Design Notes
January 31, 2022
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Quests which award items in map /envy can now be redone after story completion.
- Some Hollowborn Vampire items had the wrong rarity.
- Neveya has been talked into giving all the scrolls you craft. There were some she felt were too powerful for humans.
- Map /fireavatar has been made easier to walk around in.
- Soul Weaver's Battle Mask + Dreads added to Dark Birthday 2021 Collection Chest
Art Fixes:
- Fixed movement animation/bugs on - Chaos Strike Uniform (M&F), Ghostly Wedding Garb (F), Lich Lord's Staff, Burning Blade Pixie, Sapphire Flame Pixie
- Fixed CC and detail issues on - Creator's Vision Locks Morph, Samarian (F), ChronoReaper Mantle, SpellRaiser Horns, Shimmering Mirror Mage (F), Elegant Eternal Ice Outfit (F), Dark Arachnomancer (M), Cupid Avenger (F)

January 28, 2022
Nulgath's Rares Shop + Collection Update
Unlock 100+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration continues this weekend! If you haven’t joined the /party yet, now’s the time because we’re adding three more sets to his birthday rares shop + 2022 collection chest. Get all of the event rare gear + a character page badge for 10,000 ACs (Over 33,000 ACs worth of gear)!
We've added the final armor set to Nulgath's 2022 Birthday Collection Chest and Rares Shop! Don't miss the SoulDevourer items. All of this year's event rare items will be available until February 11th, 2022.
Plus, find all of the gear released last week in Nulgath's Collection Chest:
- Void Symbiote's Blade Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Bloodbound Void set
- SoulKnight of Nulgath set
- Fiendish DragonKnight set
- Purified ArchFiend Warrior set
- ArchFiend Titan set
- ArchFiend's Warlord set
- ArchFiend's Judge set
- ArchFiend's Commandant set
- VoidFiend Symbiote set
- Oversoul Vampire set
- Aberrant armor
- HighMage Lord set
- Reincarnated Fiend set
- Empyrean Void set
- Reincarnated Fiend + Empyrean Void Orb Pets
- Eternal Flame of Loyalty cape
- Fiendish Eternal Flame cape
- Fiendish Duality Blade (single + dual wield versions)
- Plus additional pets, weapons and more!
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Nulgath 2022 Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nubble's shop.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from the birthday rares shop in Battleon until February 11th, 2022.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Collection Chest pet and Badge Quest pet cannot be sold.

January 28, 2022
MoistCr1TiKaL / Charlie / Penguinz0 in AQWorlds + AQ3D
MoistCr1TiKal (aka Charlie) from the youtube channel Penguinz0 is in AdventureQuest 3D now for the most unusual special guest event in the history of the game. So many of the AQW team are huge fans, that we had to get in on this. So... we added Charlie into AQWorlds, too!
This weekend, talk to Charlie him in Battleon or /join mverse to:
- Battle our very own 2D version of the 3D boss, Major Mushroom
- New rare and permanent reward items drop from the boss
- Complete Charlie's quest for YugiWOAH cards to create gamer-themed reward gear
The Charlie armor, helms, and poster are rare item drops. They'll be available in-game for at least the next few weeks.
Get your Battle on... even better!
In our ongoing quest to evolve and improve AdventureQuest Worlds, we've gone back and polished / fixed some issues with the Doomarena PVP maps and given a few classes some balance-love. Plus... NEW REWARD GEAR! Read on for more details.
PVP Changes
- Doomarena zones will now send you back to the /doomarena hub instead of battleon
- /bludrutPVP had a couple of new pathways added - one on each side
- heal player when joining PVP map
- small speed improvements to all combat logic
- updated movement response in PVP maps
- Tweaked player movement accuracy in and out of pvp maps
- Better sync'd movement of other players not in the same cell in pvp maps
Combat Trophy Rewards
- The Squish Game parody set items are available for Combat Trophies
- Get 1-5 Combat Trophies depending on how many Restorers/Brawlers you defeat in /bludrutbrawl or /chaosbrawl
- Find the PVP Trophy Shop in your game menu
Class Balance Changes
- Read the Design Notes here for more details on updates to FlameDragon Warrior, BlazeBinder, Royal Battlemage
New Nulgath Nation Boss Rewards
Battle Taro BladeMaster in /tercessuinotlim to collect all the pieces of the Wanderer of Nulgath set!
Even MORE Team Birthday Gear
Our celebration of December + January team member birthdays continues! Check out the Featured Gear Shop in your Game Menu for TheAxeros' SpellFrost set, Admiral Apus' birthday pet, Tomix's Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon, Dracelix's birthday weapons, and Darkon's cape!
2022 Australia Day Gear Now Available
Our Australia Day gear and seasonal daily login gift drops are available for everyone, no matter which hemisphere you live in. Find it in your Featured Gear Shop until Friday, February 4th.

January 28, 2022
New PVP + Class Updates
Get your Battle on... even better!
In our ongoing quest to evolve and improve AdventureQuest Worlds, we've gone back and polished / fixed some issues with the Doomarena PVP maps and given a few classes some balance-love. Plus... NEW REWARD GEAR! Read on for more details.
Doomarena changes
- Doomarena zones will now send you back to the /doomarena hub instead of battleon
- /bludrutPVP had a couple of new pathways added - one on each side
Server changes
- heal player when joining PVP map
- small speed improvements to all combat logic
- updated movement response in PVP maps
Client changes
- Tweaked player movement accuracy in and out of pvp maps
- Better sync'd movement of other players not in the same cell in pvp maps
New Rewards
- The Squish Game parody set items are available for Combat Trophies
- Get 1-5 Combat Trophies depending on how many Restorers/Brawlers you defeat in /bludrutbrawl or /chaosbrawl
- Find the PVP Trophy Shop in your game menu
Balance changes
Flame Dragon Warrior
An old class, long due for a buff. Skills, cooldowns, damage, and action cycle updated to better reflect that of a farmer, and make the class more viable in that role. Cooldowns were drastically lowered, so damage was adjusted accordingly, although it will still perform much better than before.
- Autoattack AoE increased to 3 targets, range increased to long
- Fire Dragon’s Roar mana cost reduced to 0, and is now unavoidable but cannot crit, cooldown increased to 5 seconds
- Burn of Akriloth cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, damage reduced
- Dragon’s Roar stack limit changed to 3
- Dragon Strength cooldown decreased to 10 seconds, mana cost reduced to 10
- Ablaze effect changed to +20% all damage, duration increased to 12 seconds
- Burning Rage cooldown decreased to 10 seconds, mana cost reduced to 20, AoE increased to 3 targets, but damage decreased
- Descriptions updated, autoattack name changed
Blaze Binder
Has slowly been nudged out of being a late-game farmer by continual class releases and updates, and mechanics updates. Autoattack was switched for an AoE autoattack, to better compliment current mechanics, and place it back where it was.
- Autoattack AoE increased to 3 targets, range increased to long
- Autoattack name and description updated
Royal Battlemage
Has also been slowly nudged out of place by class updates and mechanics updates. Class was sped up to better keep up with respawn rates, and received quality of life updates that make the class smoother to play. Remains a mid-game farmer, with the ability to farm faster as the class is played more skillfully.
- Arcane Strike range increased to long, and can now no longer be avoided, but cannot crit
- Explosive Shield now applies Arcane Warding, reducing all damage taken by 40% for 15 seconds, but no longer applies Focus nor Arcane Shield
- Enchanted Blade now applies Enchanted Armor, increasing haste by 15% for 10 seconds
- Descriptions updated

January 21, 2022
Nulgath's Rares Shop + Collection Update
Unlock 100+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration continues this weekend! If you haven’t joined the /party yet, now’s the time because we’re adding three more sets to his birthday rares shop + 2022 collection chest. Get all of the event rare gear + a character page badge for 10,000 ACs (Over 33,000 ACs worth of gear)!
In addition to all the gear released last week, this weekend we're adding even MORE to Nulgath's Collection Chest pet's shop.
New gear arriving tonight includes:
- HighMage Lord set
- Reincarnated Fiend set
- Empyrean Void set
- Reincarnated Fiend + Empyrean Void Orb Pets
- Eternal Flame of Loyalty cape
- Fiendish Eternal Flame cape
- Fiendish Duality Blade (single + dual wield versions)
Plus, find all of the gear released last week in Nulgath's Collection Chest:
- Void Symbiote's Blade Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Bloodbound Void set
- SoulKnight of Nulgath set
- Fiendish DragonKnight set
- Purified ArchFiend Warrior set
- ArchFiend Titan set
- ArchFiend's Warlord set
- ArchFiend's Judge set
- ArchFiend's Commandant set
- VoidFiend Symbiote set
- Oversoul Vampire set
- Aberrant armor
- Plus additional pets, weapons and more!
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Nulgath 2022 Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nubble's shop.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from the birthday rares shop in Battleon until February 11th, 2022.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Collection Chest pet and Badge Quest pet cannot be sold.

January 21, 2022
Master of the Underworld, Part 1
New Nulgath Birthday Story, Farming Rewards, and More
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration continues this weekend as we begin Part 1 of our "Master of the Underworld" story. Set in the past, you'll battle as Nulgath's Commandant. Your task, to observe Dage the Lich, a promising new addition to your Master's Nation... and assess his loyalty.
It has been 10 years since AQW heroes first battled through the Dage vs Nulgath war. This year, we will all travel even farther back in time to experience the first conflicts and clashes between Nulgath's Nation and Dage the Lich... and his growing Legion. This weekend's story is the first of the three-party adventure exploring that tale. We'll continue it in March with even more lore, bosses, and war rewards as we celebrate Dage the Evil's birthday event.
This weekend, log in and /join fiendspast to:
- Battle as Nulgath's Commandant
- Talk to Dage the Lich to begin your mission to observe Nulgath's newest potential heir
- Gauge his prowess, strength, and ability to complete your training missions... no matter WHO he is asked to slay.
- Defeat newborn fiends
- Battle fiend champions
New Fiendish Farming Rewards
Good (and evil!) things come to those who work for them! Battle to earn even MORE dark and deadly rewards this weekend!
Taro's farming quest
Talk to Taro in /tercessuinotlim and complete his member-only quest for a chance to get:
- Taro's Prismatic Manslayer (single + dual-wield)*
- Taro's Battleblade Pet (0 AC, member-only)
* The Prismatic Manslayer blade + blades are 0 AC and can be used even after your membership expires.
Monster drops
- Fiendish Outlaw armor set
Merge shop
- Vengeance of Nulgath armor set
- Fiendish Outlaw Battlegear weapons
Don't Miss the Lore of the Nation!
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration began last weekend. To help everyone to get in on the /party, we added a new Loremaster NPC to /tercessuinotlim and brought back his seasonal birthday gear and a new shop FULL of wicked rare items!
/join tercessuinotlim and find Jadzia the Nation Loremaster.
- Complete her quests to learn more about the Nation
- Unlock fiendish base class armors
- Battle Taro Manslayer to unlock a short story from guest Loremaster and Nation fan, Sevestus aka Balorfiend
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Nulgath's Seasonal Birthday Shop
Find Nulgath's seasonal birthday shop is full of dark and deadly gear. These sets will return every year for his birthday, as our way of helping all his fans celebrate! Find the shop in your Game Menu until February 11th.
Nulgath's seasonal Birthday Shop features:
- Void Rebirth armor set
- Void Awakening armor set
- Shielded variants of both armors
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Drone Pet (with two quests)
- Nulgath's Birthday Gift Pet (with one quest)
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes.
To recognize his dedication and enjoyment, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate the character and give his fans a hefty dose of the gear they love.
PLUS... new badge for Hollowborn Paladins
In our quest to continue adding more character page badges so you can show off your end-game and high-level farming rewards, we've added the Hollowborn Paladin badge tonight.
In order to unlock the badge, though, you'll need to complete "The Post Summoning" quest one more time. Talk to Lae in /hollowdeep to access and complete the quest one more time to unlock your badge.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

January 19, 2022
Class and Combat Dev Blog #2
Rebalancing, Readjustment, and Releases
When doing class rebalancing, releases, repositioning, and readjustment, we’re always aiming to put the game in a better state than it previously was. Sometimes, this is in the form of putting classes where they make sense, and for others, we may aim to adjust classes so they make sense alongside their contemporaries. In doing so, we’d like to more clearly communicate our intentions and guidelines to you so that you all may better understand the work we are aiming to do.
Sometimes, the reasons for changes we make aren’t immediately apparent, though we strive to improve the game overall for new players, old players, and everyone in between. So, for our Dev Blog #2, I’d like to share some of our thought processes with you all.
Get all the details in the full post here.

January 14, 2022
Nulgath's 2022 Birthday Shop + Collection
Unlock 100+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, the Nulgath 2022 Collection Chest is here! Get all of the event rare gear + a character page badge for 10,000 ACs (Over 33,000 ACs worth of gear)!
This week, Nulgath's Collection Chest pet unlocks 3 items, including:
- Void Symbiote's Blade Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Bloodbound Void set
- SoulKnight of Nulgath set
- Fiendish DragonKnight set
- Purified ArchFiend Warrior set
- ArchFiend Titan set
- ArchFiend's Warlord set
- ArchFiend's Judge set
- ArchFiend's Commandant set
- VoidFiend Symbiote set
- Oversoul Vampire set
- Aberrant armor
- Plus additional pets, weapons and more!
Even more gear will arrive in Nulgath's 2022 Birthday Collection Chest next Friday! If you buy the chest this week, those items will be automatically added to your chest. You can also buy individual items from Nubble the Makai in Battleon.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Nulgath 2022 Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nubble's shop.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from the birthday rares shop in Battleon until February 11th, 2022.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Collection Chest pet and Badge Quest pet cannot be sold.

January 14, 2022
Fiendish LoreMaster Quests + Rewards
New Nulgath Birthday Rares, Farming Rewards, and Lore!
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! Join us as we bring back his seasonal birthday gear and a new shop FULL of wicked rare items!
This weekend, /join tercessuinotlim and find Jadzia the Nation Loremaster.
- Complete her quests to learn more about the Nation
- Unlock fiendish base class armors
- Battle Taro Manslayer to unlock a short story from guest Loremaster and Nation fan, Sevestus aka Balorfiend
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Discover More about Nulgath's Master
Last year, we introduced a new adventure, telling the story of how Nulgath was human once... until he met his Master, Adimonde. If you are just joining us, now's your chance to learn disover what Master Adimonde taught Nulgath... and how he was prepared to reward his hard work and sacrifice.
- Fiend Champion of Adimonde
- Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
- Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Nulgath's Seasonal Birthday Shop Returns
Find Nulgath's seasonal birthday shop is full of dark and deadly gear. These sets will return every year for his birthday, as our way of helping all his fans celebrate! Find the shop in your Game Menu until February 11th.
Nulgath's seasonal Birthday Shop features:
- Void Rebirth armor set
- Void Awakening armor set
- Shielded variants of both armors
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Drone Pet (with two quests)
- Nulgath's Birthday Gift Pet (with one quest)
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and enjoyment, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate the character and give them a hefty dose of the gear they love.
Daily Gift Schedule
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
January is a month of new beginnings and birthdays in AQWorlds! To help ALL our heroes celebrate the new year and our many team birthdays, we’ve got a host of new events, new rewards, and new daily login gifts!
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

January 14, 2022
Fiendish Updates + Improvements
Nulgath Nation Quest Updates
This week several Nulgath related quests and areas have received quality of life improvements and balance updates, most notably to the Gem(stone) of Nulgath Pet and Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance set of quests.
Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance
- The Escherion’s Helm turn-in requirement has been replaced with a new misc item called Relic of Chaos.
- Relic of Chaos stacks to 13 and drops from Escherion at the same rate of Escherion’s Helm.
- Relic of Chaos also drops from Chaos Gemrald, Hydra Head 90, and Ultra Alteon (Chaos).
- All farming pet quests that rewarded Escherion’s Helm now reward a Relic of Chaos instead.
- Unidentified 19 is now a 3% drop from every version of the quest (it was previously a 2% drop on certain versions of the quest).
Gem(stone) of Nulgath
- The Gem of Nulgath pet has been renamed to Gemstone of Nulgath.
- Several Gemstone of Nulgath quests have been changed.
- Forge Gemstones for Nulgath, Forge Tainted Gems for Nulgath, Forge Dark Crystal Shards for Nulgath, Forge Diamonds for Nulgath, Forge Blood Gems for Nulgath, and Carve the Unidentified Gemstone have all had their turn in requirements and rewards adjusted.
Receipt of Nulgath
- The drop rate of the Receipt of Nulgath (misc) has been increased on the Receipt of Nulgath quest.
- The Receipt of Nulgath quest now rewards a new misc item called Shredded ARS Document.
- Receipt of Nulgath (misc) can now be purchased in Swindle’s Ripoff Emporium for 13 Shredded ARS Documents.
Miscellaneous Quest/Map/Item Updates
Void Highlord’s Challenge
- The level requirement has been changed to 80 (the class itself remains a level 50 item).
- No longer requires Dwakel Decoder, The Secret 1, Elemental Ink, and Bone Dust.
- XP reward increased.
Demanding Items of Nulgath
- Unidentified 13 is no longer a reward option.
- Gold and XP rewards increased.
Totem of Nulgath (quest)
- The turn in requirement has been changed to 25 Essence of Nulgath and Taro’s Manslayer.
Void Spartan
- Now requires 5 Blood Gems of the ArchFiend instead of 15 Diamonds of Nulgath.
- The random drop rewards have been changed to “Choose One Of”.
- XP reward increased.
Void Shogun Farming Quest
- Now requires 7 Blood Gems of the ArchFiend instead of 10 Diamonds of Nulgath.
- The random drop rewards have been changed to “Choose One Of”.
- Gold and XP rewards increased.
Enough DOOM for an Archfiend
- No longer rewards Unidentified 10 or The Secret 1.
Tools For the Job
- Gold and XP rewards increased.
Reap the Souls
- Now requires 20 Tainted Gems in addition to the Combat Soulreaper of Nulgath.
- Rep reward increased.
Tercessuinotlim Updates
- Incorrect cave paths no longer send the player out of the map.
- Most monsters no longer aggro the player when they move.
- Monsters in rooms with NPCs no longer aggro the player upon respawn.
- Taro, Swindle, and the Twins’ rooms are now directly connected to each other.
- Taro Blademaster has finished meditating.
Item Changes
- Balor’s Cruelty drop rate increased.
- Taro’s Manslayer drop rate increased.
- Unidentified 19 can now be purchased from Swindle’s Ripoff Emporium for 6 Receipts of Swindle.
- The Void Warlock weapons now give a 40% damage to all monsters boost.
- The Void Warlock armor, helmet, and pet now give a 25% damage to all monsters boost.
- ArchFiend Class...
ArchFiend Class Buff
Additionally, for Nulgath’s birthday this year, the classic Nation class ArchFiend has received a rework! It still retains its identity as an Archfiend of the Nation, now reshaped to better fit its roles as an offensive support and farmer. Now, it’s powerful enough to be an asset in anybody’s inventory.
In lieu of its hefty performance buff, the class requirements have also been made worthy of its newfound power. If you own the old version of the class, congratulations! It's been replaced by the new version. Otherwise, head to /tercessuinotlim and speak to Oblivion to begin your “Void Promotion,” or purchase it for 2000 ACs. Unlike before, you no longer need to be a Legend to acquire the class.

January 10, 2022
Vote for your Favorite NPC
Hero's Heart Day poll in progress!
Head north in Battleon and talk to Big Daddy. He has 3 NPC polls for you to vote in to help the developers decide the direction of our Hero's Heart Day event.
You know NOTHING normal happens in AQWorlds. This isn't going to be your standard, lovey-dovey date-o-rama holiday event! Vote for one male, female, and non-binary and/or non-human* NPC from each pairing below. Tomorrow, the winners from each match will face off.
Then those winners will face off again on Wednesday, until we have our winning trio. Those three NPCs will each appear in this year's Hero's Heart Day event.
* Note: Mi from Darkon's Saga has always identified as non-binary and non-human. So they are doubly-suited for this role.

January 07, 2022
Double Artist Birthday Week
Log in and celebrate Crulon and Hikari's Birthdays!
This month, we're celebrating the new year and a host of AE team member and guest artist birthdays! We kick off the gift-off with new quests and gear from Crulon and Hikari. The adventures will continue all month long, so gear up and get ready to /SLAY!
Whether you are a fan of light gear, dark, or in between, this week we've got something for you!
Plus, log in this weekend for…
- The last change to get 50% more ACs during our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus
- Our 2021 Honorable Hero awards have been added to all eligible accounts
Guardian of the Djinn Realm: Dream Palace
Crulon is one of the guardians of the Djinn Realm... and also one of AQWorlds top item artists. He celebrates his real-life birthday this month, and to share in the joy he felt, he’s created a host of new treasures for you!
- Find the rare Golden Dream Guardian set in your Featured Gear Shop until February 4th
- /join dreampalace and battle Gazeroth to collect the pieces of the 0 AC rare Silver Dream Guardian set until February 4th
Real Life Quest: Wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!
More Adventures in the Djinn Realm
Last year, a fabulous palace appeared in the Djinn Realm, as if from someone’s dream. Log in and explore /dreampalace to see what treasures it holds!
Great ready to...
- /join dreampalace and take down a series of all-new minibosses
- Continue battling until you their unique weapon drops then quest to level them up into even more mystical versions
- Create versions of the boss armor sets in Crulon's Dream Palace merge shop
Being a Djinn Guardian, you come across a LOT of mystical chests. Several years ago, Crulon found one locked with three magical seals. Decipher his riddles, locate the monsters, and fight to get the seals you need.
Talk to him in /djinn to begin his quests. Complete his Seal of Approval quest and to collect the pieces of the Serpent Knight gear. Find his Sandsea Enchanter set in his birthday shop or the Featured Gear shop in your game menu.
Meet Hikari the ShadowHunter
This weekend, /join banished and explore until you encounter the dark but generous ShadowSlayer... Hikari! In the real world, Hikari is one of our team artists, creating reward items, monster art, and more for our weekly releases. And this weekend, to celebrate his birthday, he's crafted a host of gear for you to hunt for!
Great ready to...
- /join banished and solve his riddles to recover valuable artifacts
- Complete all-new quests to learn more about him and collect the items to make two new rep sets
- Battle to earn his Diabolical Witch and Ectomancer armor sets
Real Life Quest: Wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

January 07, 2022
Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Sets
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Good or Evil... all heroes will eventually fall under the spell of the ArchFiend. Get Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock all the gear and a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the Dark ArchFiend Paladin and ArchFiend Paladin armor sets:
- 2 armors
- 4 weapons
- 3 capes
- 6 helms
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Upgrade bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
40000 AC package rewards:
- ALL Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- Mythic Item of Donated Awesomeness (redeem for almost any rare item in the game!)
- 15 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL Nulgath's Dark + ArchFiend Paladin Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until Monday, January 10th! So if you want to get a gift for that special someone (or yourself) this is a great time to do it!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!
Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

January 07, 2022
2021 Honorable Hero Rewards
Log in to get your Honorable Hero Prize
As a way of saying "thanks!" to the heroes who did not get muted or banned in 2020 (an even greater feat than in normal years!). In this year of unprecendented challenges, you kept your cool, followed the rules without fail, and emerged from the fires still standing strong. As an incentive for everyone to keep following the rules in 2021, we are awarding players who helped keep AdventureQuest Worlds a positive, fun, and family-friendly game!
What's an honorable hero, you ask? Good question! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and we want to reward them for a year's worth of good behavior... with 500 FREE AdventureCoins and a character page badge!
Starting today, if your hero account meets the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2021
- Not currently disabled
- Logged in between January 1st, 2021 and December 31st, 2021
- Level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st, 2022
You've already been awarded your 500 AdventureCoins. Your character page badge will arrive with tonight's release.
When will I get my prize?
The fastest, easiest way to get you your rewards is to automatically give them to you the next time you log in after the daily server reset. Servers reset at midnight EST. So if you are logging into AQWorlds for the first time today, you'll see your award. If you already logged into the game today, you'll get your rewards when you log in tomorrow.

January 04, 2022
Tuesday Night Updates
Honorable Hero + Gifting Rewards
Honorable Hero + Gifting Tier rewards update: these will be delayed. I had wanted to get them out today, but ... the delay's all on me. I got hit by a few day-long meetings this week and last as we closed 2021 and began 2022.
We'll be getting the badges and gear finalized tonight and the rewards will release ASAP this week.
Constructive Criticism Thoughts
Thank you to everyone who posted about our recent releases. We want to do more polls, have more dialogues and input, to create the releases you want to play.
It is always good to know what the community likes! That tells us what to keep doing. It is just as important to know what the community doesn't like. That tells us where we can change and improve.
But a small request: remember -- our developers and team members are only human. They're always working hard to build updates for everyone to enjoy, and to make the community a fun place.
A key part of "constructive criticism" is the constructive part. Tell us what you liked, or didn't like, and why. Be detailed, but please... be polite.
If there's something you like, great! It's always good to praise creators when you enjoy their work. If there's something you don't like, that's ok, too. Not everyone likes everything. We want to know what didn't appeal to you, and why you didn't enjoy it. That's how we grow and get better.
Posting on social media and Discord is optional for all our developers and team members -- artists, writers, coders, testers, mods, etc. They want to share their love of the games with you... most of them started as members of the community. Insulting, threatening, or harassing them makes it harder for the team to hop on and engage with everyone.

January 04, 2022
Frostval 2021 AC Gifting Event
Thank you to everyone who helped spread /cheer last year
The Frostval AC 2021 Gifting event has ended! Thank you to everyone who donated to help their fellow heroes have a very merry Frostval! Badges and rewards will be added this week.
Our First AC Gifting Event Was Insane O_O
The entire team was blown away by how many heroes donated, and how many heroes received gifts. We saw a lot of very happy heroes get free ACs from other heroes, which was the goal. So... objective met, thanks to the generosity of the AQW community!
We also saw a lot of feedback for how you'd like to see future gifting events adjusted. The team's been discussing your feedback over the course of the event, and is still talking about it as I type this.
Some ideas we are exploring before the next event:
- Changing basic eligibility requirements (example: increasing the minimum character level)
- Activity requirements to be eligible for receiving gifts (ex - having heroes "opt-in" by completing a quest to be eligible for that day's gifts)
- Capping how many rewards a single account can receive in a day, and over the course of the whole event to help distribute the rewards to more heroes
- Adjusting the tier spread on the leaderboard to use % rather than spot # (Ex - the top 5% of heroes unlock Tier 4)
- Adding "community reward" tiers, which would unlock for everyone based on the total amount of ACs donated.
- Future gifting events will not be limited to just AC donation. The donation system could be used to donate items bought for gold or earned through in-game story events. (Ex: Big Daddy wants you to send Flowers and Chocolate for Hero's Heart Day, and you get those by farming the story event.)
These aren't all confirmed, and they are only a small amount of the ideas and feedback sent, but they are all under serious consideration.
We'll also add even more information in-game to help explain the guidelines of who can receive / donate gifts, eligibility, and how the gift distribution works. (For example, the game doesn't know the difference between a "main" account and an "alt" account... it just knows which accounts are eligible based on the requirements the team set. All eligible accounts had the same chance to receive ACs.)
Wait... What?!
If you're just joining us (or back from a break), last year, AQWorlds held our first-ever AC Gifting Event for Frostval. Heroes could talk to Chilly in Battleon to donate AdventureCoins to a random hero to make their holiday bright. Donating unlocked in-game items as our way of rewarding your generosity, and heroes climbed the Donation Leaderboard.
Frostval Gifting Leaderboard
A HUGE congratulations to the heroes who shared their ACs with those around them. Your generosity helped heroes you've never met have a brighter holiday season. Your prizes will be awarded this week!
Tier 4: Top 250
- Northland Lights Castle house
- Northlands Worshipper armor set
- Sapphire Giftbox pet w/ quest for Tier IV Trophy house item
- All Generosity Coin Merge Shop items
- All rewards from Tiers I, II, III, and IV
- Frostval 2021 Gifting character page + Tier IV Book of Lore badge
Tier 3: Top 500
- Frostval ShadowFall Celebration house
- Winter Underworld Warrior armor set,
- Opal Giftbox pet w/ quest for Tier III Trophy house item
- All Generosity Coin Merge Shop items
- All rewards from Tiers I, II, and III
- Frostval 2021 Gifting character page + Tier III Book of Lore badge
Tier 2: Top 1,000
- GIANT Giftron bank pet
- Emerald Giftbox pet w/ quest for Tier II Trophy house item
- Giftron Giftpile house guards
- All Generosity Coin Merge Shop items
- All rewards from Tiers I and II
- Frostval 2021 Gifting character page + Tier II Book of Lore badge
Tier 1: All donators
- Timesplitter weapons
- Ruby Giftbox pet w/ quest for Tier I Trophy house item
- Frostval 2021 Gifting character page + Tier I Book of Lore badge

January 03, 2022
January 2022 Daily Gift Schedule
January Daily Login Gift Schedule
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last two years. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise. Follow AQWorldsGame on Twitter for more details and to see the newest daily gifts available for you at!
Rare drops released between:
- December 1 - 31 leave January 31st
Previous Daily Gifts
Want to see some of the previous daily gifts?