Design Notes
July 31, 2022
Weekly Event Calendar
Upcoming Game Events: August 2022
Defy the shadows, defeat the flame, embrace your power, and save the world! Our Shadows of War Saga finale continues this month with parts 2 + 3 of the 6 chapter story. Join us all month long for dark tales, deadly boss fights, and wicked new rare and reward items.
August 1:
- August seasonal set (Urban Assassin) returns
- August National Day drops
August 5
- Class Hall expansion + new battle boss
- Back to School map, quests, and seasonal gear returns
- Apocryphal Yokai upgrade bonus
August 8 Singapore Independence Day items return (August 9, Singapore time)
August 12
- Crystallis story update
- August Anime Featured Gear Shop
August 17 Indonesian Independence Day map and seasonal items
August 19 Shadows of War finale, Part II
August 26 Shadows of War finale, Part III
August 1 July seasonal set + National Day drops
August 5 Frostval in July + Star Festival zones
August 9 Titan Summer Limited Quantity Sets
August 12 Starry Prince + Dawn Duelist Featured Gear Shop sets
August 19
- Father's Day of Doom events
- Featured Gear Shop sets: Regal Vindicator / Golden Paladin / ShadowFire Titan sets
- Rare daily login gifts from July 18 - 31
August 31
- Summer seasonal maps + gear
- Summer 2022 collection chest
- August National Day items, Singapore + Indonesia Independence Day
- Rare daily login gifts from August 1 - 14
August Daily Login Gift Schedule
There's always something new to do or battle for in AdventureQuest Worlds! Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
Follow AQWorldsGame on Twitter for more details and to see the newest daily gifts available for you at!
Release time: Gold, Rep, Class Points, and XP boosts are scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM EST (server time). Farming resource boosts and item drops do not have a set release time.
Rare drops released between:
- July 18 - 31 leave August 19
- August 20 - 31 leave September 17

July 29, 2022
Leaving Soon: Summer AdventureCoin Bonus
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy until Monday, August 8th. Don't miss your chance to top up your AC stash before Summer ends, because Fall is coming soon along with all our anniversary, birthday, and holiday events!
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

July 29, 2022
This Weekend: Summer Treasures
Dark and Delightful New Armor Sets
Whether you want to tap into your inner darkness or celebrate the Summer sun... we've got new gear for you this weekend! Find three new Elegy of Madness-themed swimsuit armors in the Wheel of Doom merge shop, plus find the Faerie Guardian set dropping from Twilly's Treasure Chest quest!
Twilly's Treasure Chest: Faerie Guardian Set
The Faeries of Greenguard Forest are known to keep butterflies as pets all Summer long, and will craft many of their outfits based on the colorful patterns of the Monarch Butterfly's wings.
Open a Treasure Chest for a chance to get 1 of...
- 50 armors
- 55+ weapons
- 70+ helms
- 10+ capes
- or 3 house items (including the Altar of Caladbolg)
- Plus 13 new items in the Faerie Guardian set
The Faerie Guardian set includes:
- 1 armor
- 7 helms
- 1 quiver cape
- 1 staff
- 1 sword
- 1 bow
Wheel of Doom Merge Shop
Astravia is situated in the cold north and the pockets of liquid that could pass as lakes in The Garden are nowhere near jacuzzi temperature. Wetsuits are the norm for any denizens* dwelling there.
Find the following set items in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- Darkon's Wetsuit + 2 helms
- So's Swimsuit + 3 helms
- Suki's Wetsuit + 2 helms
* Mi's Swimsuit + helms will be added as daily login gift drops to the /summerbreak map next month!
Get your Free Wheel of Doom Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why everyone in AdventureQuest Worlds will get at least one free spin on the Wheel of Doom per week.
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
Spin the Wheel, Collect Treasures, Choose Your Prize
Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA lets you choose a rare or valuable item* straight from your account manager.
How to Claim your Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Redeem IoDA tokens to get even MORE bonuses
For each of the first six eligible IoDA tokens you receive , you'll get a FREE Bonus IoDA. The eligible tokens are the Ultimate, Epic, Platinum, Wicked and Golden tokens. After that, you'll get a free Bonus IoDA for every 3 eligible IoDA you redeem, with no maximum stack. So if you have that dream set of gear you want to create... now you'll be able to.
After you redeem your...
- 1st IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 2nd IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 3rd IoDA, you'll unlock 1free bonus IoDA
- 4th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 5th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 6th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
Then, for every 3 IoDA you redeem, you'll unlock another free bonus IoDA.
After you redeem your...
- 7th, 8th, and 9th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 10th, 11th, and 12th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
And so on. The 3:1 bonus IoDA ratio starts after you get your first 6 free BIoDA, regardless of when you received them. (Example: if you've redeemed a total of 21 IoDA tokens, you'll unlock 11 BIoDA total. The first 6 BIoDA at a 1:1 ratio, and then 5 more at the 3:1 ratio.)
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc
Treasure Chests Details
There is a small chance to get a mysterious Treasure Chest as a reward drop when you battle ANY monster in-game. Have you found one yet?
Treasure chests are a fun - but completely optional - way to get exclusive items in AdventureQuest Worlds. The chests have a less than 1% chance of dropping from ANY monster in the entire game. Each one contains one of over 215 epic items that you can't get anywhere else (and the number will keep growing)!
- All of the items are 0 AC so you can store them for free
- All of the items are non-member so you can use them forever
There's just one problem. You can't open the Treasure Chests without a Magic Key. The good news is that Twilly (the little red Moglin in Battleon) has a few extras and will happily sell you one for 200 ACs and open your chest for you.
Monthly Membership Perk Arrives Monday, August 1st
Members, log in and talk to Twilly this Sunday to claim your two FREE treasure chest keys! Collect treasure chests as you battle through Lore, then use the keys to open them for new free items.
Want to get in on this?
Upgrade your AdventureQuest Worlds character with any membership package to unlock two free Treasure Chest Keys for each month the membership is active.
* We will begin updating the treasure chest rewards again on a regular basis, so if you've already collected all the gear... get ready to unlock more in the near future!

July 29, 2022
Shadows Of War Finale, Part I
This weekend's new game update is here
During the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga, you fought against Drakath's Chaos Champions. But ultimately, the Queen of Monsters was freed from her prison. We've fought her minions ever since... until a new threat emerged: Malgor, leader of the ShadowFlame. His goal: to destroy our world by corrupting the magic of Lore itself! If he succeeds, he will be unstoppable, and we will all be very, VERY dead. This weekend, log in and battle through the 13th and final chapter of his tale as we begin the Shadows of War Saga finale!
Malgor has corrupted the Mana Core with Shadowflame, and his influence is beginning to spread to all of the living beings in Lore. The final battle is almost at hand! Gather your allies and race to save the world as Malgor launches his final attempt to conquer EVERYTHING... and destroy our world in a tidal wave of despair, darkness, and shadow.
This weekend, /join ruinedcrown to continue your adventure! And don't miss the rest of the Saga! See the full Shadows of War Saga Guide here.
Shadowy Reward Gear
Whether you ally with Good, Evil, or Chaos... the heroes of Lore have always followed leaders whose nature is well-defined and whose goals are clear. But for those who choose to serve Malgor, leader of the ShadowFlame... a very dark fate awaits. If you /equip this ShadowFlame loot, make sure YOU don't get corrupted by his darkness, too!
Battle monsters in /ruinedcrown for new drops, then talk to Lord Brentan after completing the story quests to unlock his merge shop with even more gear.
Reward Drops:
- Warlic's dark armor
- ShadowFlame Warrior, Mage, Healer, and Rogue armors
- ShadowFlame Rogue helms
Merge Shop:
- ShadowFlame Defender armor
- 4 ShadowFlame Defender helms
- ShadowFlame Defender cape, mace, spear
- color-customizable ShadowFlame Warrior, Mage, Healer, Rogue gear
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- Sunday, July 31: Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17, National Day drops
- Monday, August 1: July seasonal set
- Friday, August 5: Frostval in July + Star Festival events
- Monday, August 8: Summer AdventureCoin bonus ends
- Friday, August 12: Stellar Royalty + Dawn Duelist sets featured gear sets
- Friday, August 19: Regal Vindicator Titan, Golden Paladin Titan, ShadowFire Prince featured gear sets
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

July 25, 2022
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms! You may now report bugs that are not account specific or are related to the most recent release on Discord in the Official Artix Games Discord Server, channel #aqw-bug-reports.
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Vordred has been de-Santa'd
Art Fixes
Misc Art Fixes
- Gilded Love Attack Cane positioning
- Dr. Eisenbacke, Crystallis ProtoHunter, Fate's Archer Armor (F) robe/backrobe now meet properly
- Unlucky Machete Battle Pet shows attacks now
- Mermaid Locks and Seaweed Hat backhair now in proper place
- Butler & Maid (F) arm is now positioned properly
Items with CC issues fixed:
- Uninvited Guest's Summoning Rune
- War Lycan Armor
- Enchanted Kitsune Rune Circle
Mount armours which now walk properly:
- DoomFluffy Rider
- Chaorrupted DragonRider
- Platinum Gryphon Rider
- Fyreborn TigerMaster
- Fyreborn TigerMaster
- Shadowscythe Gryphon
- Shadow Gryphon Rider
- Bright Gryphon Rider
- Bright Paladin's Gryphon
These mount armour issues are not a quick and easy fix, so it will take time to get to all of them.

July 22, 2022
Titan-Sized Summer Limited Quantity Sets
Our Fire & Ice Armor Sets go on sale this Friday at 6 PM EST!
Cool off before you head into this weekend's super-heated, titan-sized boss battle in Part 2 of our Attack of the Titans alternate universe parody event! Starting this Friday, July 22nd, at 6 PM EST, find all-new limited quantity packs, plus returning gear that hasn't sold out yet.
Once the LQS set packs are available, open the AQW Account Manager on our website and find the Limited Quantity Shop section. When the items are available, grab yours before they're gone! (Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page.)
This weekend's new limited quantity sets are:
- Enchanted Doom Titan Pack: color-custom + regular Doom Titan gear
- Doom Titan Pack: regular Doom Titan gear
- Heroic Titan Pack: color-custom and regular Platinum Titan Hero gear
- Fire & Ice Gear Pack: fire and ice-themed weapons + floating Blade pet
Name | Price | Total Qty | Initial Stock | Restock |
Enchanted Doom Titan | 1,500 AC | 3,500 | 1,500 | 250 |
Doom Titan (Member) | 100,000 gold |
30,000 | 10,000 | 2,500 |
Platinum Hero Titan | 1,000 AC | 4,000 | 2,000 |
250 |
Fire & Ice Gear Pack | 100,000 gold | 30,000 | 10,000 |
2,500 |
Fire & Ice Swimsuits | 1,000 AC | 2,864 | 2,864 | * NA |
DoomKnight Mech (Member) |
50,000 gold |
12,500 | 12,500 | * NA |
Bright Paladin Flying Gryphon | 1,500 AC | 458 | 458 | * NA |
ShadowScythe Flying Gryphon | 1,500 AC | 150 | 150 | * NA |
* These are the final quantities of these sets. They will not re-stock. Once the sets are sold out, they will never return.
Restock Schedule
- Friday, July 22nd 2022, 10:00:00 pm
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 2:00:00 am
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 6:00:00 am
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 10:00:00 am
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 2:00:00 pm
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 6:00:00 pm
- Saturday, July 23rd 2022, 10:00:00 pm
Enchanted Doom Titan Pack
Price: 1500 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 10,000
Initial stock quantity: 3000
Restock: 1750
Pack includes: 10 items
- 2 armors
- 2 helms, 2 capes, and 4 weapons
- Character page badge
Note: This pack includes both the color-custom and regular Doom Titan armor sets.
Doom Titan Pack
Price: 100,000 gold (for current and past members)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 5000
Restock: 2500
Pack includes: 5 items
- 1 armor
- 1 helm, 1 cape, and 2 weapons
- Character page badge
Note: This pack includes the regular Doom Titan armor set.
Platinum Heroic Titan Pack
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 10,000
Initial stock quantity: 3000
Restock: 1750
Pack includes: 5 items
- 2 armors
- 2 helms, 2 capes, and 4 weapons
- Character page badge
Note: This pack includes both the color-custom and regular Platinum Heroic Titan armor sets.
Fire & Ice Gear Pack
Price: 30,000 gold
Total # of sets: 50,000
Initial stock quantity: 15,000
Restock: 8750
Pack includes: 6 items
- 3 swords, 1 dagger, 1 staff
- Floating Bane of Akriloth Blade pet
- Character page badge
Returning Limited Quantity Packs
These are the final quantities of these sets. They will not re-stock. Once the sets are sold out, they will never return.
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into your account manager on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)

July 22, 2022
Battle Titan Drakath
New AQWorlds: Alternate Universe Story Event
This weekend... log in and gear up for a massive new boss battle as Part 2 of our Attack of the Titans: AQWorlds Alternate Universe parody event begins! With his army destroyed, Titan Drakath will have to take on someone his OWN size... YOU, the Heroic Titan of Lore!
After completing part 1 of the event in the /titanattack map, /join titanstrike to continue the adventure!
- Battle Titan Paladins, Titan DoomKnights, and Titan Destroyers
- Complete quests to help Warlic create a way to defeat Drakath once and for all
- Battle the MASSIVE Titan Drakath boss to collect new rewards and complete the event
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Last Week, on Attack of the Titans...
In your timeline, your Hero battled to defeat the 13 Lords of Chaos and prevent the Queen of Monsters from invading our world. But what if things had gone differently? What if Drakath, the Champion of Chaos, were able to become... the TITAN OF CHAOS?! Fight to defend the town of Battleon from Drakath's army of Titans when you /join titanattack!
Part 1 begins in /titanattack:
- Help King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn defend the remaining survivors in Battleon
- Battle Drakath's chaorrupted forces surrounding the town
- Raid his supply wagons to keep your AntiTitan Corps of defenders fighting strong
- Battle the Titanic Vindicator, Titanic Paladin, and Titanic DoomKnight
Titanic Reward Gear
A titan-sized victory deserves MASSIVELY awesome reward gear! Complete this weekend's story, then battle the boss monsters in /titanstrike and /titandrakath to collect reward drops and create parts of the sets.
Titan Strike Merge Shop:
- Titanic Destroyer Armor
- Titanic Destroyer Blades
- Titanic Destroyer Helm
- Titanic Destroyer Cape
- Heroic Titan Armor
- Heroic Titan Helm
- Heroic Titan Cape
- Heroic Titan Swords
- Titan Drakath Armor
- Titanic Drakath Blades
- Titanic Drakath Helm
- Titanic Drakath Cape
- AntiTitan Corps Armor (requires Titan Hunter armor from Zoshi's Shop in /artistalley)
Titan Strike Reward Drops:
- Titanic Destroyer: Morph helm + Blade
- Paladin Titan: Blade, Statue, XL Statue, Blade Statue house item
- DoomKnight Titan: Blade, Statue, XL Statue, Blade Statue house item
Titan Drakath Reward Drops:
- Titan Drakath's Morph
- Titan Drakath's Blade
- Titan Drakath's Gauntlets
Members of the AntiTitan Corps are prepared to lay down their lives to defend Battleon, but it's WAY better to defeat your enemies and take their loot! Battle through the /titanattack map to collect the pieces of the Titan Paladin and Titan Vindicator armor sets.
Titan Attack Merge Shop:
- Paladin Titan armor
- Paladin Titan's Helm
- Paladin Titan's Cloak + Bladed Cloak
- Paladin Titan's Blades
- Vindicator Titan armor
- Vindicator Titan's Helm
- Vindicator Titan's Cloak
- Vindicator Titan's Axes
Titan Attack Reward Drops:
- AntiTitan Corps: Chaorrupted AntiTitan armor, Titan Hunter Locks + Hair
- Titanic Vindicator: Armor, Axe
- Paladin Titan: Blade, Statue, XL Statue, Blade Statue house item
- DoomKnight Titan: Blade, Statue, XL Statue, Blade Statue house
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the July release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- Friday, July 29: Debris 297 set + Bloodmoon Faerie set, 4th of July + Canada Day items
- Sunday, July 31: Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17, National Day drops
- Friday, August 5: Frostval in July, Star Fest, Stellar Prince + Dawn Duelist featured sets
- Friday, August 12: Celestial Royalty + Argentina Day featured sets
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

July 15, 2022
Titanic New Featured Gear
Available for a Limited Time Only
If you don’t fight, you can’t win. To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Tyronius crafted all-new, titanically massive new sets for you to collect and equip! Find the the Golden Paladin Titan, Regal Vindicator Titan, and his ShadowFire Prince birthday sets starting this weekend in-game!
This week's Titanic Featured Gear Shop update contains:
- Golden Paladin Titan Armor
- Golden Paladin Titan's Helm
- Golden Paladin Titan's Cloak + Bladed Cloak
- Golden Paladin Titan's Blade + Daggers
- Golden Paladin Titan's Blade Pet
- Regal Vindicator Titan Armor
- Regal Vindicator Titan XL Armor
- Regal Vindicator Titan Helm
- Regal Vindicator Titan Cloak
- Regal Vindicator Titan Axe + Dual Axes
Tyronius also crafted a new seasonal ShadowFire set to celebrate his birthday!
- ShadowFire Prince Armor
- ShadowFire Prince Morph Helm
- ShadowFire Prince Skull Face Helm
- ShadowFire Prince's Sword
- ShadowFire Prince's Claw (single + dual wield)
- Tyronius' Big Birthday Face helm
- ShadowFire Balloons Cape
- Shadow of Tyronius Guardian cape
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus!
Gear up and get ready for next week's Summer 2022 Limited Quantity Sets, part 2 of our Attack of the Titans event, and the start of the Shadows of War Saga finale!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

July 15, 2022
Attack of the Titans, Part I
New AQWorlds: Alternate Universe Story Event
In your timeline, your Hero battled to defeat the 13 Lords of Chaos and prevent the Queen of Monsters from invading our world. But what if things had gone differently? What if Drakath, the Champion of Chaos, were able to become... the TITAN OF CHAOS?! This weekend, fight to defend Battleon from Drakath's Titan Army in Part I of our our two-week Attack of the Titans: AQWorlds Alternate Universe story event!
This weekend, /join titanattack to begin your adventure:
- Help King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn defend the remaining survivors in Battleon
- Battle Drakath's chaorrupted forces surrounding the town
- Raid his supply wagons to keep your AntiTitan Corps of defenders fighting strong
- Battle the Titanic Vindicator, Titanic Paladin, and Titanic DoomKnight
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Titanic New Reward Gear
Members of the AntiTitan Corps are prepared to lay down their lives to defend Battleon, but it's WAY better to defeat your enemies and take their loot! Complete this weekend's story and then battle to collect the pieces of the Titan Paladin and Titan Vindicator armor sets.
Merge Shop:
- Paladin Titan armor
- Paladin Titan's Helm
- Paladin Titan's Cloak + Bladed Cloak
- Paladin Titan's Blades
- Vindicator Titan armor
- Vindicator Titan's Helm
- Vindicator Titan's Cloak
- Vindicator Titan's Axes
Reward Drops:
- Paladin Titan's Blade
- Vindicator Titan's Axe
- Titanic Vindicator Armor
- DoomKnight Titan Guard house item
- DoomKnight Titan Guard XL house item
- Floating Doom Titan's Blade house item
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the July release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- Friday, July 22: Father's Day of Doom events in /nursery and /dreadforest
- Friday, July 29: Debris 297 set + Bloodmoon Faerie set, 4th of July + Canada Day items
- Sunday, July 31: Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17, National Day drops
- Friday, August 5: Frostval in July, Star Fest, Stellar Prince + Dawn Duelist featured sets
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

July 14, 2022
Summer 2022 Collection Update
Unlock 70+ holiday items in our Beachin' Summer 2022 Collection
Our very own time-traveling sales moglin, Quibble Coinbiter, is BACK in Battleon with a shop full of super-hot gear from the past, present, and future. And for all you real-life rare hunters and holiday-loving heroes, our Summer 2023 Featured Collection chest is here! Unlock over 70 rare and seasonal summer items when you get the chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins (over 23,000 ACs worth of gear) or buy individual items from the shop in your game menu.
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (that's 23,000 ACs worth of gear) or
- Check the Beachin' Rares shop in your game menu to buy individual items from the collection
The Collection Chest unlocks over 70 items, including the 2022 rare:
- Island Retreat armor
- 8 Island Retreat helms
- Floating Sand Buddy cape + pet
- Little Island Retreat ground rune
- Icy Blade of Doom (single + dual wield)
- Icy Blade of Doom (single + dual wield)
- Riptide Blade (single + dual wield)
- Crystallis Casual Rescuer armor
- Crystallis Summer Rescuer armor
- 8 Crystallis Summer helms
- Summer Rescuer Parachute
- Crystallis First Aid Kit cape
- Summer Rescuer Oath Blade + Salvation Gauntlet
- Celestial Water Spirit cape
- Islander Quibble Bank pet
- Pyroclastic Necromancer set
- Prismatic Starry Swimsuit armors
- Blade of Embers
- Islander Quibble Badge pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
This year's chest also includes the following seasonal items:
- 2 Starry Swimwear armors + 2 helms
- Oceanic Symphony set (seasonal)
This weekend, find all-new Summer 2022 surfboards! The Darkon + Starry surfboards are available from the Beachin' Rares + Summer collection chest.
Plus, head to /summerbreak and battle the IceCream Shark for a chance to get the 0 AC Bandit Drakath Surfboard!
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive quest pet, all of the gear contained inside the Beachin' Summer Collection shop will also be available to buy individually in the Beachin' Rares shop in your game menu.

July 08, 2022
Starry Summer Gear is Here
Sets available until Friday, August 5th
With a throne made of stardust, you rule over an endless sea of galaxies. Your brilliance cannot be matched, and your reign will last as long as the stars themselves. Log in now to find our rare Stellar Royalty set in your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoins for a limited time!
This celestial set is the work of two artistic stars: the original design was created by your fellow player, Cielvalry, and translated into Flash by AQWorlds artist, Arlette!
Head to the Featured Gear Shop in your Game Menu to find all of the set pieces!
The Stellar Royalty set includes:
- Stellar Royalty armor
- Stellar Prince + Princess helms
- Stellar Prince + Princess Morph helms
- 3 Stellar Royalty capes
- Enchanted Constellation Ground Rune
- 4 Stellar Royalty weapons
Argentina's Independence Day Set: Dawn Duelist
Tomorrow, July 9th, is Argentina's Independence Day. To help celebrate, AQW community artist Despera crafted a set inspired by many of the culture's symbols. The Dawn Duelist set will be available each year in July from your Featured Gear Shop.
The Dawn Duelist set includes:
- Dawn Duelist armor
- Matchless Dawn Duelist armor
- 4 helms
- Sheathed Melody of the Rose cape
- Virtuous Condor Wings
- 3 weapons
A selection of the Dawn Duelist set items have been added to the game permanently.
Cosplay Shop Update
Head to /Akiba and talk to Nukemichi to find 3 new items permanently added to her Cosplay Shop.
- Mouse Ears + Hair helm
- Mouse Ears + Locks helm
- Honored Mouse Tail cape
Bev's Wig Shop
Head to /Battleontown and talk to Bev in the Hair Shop to find 2 new helms permanently added to her Wig Shop.
- Dawn's Light Hair
- Dawn's Light Locks
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus!
Gear up and get ready for Part 9 and 10 of Darkon's Elegy of Madness Saga, our Father's Day of Doom event, and more!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

July 07, 2022
Now Available: Blacksmithing Update
This weekend, forge your own path!
An update that you all have long awaited is here- the Blacksmithing trade skill update! Now, heroes can visit Cysero’s forge in /battleontown to unlock all new enhancements and enhancement traits.
Back in April, you all donated a collective 1 TRILLION gold to let us know that you wanted a new and improved Blacksmithing rep. So, in response, we overhauled the rep faction, and gave it a number of rewards that everyone is sure to enjoy.
Once in the forge room, you can click the anvil to access a series of quests and shops to unlock these brand new enhancements. Here, you can:
- Rank up Blacksmithing (now can reach rank 10!)
- Unlock new Enhancements and Enhancement Traits
- Apply your new enhancements for gold after unlocking them
Enhancement Traits?
This will be the name for all bonus effects and skills attached to enhancements. Similar to the Awe Enhancements, Blacksmithing enhancements will also have bonus effects and activate skills in certain conditions.
New Enhancement Pattern?
Along with the new Enhancement Traits is a brand new enhancement pattern- Forge! Similar to Wizard, Fighter, Thief, and so on, an enhancement pattern is what determines the stats your gear will provide. Forge is an extremely offensively-focused enhancement, providing primarily Luck, Strength, and Intellect.
How Do I Get Started?
Heroes can begin by finding a series of Blacksmithing Rep quests, where you’ll turn in materials or gold to increase your reputation. You’ll find that this rep takes longer than most- but the rewards are worth it!
Upon reaching certain ranks of Blacksmithing (and certain levels), you’ll be able to take on Forge Quests. These are long adventures to collect materials and story progress to unlock your new enhancements and enhancement traits.
There are two types of enhancements you can create: Weapon Enhancements and Cape Enhancements. The weapon forge quests can be done in any order, while the cape forge quests after Forge Enhancement must be done in order.
Weapon Enhancement Traits:
- Forge Enhancement: unlocks the Forge enhancement pattern for weapons, requires rank 3, level 30, and completion of the Mobius questline to begin quest
- Lacerate: a swift guaranteed critical strike that hinders your opponent, requires rank 4, level 40, and completion of the Mazumi quests in /greenguardwest to begin quest
- Smite: an incredibly powerful strike, requires rank 6, level 60, and completion of the Sepulchure saga to begin quest
- Valiance: a high increase to all of your core stats (multiplicative to other core stat buffs), requires rank 10, level 100, and completion of the Lord of Order quests to begin quest
- Arcana’s Concerto: an ascending score that hurts your opponent and increases the damage they take (multiplicative to most defense reductions/damage taken increases), requires rank 10, level 100, and completion of the Astravia Saga to begin quest
Cape Enhancement Traits:
- Forge Enhancement: unlocks the Forge enhancement pattern for capes, requires rank 3, level 30, and completion of the Yokai questline to begin quest
- Absolution: a huge increase in your healing output at the cost of some damage, requires rank 9 and level 90 to begin quest
- Vainglory: an increase in damage dealt at the cost of healing intake and dodge, requires rank 9 and level 90 to begin quest
- Avarice: an increase in haste at the cost of defense and dodge, requires rank 9 and level 90 to begin quest
Weapon enhancement traits offer you a marked increase in power but are difficult to unlock. These are intended to be an alternative to Awe enhancement traits (with some being more powerful) that offer you more coverage and options in combat, and can be extremely powerful in the right situations.
Cape enhancement traits are for higher level players that wish to get the most out of their classes, and are willing to sacrifice some stats for another. These give you a positive benefit, but at the cost of losing stats somewhere else.
To learn more about the effects and numbers of enhancement traits, check out this guide!
In the future, we’d like to create more (and potentially helm and class enhancement traits), but we’d like to hear your thoughts first! Let us know what you think at @AQWorldsGame on Twitter, or on the Official Artix Games Discord!

July 05, 2022
Star Fest, BlackSmithing, and Bido's Birthday
This weekend's new game update is here 🤩
You'll be seeing stars all weekend long! We've got a huge new update for you this weekend, with the new Blacksmithing skill update, the return of our seasonal Star Festival, Bido's Birthday shop, and more, so read on then head in-game to battle on!
This weekend, head to Yokai Isle as we celebrate the legendary Star Festival (known in our world as Tanabata). For this year's celebration, find the Celestial Emissary, a living Daruma traveling around our world to help the gods of Yokai Isle grant wishes. Help it and you'll be able to make a wish of your very own... that will change the shape of the very stars themselves!
This weekend, /join starfest to begin your adventure:
- Talk to Princess Miko and the Celestial Emissary
- Quest to grant wishes for your NPCs like Twilly, Twig, Zorbak, Sally, Drakath, and more
- Complete all of the Emissary's quests to make a wish of your own and change the night sky in /yokairiver!
Visit the Star Festival to:
- Decorate Akiba for the Star Festival
- Battle across Lore as you hunt for her wishes
- Unlock the Moon Bow Ninja reward armor set after completing the story
- Get the exclusive level 80 boss drop armor set
- Return to the event at any time with the hanging Star Festival Decoration house item
Stellar Rewards + Bido's Birthday Gear
We've got a host of new 0 AC reward items for you this weekend to help you look like star while you battle to save the world... and beyond! Plus, we're celebrating AQWorlds Artist, Bido's birthday this week! Find him in /Akiba while the Tanabata event is going on.
Shorinzan Merge Shop
Complete the Celestial Emissary's quests in /starfest to gather the merge shop resources for the Starry Samurai set + a selection of celestial weapons from AQW community artist, Mihuri!
- Starry Samurai armor
- Starry Samurai helm, capes, weapons
- Aurelian Sword, Dagger, Staff
Reward Drops
Battle Ultra Uji No Hashihime in the Yokairiver map for a chance to get 4 new 0 AC house items.
- Wish for Love Constellation Wall item
- Wish for Peace Constellation Wall item
- Wish for Gold Constellation Wall item
- Wish for Happiness Constellation Wall item
Star Festival Gift quest. Bring Empress Miko Fallen Stars and there's a chance she'll give you one of the following:
- a piece of the Moon Bow Ninja armor set
- Tanabata Polearm
- Paper Crane mace
- Soben Bowl + Sticks daggers (member-only)
- Storm Kimono (member-only)
Star Festival Member Exclusives
If you are a member in AQWorlds, we've got some exclusive holiday event bonuses for you!
- Star Festival Character page background: Unlock the holiday character page background in the first room in /Yokai River.
- Tanabata Fest Decoration Shortcut: Buy the house item from the Akiba House shop for 7,777 gold. When you click on this item, you'll be taken straight to a permanent version of Akiba, where you can continue to farm for the 0 AC Moon Bow Ninja armor set!
Bido's Birthday Bash!
Long-time hero and guest artist, Bido, levels up in the real world this week. He's crafted all-new, extra special celebratory gear to help you /party. Complete his quests to gather the merge shop resources to craft all his birthday gear.
Plus, his NPC's birthday shop has a new home... he's moved from the attic in Yulgar's Inn to /Akiba. You'll only be able to get your gauntlets his birthday bounty while the Star Festival is going on... but never fear. You'll always be able to find him (and his Celestial Wanderer shop) in /djinnguard.
Returning Items
- 6 capes
- 3 helms
- 14 weapons
New this year
- Toxic Alchemist Rogue armor
- 4 helms
- Pixel on your back cape
- 7 weapons
Plus, don't miss his seasonal 0 AC Toxic Alchemist's Suspension Blade. It will be available as Saturday, July 16th's daily login gift drop!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the June release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- Friday, July 15: Rare daily login gifts from June 13 - 30
- Friday, July 22: Father's Day of Doom events in /nursery and /dreadforest + seasonal Featured Gear
- Friday, July 29: Debris 297 set + Bloodmoon Faerie set, 4th of July + Canada Day items
- Sunday, July 31: Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17, National Day drops
- Friday, August 5: rare Stellar Royalty set, seasonal Dawn Duelist sets, Frostval in July + Tanabata events
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

July 01, 2022
New July Reward Gear is Here
Display the official colors of your country proudly
Our country scarf capes, flag banner house items, and other rewards let heroes across the world celebrate their national holidays. Defeat the Zard in /battleontown to collect all the July spirit gear until Sunday, July 31st.
House Item Flags and Scarf Capes are now available for:
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Canada
- Cayman Islands
- Columbia
- France
- Palau
- Peru
- Slovakia
- The Maldives
- The Netherlands
- The United States
- Venezuala
You can also battle the Zard in Battleon to collect even more gear to celebrate Slovakia's Independence Day, crafted by AE designer, Adam1a1!
- Slovak Kroj set
- Vlast na Chrbte
- Merino Sheep pet
- Sheep pet
- Valaska Dvojita Valaska
- Merino Sheep house item
- Miniature Bratislava Castle
- Miniature Cicmany House
- Sheep
- Mountain Diorama
- Sheep Battle Pet
Happy Canada Day
Today is Canada Day, and that means... we've got new gear as a tribute to our friends up north! A ton of the AQWorlds and Artix Entertainment devs, plus many of our community artists and players, are from Canada; that's why we want to /celebrate extra-hard with fireworks and new gear.
Log in now to find the following new and returning seasonal items...
Featured Gear Shop:
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Beaver Pet
- Maple Wings
- Prismatic O Canada Top Hat
- Prismatic O Canada Top Hat + Locks
- Very Canadian Beaver
- Canadian Top Hat
- Canadian Top Hat + Locks
National Day Drops from the Zard in Battleon:
- Flag of Canada
- Canada Spirit Scarf
- Canadian Coffee Mug
- Canadian Flag Staff
- O Canada! Top Hat
- O Canada! Top Hat + Locks
PS: All of the United States 4th of July gear also returned today, in preparation for Monday's Independence Day celebration! You can find it all in your Featured Gear Shop this weekend.

July 01, 2022
Battle Darkon the Conductor
This Weekend: New Challenge Boss + Rewards
Last week, the finale of our fan-favorite Darkon's Saga: Elegy of Madness went live! We received a TON of feedback about how everyone was flooded with all the feels; this saga has truly become a fan-favorite. Now, the big question is... Did you truly fight Darkon at his full power? O_O This week, if you've completed Darkon's Saga finale in /theworld map, you can take on his Ultra Boss form: Darkon the Conductor! Log in this weekend and /join ultradarkon to assist La and the rest of The Scale members in knocking some sense back into their friend.
Calling all Level 80 Heroes!
Defeat Darkon to earn 5 Darkon Insignia per week, then use them to create new, supercharged reward gear.
Darkon's Debris 2 (Reconstructed): Darkon's restored axe in all of its glory.
Deals 75% more damage to humans when equipped
Creation cost: 20 Darkon Insignia
Dual Darkon's Debris 2 (Reconstructed)
Deals 75% more damage to humans when equipped
Creation cost: 20 Darkon Insignia
Empowered Darkon's Debris 1
Deals 35% more damage to all monsters and gives 25% more XP/CP/Gold/Rep when equipped
Creation cost: 25 Darkon Insignia
!!! A special surprise reward coming VERY SOON
Creation cost: Prince Darkon's Poleaxe and Darkon's Debris 2 (Reconstructed)
Upgrade Astravia Castle Past + Present II Houses
Both houses include a color customization room
Creation cost: 10 Darkon Insignia each
If you have both the houses, you can unlock a new quest in the /ultradarkon map. Complete it to create the Astravia Castle in Flux House!
- This is a special version of the Astravia Castle II that can switch between the art for the past and present houses
- Client-side change -- only the house owner will see the change and the button for it
Darkon's Finale Reward Gear
After such a rousing performance, Darkon wanted to leave you wanting JUST a bit more. That's why after you unlock the rewards in /theworld map, you'll be able to evolve several after defeating Darkon the Conductor in /ultradarkon!
Darkon's Ultra Merge Shop:
- Darkon's Debris 2 (Reconstructed) axe
- Dual Darkon's Debris 2
- Empowered Darkon's Debris 1 armor
The World House Shop:
- Astravia Castle Past I
- Astravia Castle Present I
- Astravia Castle Past II
- Astravia Castle Present II
- Ring of Creation (Activated)
Both the Astravia Castle Past / Present I Houses require the Astravia Castle House dropped by La in /astraviajudge.
New Encore Darkon Reward Drops:
- House Guest Darkon
- House Guest King Drago
- House Guest Prince Drago
- House Guest Prince Darkon
New Reward Drop from Ti in /theworld:
- House Guest Helmetless Ti
Even more house guests will be available in early July as Daily Login gift drops, too!
The World Merge Shop Gear:
- Darkon's Debris 1 armor
- Darkon's Debris 2 (Recovered) axe
- Darkon's Hair and Morph helms
Reward Drops from monsters in /theworld:
- Ring Of Creation
- House Guest Re
- House Guest Mi
- House Guest Fa
- House Guest So
- House Guest La
- House Guest Ti
- House Guest Suki
Even more house guests will be available in early July as Daily Login gift drops, too!
Elegy of Madness Saga Finale
If you have not played through the saga finale in /theworld yet... NOW IS THE TIME! Witness Darkon's story from its grave beginning in /garden to its tragic end. You have born witness to Darkon’s past and the reason for his ceaseless drive. A sacrifice has been demanded and the time for justice is at hand. Lore is on the brink of being erased and replaced with a more perfect reality. The fate of the world... and the prince... is in your hands. How will YOU choose to end the Elegy of Madness?
If you have not played through the previous chapters of Darkon's Elegy of Madness... your time is at hand!
Darkon's Saga Order
- Part 1: /garden
- Part 2: /eridani
- Part 3: /astravia
- Part 4: /astraviacastle
- Part 5: /astraviajudge
- Part 6: /eridanipast
- Part 7: /firstobservatory
- Part 8: /astraviapast
- Part 9: genesisgarden
- Part 10: /theworld
Bonus! Ultra Boss Battles
- Battle Drago in /ultradrago
- Battle Darkon in /ultradarkon
Darkon's Chorus: Curtain Call
Over two years ago, we first ventured into the dark, deadly and, in all honesty, horrifyingly nightmarish shadows of AdventureQuest Worlds' artist, Darkon's mind. Together with AQWorlds writer, Cylisse, they've crafted a ten-part tale that will leave you feeling both terrified *and* intrigued. This saga has been called one of the best in AdventureQuest Worlds... and the saga finale is here at last.
Why end it? Because THIS story is complete. And Darkon wants to go out on... *cough* a high note. (We just HAD to include one more music pun. Now I'll give it a rest. A whole rest.)
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Summer's heating up, and so are our weekly game releases! Check out the June release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
- Friday, July 15: Rare daily login gifts from June 13 - 30
- Friday, July 22: Father's Day of Doom events in /nursery and /dreadforest
- Friday, July 29: Debris 297 set + Bloodmoon Faerie set, 4th of July + Canada Day items
- Sunday, July 31: Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17, National Day drops
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

July 01, 2022
Weekly Event Calendar
Upcoming Game Events: July 2022
The Summer sun is shining brightly, but darkness lies ahead of you, Hero! Log in all month long for new seasonal and special events, wicked rewards, and the beginning of final chapter in our Shadows of War Saga!
July 1
- Darkon's Ultra Boss monster + Frostval in July returns
- Wrath of Xan Upgrade Bonus pack
- July Seasonal Set returns (Flameborn + Underworld Summer sets)
- July National Day drops
July 4 Fireworks in Battleon + Freedom Gear for USA's Independence Day
July 8
- Star Festival (Tanabata) returns with new quests and rewards
- Blacksmithing Tradeskill update
- Bido's birthday merge shop update
July 15 Attack of the Titans: Defense of Battleon
July 22 Attack of the Titans: Mega Boss Battle
July 29 Shadows of War finale, Part I
July 1 (ShadowZard Rider set) + June National Day dro
July 15 Rare daily login gifts from June 13 - 30
July 22 Father's Day of Doom (/nursery, /dreadforest maps + gear)
July 29 Featured Gear Shop: Debris 297 + Bloodmoon Butterfly sets
July 31 Rare daily login gifts from July 1 - 17
July Daily Login Gift Schedule
There's always something new to do or battle for in AdventureQuest Worlds! Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
Follow AQWorldsGame on Twitter for more details and to see the newest daily gifts available for you at!
Release time: Gold, Rep, Class Points, and XP boosts are scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM EST (server time). Farming resource boosts and item drops do not have a set release time.
Rare drops released between:
- June 1 - 12 leave June 30
- June 13 - 30 leave July 15
- July 1 - 17 leave July 31
- July 18 - 31 leave August 19

July 01, 2022
The Wrath of Xan is Here
Upgrade to unlock exclusive armor sets
Xan the Pyromancer's madness is fueled by a red-hot rage... and his fury threatens to burn the world down! Get the Wrath of Xan upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 5 armors, 7 helms, 6 capes, 7 weapons, a pet, a ground rune and a character page badge in your new upgrade package.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Wrath of Xan to unlock the full armor set.
- 5 armors*
- 7 helms
- 4 cloth capes
- 2 Guardians of Wrath capes
- 3 swords
- 3 daggers
- 1 bow
- 1 ground rune
- 1 Floating Skull pet
- and a character page badge
* 2 armors and select accessories are color-customizable.
Once you've chosen the Wrath of Xan bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Wrath of Xan gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Wrath of Xan gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Don't miss our other upgrade bonus sets
Maybe you prefer a more shadowy theme. We've got you covered. Check out the Alternate Upgrade Bonus Set bonus set! You'll find it now in your Account Manager.
Upgrade to unlock the ShadowFire Lord set
Shadows + flame combined create a force darker and more deadly than any sane mortal can withstand. Get the ShadowFire Lord Upgrade Bonus Set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 21 items and a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the ShadowFire Lord Set to unlock the full armor set.
- Gold and Platinum ShadowFire Lord armors
- 6 helms
- 3 capes
- 10 weapons
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the ShadowFire Lord Set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy during our Summer AdventureCoins bonus! With the release of the Wrath of Xan upgrade pack and the return of our July seasonal set, now's a great time to top up.
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

July 01, 2022
Frostval in July Returns
Get your /Party On this weekend!
Get ready to chill out with the return of our Frostval in July holiday event! Countries around Lore are ready to celebrate with gifts, good times, and new gear this summer, and they're not waiting until December to do it!*
This weekend, log in and head to the following maps for holiday hijinks:
- Head to the Northlands to celebrate a fireworks festival based on this real-life Canadian event in /brightlights
- Celebrate life, love, friends, and family with Empress Miko in /akibalight
- Save the day (and presents!) in /icestorm during the Dragon King's Festival in the Etherstorm Wastes
Note: our regular Frostval holiday maps do not return this week... they'll be available for everyone in December)
This Year: Bright Lights and New Gear
Help Adak gather the resources necessary to light up the night. After enjoying the fireworks finale, talk to Adak and Tinsel; complete their quests to get the seasonal reward gear!
- Enchanted Mountaineer set (color-customizable)
- Festive Party Outfit set (color-customizable)
- FlameHeart Warrior set
Plus, find the all-new FrozenDawn Herald set, available as reward drops from the Holi-Drake boss!
- 1 armor
- 8 helms
- 2 capes
- 1 sword
- 1 dagger
Celebrate Frostval in July... in Yokai!
Empress Miko has called for a mid-Summer festival in Akiba to celebrate life, love, friends, and family in the midst of war.
Complete her quests to unlock our Frostval seasonal gear...
- Chibi moglin helms
- the Frost BladeMaster set
Attend the Dragon King's Festival in Etherstorm
Once again, the dragon clans of the Etherstorm Wastes have invited humans and moglins to celebrate the Festival of the Dragon King. But not all humans are eager to share in the event... the Dragon Hunters have been spotted nearby. Help keep the peace (and the baby dragons safe) this weekend!
After you complete this weekend's event, battle the boss for a chance to get the items in our Frosted Assassin weapon series:
- Frosted Shuriken
- Frosted Katana
- Frosted Kunai
- Frosted Ninjato
- Frosted Katana + Ninjato
Battle the monsters in this weekend's map to get Burnt Bows and Dragon Scales. Save these up to create the pieces of the Winter Assassin armor set!
Celebrate Frostval in July... in Yokai!

July 01, 2022
Unlock the Flameborn Summoners
Available every year from July 1st - 31st
With Summer's heat blazing, the smartest heroes channel those flames into weapons! Our July Seasonal Set is the Flameborn + Underworld Summoner sets. Unlock the full set and character page badge when you buy the full pack, or talk to Garek in Battleon to get individual set pieces.
The Flameborn Summoner was forged in the heat of creativity by Darkon, with inspiration and input from the incredibly talented LHGart, Photoshop artist extraordinaire.
July Set: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner Sets
Starting Saturday, June 1st at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the ShadowZard Mount and Rider set.
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 5,050 ACs, so getting all the gear from the pack is a pretty sweet deal.
The set includes:
- Flameborn Summoner armor
- Underworld Summoner armor
- 4 helms
- 4 capes
- 2 weapons
- 2 pets
- an exclusive character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as an upgrade bonus?
Upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages; new bonus gear comes out roughly every month. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY June, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in upcoming years.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through May 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.