've received?
Yes! Log in to your account manager to see your gifts and what you've given.

January 02, 2024
Channel the Fury of Nulgath
Upgrade to unlock all the exclusive new bonus gear
Channel the fury of Nulgath the ArchFiend as you rain destruction down upon your foes! Unlock the color-customizable Wrath & Rage of Nulgath sets when you upgrade your account any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the new upgrade bonus set to unlock all the color-customizable gear from the set's badge shop in your Book of Lore. The set includes:
- Wrath of Nulgath armor
- Rage of Nulgath armor
- 9 Helms
- 5 Capes
- 1 axe, 1 dagger, 1 sword, 2 gauntlets
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the new pack on the Account Manager page, log in and open your Book of Lore. You'll find the badge shop in the Other Achievements tab.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the new upgrade bonus pack gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge