Design Notes
July 31, 2015
Cysero's Secret Rares Shop
Want to find out what's hidden inside Cysero's Secret Rares Shop?
Of COURSE you do! This weekend, the finale of our Summer 2015 "Return of the Living Devs" event blasts off with - Cysero's Secrets: Goose of Terror!*
Battle through Cysero's forge to discover doorways to places you've been to and knowledge you've never known, then check out his Secret Rares shop... not-so-well hidden in your Game Menu!
Inside the Secret Rares Shop, you'll find:
- Anseri Destroyer Mount Armor**
- Anseri Destroyer Hood, 2 capes, and Bow
- Agitated Orb Battle Pet
- Agitated Orb Pet - with a quest for 3 exclusive, very Cyser-ish rewards
The Agitated Orb pet's quest has a chance to reward you with one of three exclusive items:
- Roasted Pickle Mace
- Cheesy Sock Mountain
- Green Disco Orb house item
* The Anseri Destroyer Rider Art has been waiting to strike for the last two weeks... the time is almost at hand!
** The word "anseri" in the armor name comes from the Latin word "anser," which means "goose."
*** This bank pet is based on the release, and the SUPER EXTRA SPOILER RULE has been invoked. No previews or hints until after the release is live!

July 31, 2015
Cysero's Secrets
Do you dare face the Ancient Goose?
Yeah. You probably do.
I mean, of course you do. Why else would you be here? Just cheering on your friends while they play the release? I don't think so.
You want a piece of this goose. AND YOU'RE NOT ALONE! The Queen of All Monsters also wants a piece of him (three pieces, actually).
My first special guest release for the Return Of The Living Devs was a lot of fun. It was a story I thought about for a while, and I think the AQW team did a fantastic job making the release come to life.
I think it surprised a lot of people because people expect zany, wacky fun from me, but It was dark and moody and very emotional and I'm so happy that so many of you played it and let the story do its job.
For my second special guest release (of two), I really wanted to give you some of the Cysero that a lot of you expect to see. The story is dumb (but fun and has a few great surprises in it), and the gear is very nice, but the MAP is the real jewel here. I planned out each room, each twist and turn, each hidden exit, shortcut and hidden mouse-over.
Cysero is what's up.
I really tried to give you somewhere that was fun to run around. (of course J6 and Reens were the ones who had to build the map to my exacting standards and Ghost expertly animated some of my favorite cutscenes in all of AQW history for tonight, so they all have permission to hit me. Sorry, guys.)
Let's face it. There are only so many types of quests that you can go on before they all start feeling kind of similar... so, I wanted to give you a PLACE that fun to run around in. This way, if the quests start feeling like work, the map will always keep things interesting with a hidden treat in almost every room.
Look carefully, dear player. If you want to find MY secrets... you're going to have to work for them.

July 30, 2015
What IS Cysero's Secret?
I'll Give You a Hint... It's Not Yogurt.
If you had ONE guess as to what Cysero's secret is... what do you think it could be? Tweet your guess to Cysero, Artix, and Alina, then find out for real in tomorrow night's release!

July 29, 2015
Chaos Queen Beleen Shop Leaving
Last Chance to Get Chaos Queen Beleen Rares!
If you haven't played through the Chaos Queen Beleen release, then you are missing out! You can begin your war against the pinkification of Lore when you /join drearia! If you are a FAN of the color pink, adorably fiending things, or fan-favorite artist Nulgath, then you want to make sure you don't miss the Chaos Queen Beleen Rares shop!
The Chaos Queen Beleen shop holds:
- Cutie Makai Bank Pet
- Chibi Nulgath Bank Pet
- Chaos Beleen Sparkles
- Purified Axe of Nulgath
- Purified Blade of Nulgath
- Purified Scythe of Nulgath
- Purified Polearm of Nulgath
- Nulgaleen Horns Morph
- Nulgaleen Locks Morph
- Chibi Nulgath Helm
- Icy Chibi Nulgath Helm
- Pinkitron Armor
- Chibi Head Pilot
- Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm
The items in the July Holiday Rares shop also leave tomorrow night, so be sure to snag anything you want now, before they are gone until next year!

July 29, 2015
AQ3D Alpha Test Coming Soon
Adventurequest 3D: Legend of LORE's Tech Demo is about to end!
The Tech Demo phase at for AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of Lore is about to end! Last chance to participate before we award the testers and do the database reset to start the ALPHA TESTS!
Tech Demo Testers!
Here is what you are getting....
- AQWorlds Badge (Proof!)
- AQWorlds Rare Tech Demo Weapon (Awesome!)
- After the 3D database reset... the new AQ3D Account System will go live!
- You will then make a shiny new AQ3D account
Then, later, during Alpha Testing... the Alpha Knight armor will be released!
Previous AdventureQuest 3D Testers!
- You will be able to login and play this new version of AQ3D
- Sorry it took so long!
- The "Link your AE account" feature may take a few extra days to get working... but it will not take too long!
- As originally promised, you will get Alpha Knight armor too!
All Players!
- Everyone will be allowed to Pre-Register for AdventureQuest 3D once the new account system goes live.
- Yes, if you Pre-Register there is a chance you will be invited for special tests with the above players (i.e. Stress Tests)
Your shiny new AQ3D account will be cross-platform ready... which means you can use that same account to login and play your same characters on Apple iOS devices, Android Devices once they go live with the Beta launch (Estimated time of BETA release is October)

July 27, 2015
Delay in Help Team Reply Emails
Note from Nythera about Delayed Email Replies
Hello, Nythera here. If you emailed my Artix HelpTeam via the Help Pages last Friday evening 7/24/15 and you have not received a response...please email us again! We had some hungry server hamsters eat some of our emails.
I need to remind Zhoom to feed them more... But rest assured, we are working as fast as we can to get all the backlogged emails answered as quickly as possible!

July 27, 2015
Friday: Discover Cysero's Secrets
Discover the Truth behind the Goose of Terror!
When Cysero asks for your help to defend his fabled forge/bakery from some of the queen’s minions, you'll learn more about the origins of nature, life, and the horrors of the fearsome beast they call... the "Goose"!
As you battle your way through Cysero's bakery-forge this Friday, you'll discover doorways to many places, see many strange and wond'rous things (my personal favorite is the probably the roasting pickle), and you'll also learn one of the greatest secrets of OUR WORLD! There is one thing you will NOT need to wait until Friday to learn, though, and that's how Cysero feels about geese:
If you right click this link, you can open it in a new tab and save the image, then edit in a caption of your own. If you do, tweet it to me, cysero, and Artix!

July 25, 2015
Unlock the Ancient Grovebreaker Blade
Unlock the exclusive weapon with any AC package!
Unlock the Ancient Grovebreaker Spellblade with ANY AdventureCoin package! The weapon will be added directly into your inventory, so you can /equip it and begin battling your way through all our awesome Summer 2015 "Return of the Living Dev" events right away!
Then find the rest of the Ancient Spellblade gear (including an armor, helms, a floating sword pet, and more) in the Living Dungeon AC Rares shop inside your Game Menu!
In this week's rares shop, you'll find:
- Eternal Groveborn Armor
- Grovebreaker Armor
- Cernunos’ Avatar Helm
- Novice’s Shag Hair
- Bright Elven Locks
- Shadowed Elven Locks
- Nefarious Elven Locks
- Horned Elven Locks
- Rune of the Grove
- Mystic Wrap of the Ancients
- Cloak of the Groveborn
- Grove Defender’s Reserve Gear
- Eternal Groveborn’s Blade
- Enchanted Grovebreaker’s Blade
- Shadowfir Athame
- Brightwind Athame
- Groveborn Defender’s Companion
- Groveborn Defender’s Battle Pet *
*Upgrade your account with a membership to unlock!

July 24, 2015
Tonight: Moonlight on the Grave
And an Old Enemy Considers a New Alliance!
This weekend's Hero Vacation checklist: powerful LunarMancer? You bet! Complex plot for revenge? Oh yeah! Unforeseen accident causing massive, moon-based shenanigans (and an old enemy's return)? Absolutely! Discover what happens after the LunarMancer’s spell goes awry and survive your journey to Terra Lacuna Island this week in AdventureQuest Worlds!
This release was a bit smaller than some of our previous weeks have been - with Ghost on vacation, Arklen stepped up to the plate and knocked out FIVE cutscenes! /cheer and all the hats tipped off to him for his extra effort! Aaaaaand...
Memet was doing triple overtime working on some REALLY crazy new art for Cysero's release next week (we've got a new rare mount armor coming, for those of you who like ridiculously-awesome things) before she heads off to help BioBeasts for a week!
BUT do not forget... NEW BEACH HANGOUT! Gather all your friends and /join the party in Coral Beach Save up the Moon Rocks you find in Luna Cove, then trade them to SunBeam for new Beach Gear from Aranx.
Summer Madness AC Bonus Offer Ends August 7th!
These are the last two weeks of our Summer Madness Bonus AdventureCoin offer! Get 25% more free ACs when you buy a 12000 AC packages or 500 more free ACs when you buy a 5000 AC package - with all the awesome events this summer, you'll want to stock up so you don't miss any of the epic reward gear... but both the offer and gear will be leaving soon, just like summer itself!
Don't miss our other recent releases:
- Coral Beach - the hottest new surf hangout - arrives with more summer gear!
- The Fantastic Lore Limited Time Shop arrives Friday with The Fiending Set!
- The Collector special event has returned - get The Collector Class NOW!
- Nulgath's Terminator Genisys gear is here!

July 23, 2015
Summer Madness AC Bonus Sale
Get Up to 25% MORE Free AdventureCoins Through July 24th!
Starting tonight, July 24th and ending August 7th, get 25% more free AdventureCoins when you buy a 12000 AdventureCoin package! (That is 3000 more free ACs!) And get 500 more bonus ACs when you buy a 5000 AdventureCoin package! This offer will only be around for two more weeks... so if there are any rare items from our Summer 2015 "Return of the Living Devs" event you've been wanting to get your gauntlets on, now's the time to get the gear AND extra ACs!
AC Bonus Offer for July 24 - August 7:
12000 AC package + 3000 bonus ACs
5000 AC package + 500 bonus ACs

July 22, 2015
Before the Full Moon Rises...
The LunarMancer Needs Your Help!
The LunarMancer (no, we don't know his real name, he won't tell us...) needs someone to help him very, very badly. The villagers on the island of Luna Cove won't do it. When I asked, they just shook their heads, crossed their eyes, and stuck out their tongues. But if a certain Hero were to take a vacation to Luna Cove this weekend, we might discover why... and he might complete the spell that would help him gain the rest and respite he so badly needs! If that's enough of a Wednesday teaser for you. Stop here. Otherwise, read on!
There's just ONE. Little. Problem! As the moon moves through its phases, passing towards the full moon, lunarmancy gets stronger. And if your focus is not ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, spells and rituals are... apt to go awry.
If you haven't checked your lunar calendar (or the night sky) lately, then you may have missed that it is ALMOST the full moon! And THAT means that the LunarMancer's power is ALMOST at full strength! This is both a good thing and a BAD thing - we're not quite sure WHAT will happen when (or IF) he completes the ritual. THAT is going to be up to you, Hero!
Friday: The Fantastic LORE Limited Time Shop Arrives!
Starting this Friday, July 24th, find the Fantastic Lore shop in your game menu for until August 7th! Get Nulgath's "The Fiending" armor, helms, and maces, based on everyone's favorite Fantastic Four character, The Thing!
Get Up to 30% More Free Bonus ACs until Friday!
This Friday at 6PM server time, the free bonus amount and select packages will change! If you want to get the most bonus ACs (so you don't miss any of our awesome summer rare rewards like The Collector Class or the Ancient Grovebreaker Blade), now's the best time to do it!
Bug Fix update: The Dead Rewards Shop in /death. which had been erroneously removed, has been returned. The gear is now available again! Thanks to all those who reported it!

July 20, 2015
Friday: The LunarMancer Arrives!
And an Old Enemy Considers a New Alliance!
When a powerful (maybe slightly moon-dazed) LunarMancer seeks revenge on those who've wronged him, he requires YOUR help to complete a complex ritual that will set everything to right. If you ever want to leave the lovely Luna Cove, located on the shores of Terra Lacuna Island (also the setting for last week's Titan Hollow release), you'll need to help him... if you can!
BUT WAIT! It's almost the full moon, and you know what THAT means on Lore... unforeseen accidents, shenanigans, and - oh yes, you'll be lycan what comes next... moon-based mayhem! Help the Lunarmancer complete his ritual, save the villagers, and discover what is in store for old enemies and new... friends(!?) this weekend!
Coming Next Week: Cysero's Secret
As Reens and Arklen build Laken's LunarMancer release (/cheer for another Laken story!), Memet and J6 are hard at work creating the assets that will be used for Cysero's release next week - the final installment of our Summer 2015 "Return of the Living Devs" event!
If you know Cysero, then you know it WILL be crazy, you WILL get to take a gander at the unexpected, and you WILL be quack-ing up before he's through!
Last Chance to get up to 30% More Free AdventureCoins!
Get up to 30% more free Adventurecoins when you buy select packages until July 24th! With all the awesome events this summer, you'll want to stock up so you don't miss any of the epic reward gear - like the new Collector Class or the Ancient Groveborn gear! And when you buy any AC package, you'll unlock the exclusive Ancient Grovebreaker Blade!
Also releasing this week in AQWorlds:
- Coral Beach - the hottest new surf hangout - arrives with more summer gear!
- The Fantastic Lore Limited Time Shop arrives Friday with The Fiending Set!

July 20, 2015
Redeem retail gift cards for ACs
PayGarden Lets You Redeem Other Store Gift Cards!
GREAT news - we've partnered with PayGarden to let you trade major brand gift cards (like Walmart, Macy's, Home Depot, and 100+ more) for AdventureCoins!
If you've got a gift card you'll never use, or that has at least $10 USD left on it, you can redeem them on our website and get ACs in return.
Important Information
- No credit cards required
- Gift card must have at least $10 USD left on it
- Works with US stores only
- Extra AC package bonus items not included when ACs purchased through PayGarden
Need help with PayGarden? See the PayGarden Help Page here.

July 17, 2015
Prepare for Titan Hollow!
Take on the Living Dungeon Tonight!
Tonight! Friday night (est) is the opening of the living dungeon "Titan Hollow" in I was really grateful to be able to work on this for you with J6, Reens, Ghost and the rest of the AQWorlds team! Like my previous adventure, Dreadspace, it is reasonably sized for casual gamers to enjoy, but has lots of end game and bonus content to do for ultra dedicated gamers who want more. If I only get to tell you one thing about this new mini-story... is that it is beautifully creepy with a really fun feel good ending. When you see the quality of J6's art and Ghost's amazing animated cutscenes... you will see why we needed those extra 3 days!
Without spoiling anything... there is one particular view when you are standing inside of the standing Titan's mouth, looking out... and you can see everything! It is amazing. I think I stared at that scene for hours while I was writing the pun filled quest descriptions. We really need to turn that into a house.
A little backstory. Originally, I was designing this dungeon to be am ultra evil Grimskull puzzle-dungeon... with a "Surprise! It is Grimskull!" reveal at some point. (Which I *STILL* will do one day in the future!) But for this particular summer release we all wanted something that everyone would actually enjoy. Because, um, there is something about dying in terrible and horrible ways... in every room.. multiple times... over and over... that not everyone enjoys. <_< So I carefully placed my evil Grimskull notebook back on the shelf... where it can sit generating nightmares until it is time. Instead,in this release I wanted to focus on the "Parkour of Video Game travel." That is... making getting from point A to point B really interesting. A living dungeon is the perfect place to do that! What started as quick little 5 second cutscenes turned into a pretty full blown production. We came up with he idea for the the end of the adventure while we were still working on it... which I REALLY think you are going to enjoy.
There are two things we did differently in Titan Hollow. First, is how we introduce the villain. As weird and simple as it seems when you play it... it is the first time we have EVER done that. It gives a very clear goal and motivation to get to the end of the dungeon too. Second, you can "re-run" this dungeon. Normally, you beat a quest chain and then farm the boss monster for Drops. In this dungeon, you will re-run the quests to fight the main boss for a single epic prize. To get another epic prize, you re-run a simplier version of the quests again. Of course, there are also some bonus big monster baddies that are there to farm for stuff too.
Release Checklist! Make sure you find/complete/watch:
- BOTH run-throughs! Do NOT just complete the release once!
- The merge shop that unlocks after you complete the first round of story quests
- All 10 monster drop rewards
- The special, HIDDEN "release" boss with arguably the most "epic drop" in the game
- All 8 story cutscenes
- The Titan BATTLE fight to the finish!!!!
Again, I really hope you enjoy this adventure. Take lots of screenshots!
P.S. Sorry for writing you a novel! It is 2am... after working on a release like this, I get super hyperactive. I probably will not be able to sleep until you play it. Thankfully we are mostly done now... almost everything is assembled!

July 15, 2015
Ancient Grovebreaker Blade Arrives Friday
Unlock the Ancient Grovebreaker Spellblade This Friday!
Starting this Friday at 6 PM Eastern, unlock the Ancient Grovebreaker Spellblade with ANY AdventureCoin package! The weapon will be added directly into your inventory, so you can /equip it and begin battling your way through Artix's Living Dungeon release right away!
Then find the rest of the Ancient Spellblade gear (including an armor, helms, a floating sword pet, and more) in the Living Dungeon AC Rares shop inside your Game Menu!
The Wrath of Cerberus Axe Leaves July 17th!
Unlock the exclusive Wrath of Cerberus hammer with ANY AdventureCoin package through Friday, July 17th! The weapon will be added directly into your inventory, so no need to hunt through the Underworld (or your Book of Lore) to find it, but once this offer ends, it will never be available again.
Once you've purchased your AdventureCoins, head in-game to find the rest of the set in the Blood of Cerberus Rares shop.
You'll be able to purchase any of the Blood of Cerberus armors, cape, helms, weapons (with a different hammer variant) or pet until July 17th!

July 14, 2015
Artix's Living Dungeon Attacks Friday
Construction of the Living Dungeon is Underway!

July 14, 2015
Update Your Flash Player Now!
Adobe Releases Patch to Zero Day Exploit
GOOD NEWS! Update your Adobe Flash player at and come join us in AQWorlds. Adobe just released an update fixing the major issue with the Flash Player Plugin that has been making headlines today. We are pretty impressed at how fast they got this out.
To put your mind at ease, AdventureQuest Worlds is and has always been safe. We have known you guys a long time, and you know we are dedicated to protecting our community and making the games we love better every week. Update your browser's Flash Player from Adobe's official website and we will see you in game!

July 10, 2015
The Collector Returns!
The "Collector: Vindicator of They" and "Dage vs Nulgath War" Events Return!
Join us this week as we bring back TWO fan-favorite releases - "The Collector" and the "Dage vs Nulgath War" while the team focuses on building the assets for next week's Living Dungeon release from Artix! If you're just joining us, these two events will be all-new to you - for those of you who have been with us for a while, you'll find some new gear to quest for and relive old glory battles!
Thank you for supporting AQWorlds as we work to bring you amazing and insane summer releases! Normally, we do not bring back old events, but the last 3 weeks of releases have been pretty insane, and when you're on a weekly release schedule like we are, we have to keep the schedule pretty tight!
In order to do justice to Artix's release next week, we delayed it, but to make sure you have battles to fight and rewards to earn this weekend, we've returned The Collector and the Dage vs Nulgath War!
Nulgath's Terminator Gear
Starting tonight, you'll be able to battle through the Dage vs Nulgath War maps to earn the Legend-only Eradicator 9000 from Nulgath, or find the Archfiend Genisys armor set in your game menu! Battle the underworld monsters, rewatch the war's cutscenes, and then get ready for the return of...
The "Collector: Vindicator of They" Returns
Battle through space and time as your to defy The Collector - a being that wants to trap you in another dimension... where YOU are the most prized possession in his stash of epic rare Heroes! Your Great Destiny got you into this mess, but your epic battle skills and superior combat strategy are going to save you!
Because we couldn't get ahold of They Might be Giants to reuse their music and appearance, we've replaced them with Will and Fred of the Wyld Dragons (parodying Bill and Ted of the Wyld Stallions).
NEW: The Collector Class
Starting this weekend, save Will and Fred and battle your way through the daily quests they offer to unlock the new Collector Class! This is a new, different version of the Vindicator of They Class, which released back in 2011. It has different art and slightly different skills - it's designed to be stronger in PvE, while VoT is stronger in PvP.
If you still have the original Vindicator of They Class, you get the Collector Class (and the Vindicator of They ARMOR) for FREE! That's our way of saying "thanks!" for staying with us for so long! If you do not have the Vindicator of They Class, you can still get the Collector Class -
The non-member Collector Class will be sold for 2000 ACs in the Event Rares shop in your game menu OR you can earn it by stocking up 90 Tokens of Collection (using the exact same type of daily quest the original players did to get the Vindicator of They Class)! The rest of the set will be available in the Tokens of Collection Merge shop THIS Friday!
- Collector Class - 2,000 ACs OR 90 Tokens of Vindication
- Collector Helm - 25 Tokens of Vindication
- Collector Cape - 45 Tokens of Vindication

July 09, 2015
Undead Assault: Past and Present
DragonFable's Geopetal Talks about AE's Coming Mobile Game
Hi, guys! Earlier this month, Geopetal, game lead for DragonFable (our single-player dragon-filled fantasy RPG), made a post on DF's Design Notes about Undead Assault, one of AE's in-development mobile games. If you like slaying the undead, mobile games, or dragons breathing fire, then read on!
Undead Assault: Origin Story
On October 26th, 2006, Artix Entertainment premiered its first ever animated short, Artix vs. The Undead!
You can even play through Artix vs. The Undead in DragonFable's Necropolis chain! The very first war in DragonFable was the Undead Assault. Artix, always fighting for the light, has even exorcized the three spirits of Frostval!
What we're saying is he really, really, really, really likes destroying undead creatures.
Coming soon, you'll be able to help your favorite paladin in his eternal quest to rid the world of the evil undead! The original Undead Assault minigame has been resurrected by Kraken and it'll be up to you to play as Artix himself and take out all the shambling skeletons, flying eyeballs, and other disturbed dead using your trusty axe... or maybe even a little dragon fire*!
*Also, doesn't that dragon look super amazing?
The best part? You won't even need to drag around your desktop to help rid the world of the undead. You'll be able to up your undead-slaying game while on the move, whether you're using Android or Apple!

July 08, 2015
Summer Madness AC Bonus Changes
Don't Miss Your Chance to get More Bonus AdventureCoins!
Get up to 40% more bonus AdventureCoins with any AC package until 6PM EST on Friday, July 10th - after that, the bonus amounts will change! If you don't want to miss any of the exclusive summer rare items we're releasing, now's the time to stock up on ACs!
Lightning Dragonsworn Rares Leave Friday, July 10th!
Check out Dage's most electrifying set yet! Find the Lightning Dragonsworn shop filled with 14 rare items in your game menu, then shock your opponents with how intimidating you look before you tackle Tonitru the Lightning Dragon in Thunderfang Spire! The shop wil only be available for one month, and leaves forever on July 10th!
Inside the Lightning Dragonsworn Shop, you'll find:
- Lightning Dragonsworn Champion
- Lightning Dragonsworn Warrior
- Dragonsworn Champion Spear
- Dual Dragonsworn Blades
- Blade of the Dragonsworn
- Dragonsworn Helmet
- Dragonsworn Locks
- Dragonsworn Shag
- Thunderfang Faceplate
- Electrified Spire Helmet
- Lightning Spire Helmet
- Thunderfang Blades Cape
- Electrified Wings and Tail
- Electrified Wings
Jurassic Raptor Rider Gear Leaves Friday, July 10th!
You don't need to be a master scientist or a tourist in a crazy-dangerous dinosaur-themed park to take a ride on a raptor... at least, not in AQWorlds! A ton of us here at Artix Entertainment love dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park movies, so it just made sense to share that love with you guys, and there is nothing cooler than slaying monsters from the back of a raptor!
Laken's used all his genetically-engineered skill to create the Jurassic Raptor Rider for you all. Tonight's shop will be available until next Friday and includes:
- Jurassic Raptor Rider Armor
- Knight of the Dinosaurs Helm
- Lance of Lizard Piercing
Wrath of Cerberus Leaves Friday, July 13th
Unlock the exclusive Wrath of Cerberus hammer with ANY AdventureCoin package through Friday, July 13th! The weapon will be added directly into your inventory, so no need to hunt through the Underworld (or your Book of Lore) to find it!
Once you've purchased your AdventureCoins, head in-game to find the rest of the set in the Blood of Cerberus Rares shop. You'll be able to purchase any of the Blood of Cerberus armors, cape, helms, weapons (with a different hammer variant) or pet until July 13th!

July 06, 2015
Friday: Return of the Special Events
The "Collector: Vindicator of They" and "Dage vs Nulgath War" Events Return!
Last week, we said we would be releasing Artix's Living Dungeon event this Friday. But when I checked in with Dage this morning, I found his chair filled by a skeleton. That was the first sign of trouble. When I got ahold of J6 and Ghost, they said that Artix's event is going to be INCREDIBLE!!! But it is also going to require way more new art than originally anticipated.
We do not want to rush this release, because what Artix has written sounds amazing. So after finding Dage the Evil, we surrounded Artix and persuaded him to delay the release until next week. (It really was not that hard; he wants this to be as excellent as we do.)
So instead, we are bringing back of AQWorlds most popular events: the "Collector: Vindicator of They" and "Dage vs Nulgath War"! These releases will bring back the old maps, cutscenes, and quests (including the super-bonus rep farming quests from the Collection map) but NOT any of the rare items from the previous releases (so do not worry, rare collectors)!
Nulgath is creating a new Terminator Genisys-themed armor set, and Memet's crafting an all-new look for the Collector Class art! You'll be able to unlock the PvE-centric Collector Class for ACs or through a daily quest but IF you still have the original Vindicator of They Class, you'll get it for FREE!

July 03, 2015
Freedom Day Weekend Server Boost
Let Freedom Ring... and Server Boosts Double!
Log on all weekend long at to celebrate freedom, chaos, pink (...maybe!), fireworks, and DOUBLE server boosts!
The Canada Day gear is already in the July Holiday Shop in your game menu. Tomorrow is Independence Day for the United States, and we'll be adding even more celebratory gear then!

July 03, 2015
This Weekend: Beleen's Chaos Incarnate
Save AQWorlds from Chaos Queen Beleen!
Beleen, Artix Entertainment's bubbliest, most positively-pink developer has discovered the sad, abandoned village of Drearia and vows to bring it back to life. But after accidentally stumbling Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the Oversoul and former ruler of the Underworld, her powers of randomness and cheer... mutate in the STRANGEST way possible!
Starting tonight, /join Drearia and battle your way through Beleen's re-envisioning of AQWorlds... cuter, pinker, and with MUCH more Chaos! If you don't want to battle through a pink world, we need YOU to stop her!
Find the rare gear shop in your game menu, with new (unpink) items from Nulgath!* Then head into Beleen's adventure and begin the battle (plus, get some super-sweet monster drops, if you're lucky)!
* If you follow my Twitter feed, you know that I am absolutely crazy about the chibi nulgath! I could not stop turning it into more and more gear. Real Fiends go Chibi!
A Message from Beleen
Weeeeee! I just know you are going to love-love-LOVE this special… albeit CRAZY!... release that me and the AQWorlds team have spent 3 weeks developing. It was A LOT of work (requiring A LOT of caffeine), but it was totally worth the long hours and coffee-stained smile because I really wanted to make my Chaos Beleen storyline the most fun and memorable release in the game’s history.
…aaaand not to mention, I kinda wanted MY release to totally PWN Cysero’s and Artix’s events. Teehehhehee >:D
But! In order for that dream to come to fruition, I am going to need your help. I need YOU to join the #BeleenTeam and help spread the word of this weekend's Chaos Queen Beleen event!
Invite all your friends to come play tomorrow night with us, and if you happen to know someone who used to play AQWorlds, let them know that I designed this new release and I would love it if they came back and played AQW with me! Woohoo!!
Thanks so much for making my fantasy (…of forcing Artix to wear pink, LOL!) into reality, and I really hope you enjoy playing tomorrow’s Chaos Queen Beleen release alongside me, Artix, Nulgath, and 30000 of our closest friends!
Pink On and Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D
Summer 2015: Return of the Living Devs Continues
So far, we've seen one release from each of our three returning devs - Artix, Cysero, and Beleen!
Make sure you've played through all three stories before next week, when Artix re-returns with his Living dungeon release! He, Dage, J6, and the rest of the team have a titan-sized adventure planned for you... next week!

July 02, 2015
This Friday: Chaos Queen Beleen Release!
AQWorlds Weekly News for July 3, 2015
Hiya hero! I am SUPER excited to announce this week’s newest release:
Chaos Queen Beleen Art Print Now in HeroMart!
Make your way to, our online, real-life merchandise store to find the new Chaos Queen Beleen Arti Print! Inspired by Beleen, marketing writer for Artix Entertainment, and created by Nulgath, master artist, this 8.5x11" limited edition print will bring chaos and craziness to your room, dorm, office, or castle!