Design Notes
May 27, 2022
Darkon's Saga IX: Verisimo in Winter
Tonight: Darkon's Elegy of Madness continues
Defiance. Salvation. Justice. All these and more will be yours. Battle as Darkon as you gather the members of the Scale together and set the next phase of your plan in motion... Betrayal will not go unpunished. Log in this weekend for Part IX of the Elegy of Madness Saga.
Once you've completed chapters 1 - 8 of Darkon's Elegy of Madness, /join genesisgarden to begin this weekend's adventure.
Dark(on's) New Reward Gear
Darkon crafted a series of wicked new rewards to help you fully embrace the insanity.
Talk to Song Rivale after completing this weekend's story update to quest for the merge shop resources to create:
- Prince Darkon's Armor set
- Prince Darkon's Casual Armor set
- So's Student Uniform + helms
- Jus Divinum Major armor, helm, and cape
Plus, battle the boss in tonight's update for 7 boss-themed house items (no spoilers!)
Featured Rares Shop + Wheel of Doom Merge Shop
Madness awaits in our story update AND in the Featured Gear Shop's addition. Find the Nightmares of Malice armor set available in your game menu until June 24th. Plus, find the Agent of Despair armor set permanently availalbe in the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Our month of Madness continues! Check out the April release calendar to see what's happening and when things leave so you don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
Tuesday, May 31:
- Rare daily gifts released between May 1 - 14
- May National Day items
- Friday the 13th maps return to member-only until next Friday the 13th
Wednesday, June 1: May seasonal set leaves
Friday, June 10: Friday the 13th rare sets leave the Featured Gear Shop (Fancy Gothic + Formal suits, Cycloptic Horrorshow gear)
Daily Gift Schedule
2022 has been a CRAZY year so far... but Summer is almost here! We've got something new for you every day of the week. Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games. Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

May 25, 2022
Summer AdventureCoin Bonus Starts NOW
Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack
Summer's almost here, but our holiday AC bonus starts NOW! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AC or Membership pack, then return Friday for Darkon's Saga, part 9. It's the perfect time to reload your ACs before our Summer holiday events begin.
Gear up and get ready for... the Summer shop, Collection Chest, and more. Also happpening this Summer: Darkon's Saga finale, Attack of Tyronius' Titans, Tanabata + two new ultra bosses!
Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!
During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

May 20, 2022
Player Housing Update
This weekend, log in at /join buyhouse to check out all our new housing functionality + item updates! Captain Rhubarb and Spider (AQW's server and client coders) have added a TON of new functionality for our player housing system based on your feedback over the last year.
Now available:
- Talk to Penny to find new house items + the Yeoman's Townhouse in her shops
- 10 FREE house item spaces (already automatically added!)
- Max number of buyable house item slots has increased to 250
- House items can now be flipped/reversed
- Select house items can now be stacked
- Improved functionality for item placing, house saving, and house user interface
New House + House Items
We polled players on Twitter + Discord to learn what your favorite maps are, then pulled a ton of new items from them and turned them into equippable house items. There were SO many great ideas that we'll be adding more in batches over the coming weeks.
Available this week:
- Yeoman's House (available for 100,000 gold for all players)
- Red, orange, gold, green, blue, pink, white, black, black & white, and rainbow balloons
- Dungeon spikes
- Summoning circles
- Glowing Ravenloss Orbs
- Portals
- Reality Tears
- Clouds
We are still working on consolidating older duplicate house items into stackable versions. Are there any house items you want to be able to stack? Send a tweet to @Alina_AE on Twitter and include the hashtag #AQWHouseItemFeedback in your reply.
New Rare Sets in your Featured Gear Shop
Find eerie and elegant new outfits in your featured gear shop this weekend, available for for AdventureCoins, gold, and member-only gold until June 17th.
- Gothic + Fancy Formal Wear sets
- Cycloptic Horrorshow sets
Aurelio Voltaire + Mysterious Johnson's New Gear
Head back to the /oddities shop this weekend! Talk to Mysterious Johnson for his new quests. Complete them to learn more about his shop and collect the merge resources to create the pieces of the Spooky and Dread Spirit Hunter armors.
Then talk to Fabyo Loso and complete his quests to create some of Aurelio Voltaire's classic character outfits! Even more of his OG gear will be added in the future.

May 13, 2022
Friday the 13th: Odder Things
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for an all-new Friday the 13th Event!
Friday the 13th has returned once again… and as in years past, something dark, deadly, and VERY strange is happening on Lore. This weekend, log in and join special guest Aurelio Voltaire as he browses through Mysterious Johnson's Oddities Shop. And to help you get in the SPIRIT of the event *cough* - just a note of caution: Don't. Touch. The. Doll. O_O
- WHO: Gothic Pirate Oddities Collector + Musician Aurelio Voltaire, the AQWorlds Team + your fellow Heroes
- WHAT: Fight to escape the Inside Out and recapture the Cursed Spirit loosed inside Mysterious Johnson's Oddities Shop
After you complete tonight's event, talk to Mysterious Johnson and complete his quest to farm for wicked new reward gear. Plus, battle this weekend's boss monster to unlock the pieces of the Spooky Spirit Hunter armor set!
His mysterious merge shop includes:
- Gothic Thief's gear
- Neo Necromantress' set
- Mysterious Johnson's set
- Magical Johnson's set (member-only color-custom variant)
Plus, return next Friday as we add in even more gear* will arrive in the merge shop and as monster drops!
Note: the Necrayaya set for Cinco de Mayo has also been added! Battle the Zard in Battleontown to collect all of the 0 AC and member-only seasonal set items!
Friday the 13th Featured Rare Gear
It wouldn't be Friday the 13th without new rare gear to commemorate the event -- and this week, our artists have channeled the madness of the moon and the healing power of some very dark and deadly forces. Find the Moonlit Couture and Cursed Healer sets in your Featured Gear Shop until Friday, June 10th.
Friday the 13th: The Eternally Dark Holiday
What is undead can never die… Not when there is always another Friday the 13th. /join Voltairetown to battle through all our previous Friday the 13th seasonal events.
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for Friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like Evil Armies of Undead and Horror Movies. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome him back for another musical event! This weekend, slay your enemies as the strains of his songs, "The Headless Waltz," "Goodnight Demonslayer" and "The Night" echo through the halls of Mysterious Johnson's Oddities Shop. Stay up to date with all his music, art, and news updates on his site and once you've finished the event, make sure you check out his Youtube series, "Gothic Homemaking with Aurelio Voltaire."
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general).
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
*including several armor sets themed on Aurelio Voltaire's NPC designs!
Class Test Realm Opens
Tonight, the Class Test Realm opens! As a reminder, this server will be for people to try out and give feedback for in-development classes and class changes. Anyone who’s over level 40 and has a confirmed email can join this server. You can read more about this here. Once you join the server, you can find information about the classes and how to give feedback by speaking to Arlen.
Remember that nothing on the CTR server is final, and everything you see is subject to change. There won’t always be changes in progress, and not every class change will pass through the Class Test Realm. However, you can keep up to date on the CTR by joining the official Discord, or following the AQW Class Council on Twitter!
Class Changes + Reminders
Battle Healer has been finalized and made into its own item. You can find it in the PvP Trophies Merge, where the other PvP classes are.
Reminders About Class Points (courtesy of our Bugs department)
Class Points are obtained when you kill any monster, but will scale based on your and your opponent’s level.
In order to receive full class points, your opponent must be the same or higher level than you. For each level they’re lower than you, you will receive 5% less Class Points.
For example, if your opponent is lower by:
- 0 Levels = 100% Class Points
- 1 Level = 95% Class Points
- 2 Levels = 90% Class points
- 3 Levels = 85% Class Points
- 10 Levels = 50% Class Points
- 20 Levels or more = <1% Class Points
This means that you cannot fight super low level monsters to effectively rank up classes when you’re of a high level!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Darkness. Destruction. And madness are all happening this month in AdventureQuest Worlds! Don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
Friday, May 20: Featured Gear Shop sets: Seraphic Surveillance + Blossom Kimono leave
Friday, May 27:
- May the 4th event + seasonal items
- Featured Gear Shop: Mother's Day items + the Elegaic Mage rare gear
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

May 06, 2022
Revenge of the Sixth
Our May the Fourth Event Continues this weekend!
On Wednesday, all our out-of-this-world Lore Wars gear and seasonal adventures returned. This weekend, log in as our May the Fourth celebration continues in /zorbaspalace! Talk to Zoda the Space Moglin. To guide your path he has come. Complete his quests to craft a weapon of your own fate you will. Then unlock all of the rest of his rewards you must. Mehehehe.
After completing Zoda's quests, talk to Memet for even more adventures!
- Battle Palace Enforcers + Cactus Creepers
- Fight Thwompcats
- Take on Zorba the Bakk
Then head to the MurderMoon map. Fifth Lord Sepulchure is the most feared man in the galaxy, and has conquered countless worlds for the Fifth Order. He will NEVER stop until his master is satisfied. This weekend is the best chance to take him out. Talk to Hammer Wateru; he needs your help to destroy the Fifth Order’s superweapon and ensure the Freedom Fighters' victory!
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Come to the Darker Side for Seasonal Rewards
Find all-new out-of-this-world armor sets in your Featured Gear Shop and in Zoda's Merge Shop in /zorbaspalace this weekend.
And don't miss the interstellar seasonal gear that released in previous years.
- Necho Tech V2 armor set
- Gurgle pet
- Techno Light of Destiny laser axe (click to activate the laser blades + get 20% more Class Points when equipped)
DarkLord Class
Over the last couple of years, we've been bringing back previously rare class skills paired with new art so that ALL players can enjoy the gameplay. Previously, the DarkSide Class debuted in 2012*. Last year, we brought the class back, only available by farming! Talk to Hammer in /murdermoon to begin the battle to create a cargo-hold's worth of new space-gear... including ALL of the items in the DarkLord Class
The blue variant of the seasonal DarkSide 2.0 class is available for ALL players. A diabolically-evil red armor set variant will be locked to higher-level heroes. No OG Darkside class required.**
* OG Darkside Class owners, you'll keep your original, exclusive class just as-is, with the same art, battle pet, and skills as you've come to know and love. And if you check out the Darkside Orb's quest in /curio, you'll find a permanent, 0 AC version of the Hate Wolf battle pet PLUS a free version of the class have been added as a quest reward.
May the 4th holiday... wait, what?
Well... it's not, really. Unless you're a particular breed of nerd. As the Intergalactic Space Wiki (run by wookies, of course) tells us:
"May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books, and culture as well as strict religious rituals. The date was chosen for the easy pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" — "May the fourth be with you". Even though the holiday was not actually created or declared by Lucasfilm many Star Wars fans across the world choose to celebrate the holiday."
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

May 06, 2022
Become an Eldritch Guardian
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
From out of the depths, a sinister new army rises. They herald the dawn of a darker, deadlier elder deity. BEWARE. Get the Eldritch Guardian upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock all of the gear and character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Eldritch Guardian Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the full armor set.
- 4 armors Armor
- 2 Capes
- 4 Gauntlets
- 4 Daggers
- 4 Swords
- 14 Helms
- 2 Ground Runes (Eldritch Creature's Guardians)
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Eldritch Guardian Upgrade Bonus Set bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Eldritch Guardian Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Eldritch Guardian Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge

May 05, 2022
May 6, 2022 Quest and Item Updates
Necrotic Sword of Doom Quest Updates
In an effort to make obtaining Necrotic Sword of Doom less frustrating, we have updated the existing three Void Aura farming quests to reward a more consistent amount of them upon each turn in. We have also created two new daily quests in order to provide additional sources of Void Aura upon completion.
The following quests have been updated to now reward either 5, 6, or 7 Void Aura upon completion instead of 2, 5, or 10:
- Retrieve Void Auras
- Gathering Unstable Essences
- Commanding Shadow Essences
Two new daily quests for Void Aura have been added:*
The Encroaching Shadows (Daily)
- Defeat Warlord Icewing, Hydra Head 90, and Flibbitiestgibbet (which may be a bit different now) for misc item drops.
- Rewards x50 Void Auras, 50,000 gold, and 100,000 XP upon completion, with an additional chance to reward (Necro) Scroll of Dark Arts
Glimpse Into the Dark (Daily) (Member Only)
- Defeat Chaos Kraken, Ancient Trigoras (Phase 2), and Graveclaw the Destroyer for misc item drops.
- Rewards x100 Void Auras, 100,000 gold, and 150,000 XP upon completion, with an additional chance to reward (Necro) Scroll of Dark Arts
*Please note that the two Void Aura daily quests will not be affected by increased drop quantity events.
Additionally, Braeus now won't appear in /shadowfall until the player is level 60.
Nulgath Farming Updates
Crag and Bamboozle
- The Poisonous Deal and The Refreshing Deal quests now require Bone Axe (dropped by Big Jack Sprat) instead of Undead Plague Spear.
- The drop rate of Bone Axe has been increased.
The Undead Plague Spear could be easily acquired by a few players for a long time, so we decided to make the quest requirements equal for everyone while also increasing the drop rate of the Bone Axe instead.
Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
- The drop rate of Tainted Soul has been reduced due to recent QoL changes increasing the turn-in rate of the Dark Deal quest to levels beyond intended.
- The Diamonds of Nulgath Sale quest now rewards x9 Diamond of Nulgath upon completion. (This increases earnings when used strategically with boosts and saves time, to offset the above change a bit.)
Tendurrr The Assistant
The Game of Gemstones quest now rewards 333,333 gold upon completion.
Item Boost Changes
The following items have had their boosts updated to be more in-line with other items of similar obtain difficulty:
- Infernal Flame Pyromancer now gives 25% more Gold/XP/CP/Rep, its damage boost remains unchanged.
- Aspect of Luxaria now gives 25% more XP.
- Stare of Greed now gives 25% more Gold.
- Gluttony's Maw now gives 25% more CP and Rep.
- Beleen's Dragonblade now gives 75% more damage to dragons.
Story Quest Rebalancing
In order to streamline early game progression, certain quests in the following storyline areas have had their Gold, XP, and Rep (where applicable) rewards increased:
- Mobius
- Dwarfhold
- Darkovia
- Mythsong
Notable Changes
- The "What's Mine is Yours" quest in /dwarfhold has had its rewards increased.
- The "Twisted Paw" quest in /safiria has had its rep reward increased.
- The "Sanguine" quest in /lycan has had its rep reward increased.
- Quests in /chaoscave now reward Lycan rep (though they're still unrepeatable).
- Both Wolfwing Ending quests now reward Lycan rep instead of Good or Evil rep.
- The "Kimberly" quest in /palooza is no longer repeatable.
Scroll of Enrage
Stack limit increased to 1,000.
~ Immortal Joe and Eht

May 01, 2022
Weekly Event Calendar
Upcoming Game Events: May 2022
Darkness. Destruction. And madness are on their way! Log in all month long for new seasonal events, this year's only Friday the 13th event, wicked rewards, and a new chapter in Darkon's Saga!
May 1 May Seasonal Set returns (J-Sixth Lord) + May National Day drops
May 4 May the Fourth seasonal maps + gear return
May 5 Cinco de Mayo seasonal gear returns
May 6 Zoda's Weapon Crafting Quests + Friday the 13th maps re-open
May 13 Aurelio Voltaire returns for Friday the 13th
May 20 Friday the 13th Boss Farm + House Functionality update
May 27 Darkon's Saga of Madness: Chapter IX
May 1 April seasonal set (BioWar Cultist pack), Grenwog, Earth Day events
May 6 Featured Gear Shop: Sneevil Pilot, Golden Glory, ShroomKnight sets
May 13 Featured Gear Shop: Sweet Spring Mage, Rabid Ronin, Grenwog Guardian sets
May 15 Rare daily login gifts from April 18 - 30
May 20 Featured Gear Shop: Seraphic Surveillance, Blossom Kimono sets
May 27 May the 4th + Cinco de Mayo events/gear, Featured Gear Shop: Elegaic Mage set
May 31 Rare daily login gifts from May 1 - 15 + May National Day drops
May Daily Login Gift Schedule
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last two years. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise. Follow AQWorldsGame on Twitter for more details and to see the newest daily gifts available for you at!
Release time: Gold, Rep, Class Points, and XP boosts are scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM EST (server time). Farming resource boosts and item drops do not have a set release time.
Rare drops released between:
- April 18 - 30 leave May 15
- May 1 - 15 leave May 31
- May 16 - 31 leave June 12
* Correction: the Void Aura boost will not apply to the new "Glimpse Into The Dark" + "The Encroaching Shadows" daily quests.

May 01, 2022
Claim your two free Treasure Chest Keys
Upgrade to unlock this member-only perk!
Members, log in and talk to Twilly in Battleon to get your two free Treasure Chest keys on the first of every month, then turn them in to get free gear! More new gear is added to Twilly's Treasure Chests throughout the year, so keep checking back!
Don't forget to spin the Wheel of Doom!
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we give AdventureQuest Worlds members get one free spin every day while their upgrade is active! (That's in addition to the free weekly spin all players get.)
Want to get in on this?
If you are not already a member in AdventureQuest Worlds, please consider supporting the game by becoming one, or by purchasing AdventureCoins.
You make our games possible, and for that Artix,the AE team, and I /salute you!

May 01, 2022
Unlock the Lord of the J-Sixth Set
Available every year from May 1st - 31st
May is the month of many things: spring showers, carniverous flowers, and LORE WARS! Our May Seasonal Set features gear from our May the Fourth shop as we celebrate one of the most-beloved fictional universes and pop-culture phenomenons EVER. This month's seasonal gear will outfit you for adventures in space... and beyond: the J-Sixth Lord, Lightning Lich Emperor, and the StarWalker.
May Sets: May the Fourth Gear
Unlock our May the Fourth (be with you) sets: the Lightning Lich Lord, The StarWalker, and the J-Sixth Lord (with color-custom trim).
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 6,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 4,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- J-Sixth Lord armor
- Lightning Lich Emperor armor
- The SkyWalker armor
- J-Sixth Lord helm, cape, and color customizable lightblade
- Lightning Lich Emperor helm, moglin pet, and battle pet
- The SkyWalker helms, capes, and dual color-customizable lightblades
- an exclusive character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as an upgrade bonus?
Upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages; new bonus gear comes out roughly every month. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY May, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in upcoming years.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through May 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.