Design Notes
September 30, 2014
Gear Leaving Dates
Mark Your Calendars So You Don't Miss Gear!
We've got a lot of shops going rare over the next few months, and several that are NOT, and we want to make sure you know about all of them ahead of time!
Quibble's TLaPD Shop Leaves Monday
Quibble will depart Lolosia on Monday, October 6th, and won't return until December! Don't miss your last chance to get his time-traveling loot!
Other Shops and Gear Going Rare
These other shops and items will ALSO leave game soon:
Friday, October 3rd (all shops in your game menu)
- Summer Shop
- Aranx's Bday Shop
- Blockbuster Battle Shop
- Brasil Independance Day Shop
Monday, October 6th
- Nulgath Rares (In Game Menu)
- The Infernal Grim Stalker Set (Drops from Dreadfiend of Nulgath in /underworld)
- The Infernal Warrior Set (In the Doom Merge shop in the game menu, and /airstorm)
- Dage's Collaboration Shop
Friday, October 10th
- The Evolved Paragon Set (In Dage's Legion Token Shop in /underworld)
Chaos Saga Bug Fixes Update
Reens is about 50% done rebuilding the entire Chaos Saga finale so that we can release its permanent, static version (so that all future heroes to play through the event, too). These changes will fix the quest progression issues that have prevented many players from finishing the finale. The Rares shops and drops in these maps will leave when we release this new version of the event (right now, that is looking like later this week or early next, depending on testing).

September 27, 2014
Achievement Tracker Is LIVE
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal - whether it's to meet up and battle alongside your friends, rank up your class, or finish that last Chaos Lord Saga - and the sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But if you think you've done everything inside AQW and gotten all the best gear... guess again! The Achievement Tracker is HERE!
We've made 45 new badges with 150+ all-new reward items for you to unlock, and the Achievment Tracker will let you more easily display those accomplishments to your friends and show you new goals to strive for.
Achievement Tracker Details
- 3 different achievement categories: 45 badges and 150+ items
- Sagas Completed: tracks which of the main storyline sagas you've finished
- Time Played: tracks how old your account is (1 week, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
- Loyalty: tracks the support our Legends and AC buyers have contributed
- Privacy setting: choose to hide or display your achievements to the world
- Permanent rewards: some of these rewards may take a while to unlock, but don't worry... they will never leave, so you can keep battling towards your goal!
And the best news: ALL of the progress you've ever made count towards the Achievement Tracker! So on Friday, be sure to check your Book of Lore to get all of the gear you've automatically unlocked!
How to unlock your rewards:
- Once you see an achievement unlocked on your Tracker, head in-game
- Open up your Book of Lore and go into the Achievements tab
- Scroll through your badges until you find your new badge and its shop
- Open the shop and get all the gear (0 ACs for free storage!)
Sagas Completed
Keep track of the main sagas in the 13 Lords of Chaos that you've completed! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
Story Achievements mock up
- Prologue: Ascended Avatar's Blade
- Shadowfall: Shadow's Fang Gear
- Chiral Valley: Phoenix Hunter Set
- Dwarfhold: Mountain's Heart Gear
- Yokai: Amethyst Enchantment Gear
- Darkovia: Sapphire Enchantment Gear
- Mythsong: Rockstar Armor
- Arcangrove: Arcana Invoker
- Sandsea: Sun's Tear Gear
- Bloodtusk: Horcs Master Phoenix Hunter Set
- Bloodtusk: TrollsElite Phoenix Hunter Set
- The Span: Ruler of the Deep Set
- Thunderforge: Blood Summoner Set
- Swordhaven: Cyber Ruler Set
- Mirror Realm: Mirror Daimyo Pet
- Chaos Realm: Lore's Champion Set
Time Played
Keep track of how old your account is... the longer you've been with us, the more rewards you get! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
Time Played mockup
- 1 week: Ornate Blade of Light
- 1 month: Hunter's Gear
- 3 months: Vasalkar's Champion Set
- 6 months: Emerald Emperor's General Set
- 12 months: Beastmaster Ravager
- 15 months: DoomKnight Battlemage Set
- 2 years: Doomknight Shadowmage Set
- 3 years: Prismatic Laser Set
- 4 years: Bright Amadis Set
- 5 years: Cyber Dreadhaven General Set
- 6 years: Gravelyn's Champion Set
The heroes who support the game by purchasing memberships and AdventureCoins are the lifeblood of AQWorlds! Without them, we could not keep the servers running or so much of the game available to anyone who wants to sign up and play. To thank them, we have several inventories' full of exclusive gear!
Each of the items in the Loyalty Achievement category come with a bonus, special item animation... or both as our way of saying THANKS!
What counts for the totals?
- Each month of membership you've purchased (total time purchased, not used)
- ACs included in membership packages you've purchased
- The 5k bonus AC add-on you can choose to add to membership packages
- Any regular AC packages you've purchased
- ACs earned through doing AExtras offers
- 1 month: Gandolphin Pet
- 2 months: Ultimate Flame Katana
- 3 months: Celestial Paladin Set
- 6 months: Illusionist Set
- 9 months: Phoenix Armor
- 12 months: Elite Asgardian Set
- 15 months: Bitterblade Rogue Set
- 2 years: Chaos Watcher Armor
- 3 years: DragonSlayer Inquisitor Set
- 4 years: Jade Dragon Mage Set
- 5 years: Toxic Flame Biker Morph and house item*
* Morph armor will arrive in-game the next time we roll the new engine. Until then, enjoy parking your bike outside your house!
- 500 ACs: Floating Matrix Conduit Katana pet
- 2000 ACs: Blazing Chaos Gear
- 12000 ACs: Overclocked Techsuit Set
- 25000 ACs: Noxious Symbiote Armor
- 50000 ACs: Toxic Symbiote Armor
- 100,000 ACs: Necromancer Rising Set
- 200,000 ACs: Platinum GryphonRider Set
Post-release updates:
- The 9 Months Upgrade Loyalty badge and shop are in-game
- The Void Tricorn and Tricorn Locks are in Quibble's Shop
- Unbuyable items are now purchaseable
- The Matrix Conduit Katana is a pet, not a sword
- The 200k AC Loyalty badge is not visible on the web page but the badge and shop are available in-game
- The Void Naval Commander chest skill will become color-custom on Monday (the delay is due to an unexpected illness on my part, and I apologize for that! Memet will get that fixed for you guys ASAP.)
- Talk to Barnaby in /pirates to get the TLaPD seasonal tophats! They will be available for a few weeks, until they return next Talk Like a Pirate Day.
- Talk to Swindle in /tercessuinotlim if you have the Toxic Fiend armor to begin the Toxic Fiend Helm quest
- Find the Pink DragonSlayer armor in /beleensdream shop
If you don't see the above changes, please log out, clear your cache, refresh your browser, and log back in.

September 26, 2014
Ultimate Game Cards Leaving
Use Your Ultimate Game Cards By September 30, 2014!
The last day to redeem your activated UGC codes will be September 30, 2014, so make sure you redeem your codes before then, or you will not be able to use them to unlock exclusive Legend features inside your favorite online adventure game, AdventureQuest Worlds! For more information, read Beleen's Design Notes post about it here.
Find a story with game cards near you!
* Note: Ultimatepoints left over on Ultimatepay accounts will no longer work, either.
Redeem Major Retail Gift Cards for Artix Points!
With Talk Like a Pirate Day here, this is a great time to use PayGarden to cash in any unused gift cards you've got lying around the house, because you're going to want get your land-lubbing hands on this shiny, shiny loot!
Important Information
- No credit cards required
- Gift card must have at least $10 USD left on it
- Works with US stores only
Check out all the info on Paygarden and redeeming gift cards here!

September 26, 2014
New Idle Game coming this October
Do you love Dragons? We teamed up with the creators of Cookie Clicker to create our 1st ever idle game... AdventureQuest: DRAGONS! The game is currently in development, but I have been posting concept art, finished dragons, and videos on the official DRAGONS Facebook page and also on my personal Artix Facebook page. Be sure to like and follow it to get the inside scoop and we continue building it. In this idle game, you will hatch and raise 12 Dragons from the fiery Akriloth, the Undead Dracolich to never before dragons including the Steampunk, Slime and Shadow dragons. Each Dragon has a unique story. This new mobile game will run on Apple & Android devices and will also be available on the web. We are scheduled to release this new game next month in October! You should also check out the official website.

Posting for ACW0
September 25, 2014
Saving the Citadel!
A Mana Mashing Throwback Thursday
Some can’t live without magic, others can’t live with it. The Inquisitors hiding in the hollow halls of /join Citadel have made it their goal to persecute every mana user possible. Under the watchful eye of the Great Wizard Murry, you must make haste in setting these misguided Muggles straight!
Managing Murry’s Laws
Old Man Murry has had his fair share of encounters with the Inquisitors. From torturous fish slapping to Horc sweat suspension, he’s seen it all. Anyone in their right mind would want to get back at the Inquisitors for their injustice. Fortunately, while Murry seems to have lost his mind years ago, he has a plan to give the Inquistors a taste of their own medicine and needs your help. He needs you to start with Inquisitor Grunts and Guards. Then he encourages you to slowly slice your way up the chain of command to Captains, until finally coming face to face with the Grand Inquisitor himself.
Guardians of the Caster Cosmos
After spending ages as a Citadel prisoner, Murry is fairly certain there is more to the Inquisitor’s plan than the eradication of all magic. After borrowing some items to investigate, the Inquisitors seem to use a vacuum device to drain the mana of those they’ve imprisoned. What’s interesting, however, is where the magic goes upon capture. Could these machines actually be powering orbs for the Inquisitors’ own use?
Questioning Grand Inquisitors
Murry has seen enough. It’s time to cut off this beast at the neck. March into the chamber of the Grand Inquisitor, dismembering any who stand in your way. Beating the leader in his own stronghold should be enough to embarrass the anti-magic sediment out of the Inquisitor forces. Time is of the essence in this encounter, as the Grand Inquisitor is too far a coward not to summon backup. If you fail to win the battle in time, his beast, Belrot the Red Fiend, may just be waiting for your carcass.
Glorious Gold!
Sitting all day at the base of a mountain looking for heros to help teach Inquisitors a lesson or two on mana management isn’t the best way for Murry to make a living. Lucky for him, those that help tend to have gold galore, so selling his spectacular collection of wares for sky-high prices isn’t too much of an issue. Get your wallets ready heros as though this might be one of the older releases in AQW, the gear in Murry’s shop is still some of the best to date!
The Portal is a Lie.
Journeying through the mountains surrounding the colossal Citadel, one would come across paths to nowhere, an overly aggressive grizzly bear, and a bloodshot portal to a world beyond. While orange or blue portals with a companion hexahedron are the only portals deemed safe to explore by Loremasters, the pull of the possibilities in this portal are hard to pass up. However, not every hero can enter the portal’s chamber for a bag of 50 Bone Dusts is needed to gain passage inside. I heard that Big Jack Sprat and several of the Skeletal Warriors’ techniques are getting a little rusty. Maybe a quick skirmish with the clumsy skullheads could dust off any bad habits.
IRL Inquisition
With the school season in full swing, I’m sure many of Lore’s heros are stuck behind a desk for hours each week. However, the extra stress of reality doesn’t need to push virtual reality onto the backburner. Finding time to play a game or two takes stress off and keeps everyone sane. Thank you to Lazer_AE for his unbearably awesome screenshot.

September 22, 2014
Talk Like a Pirate Week, Pt 2
Yarrrrrr You Ready for Piratical Plunder?!
Yarrrr! Deep Terror is rising across the world of Lore as Naval Commanders prepare to clash in a seabattle against the Pirates... and they aren’t content to keep the battle abovewater! Defeat the Dread Fleet, or face death from below! And the town of Lolosia is the prize!
Quibble Arrrrrives in Lolosia!
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to access his shop full of piratical plunder from the past, present, and future... then find him in the /pirates map to begin his quests to get the Avast! character page badge!
Some o’ the best booty in all the seven seas can be found in his shop, including:
- Naval Commander Class
- DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
- Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
- Void Naval Commander
- Void Pirate Captain
- And more gear (helms, blades, capes, and the Treasure Chest Bank Pet) will arrive this Friday!
Note: the fix to make the skin on the Void Commander's chest/thighs color customizable will go live later this week.
2014 Naval Commander Class
Find the seasonal rare Naval Commander Class from Quibble in Battleon and /Pirates! Everyone can get the Class for 2000 ACs, or Legends can buy a version with gold! Want to find out more info on the Class skills? Check out Zereldo's DNs here.
* He has been reading your feedback on the Class skills, and revisions will come later this year to address balance issues.
2014 Naval Commander Raffle
Buy any of the 2014 Naval Commander armors or Class for a chance to win the 2015 Paragon Naval Commander!
Paragon Naval Commander
The Paragon Naval Commander armor is one of NEXT YEAR's Naval Commander armors, but for a full year (until the armor is added to the 2015 TLaPD Quibble shop), 100 lucky heroes will be the ONLY ones battling with gear from the future**! And as an added bonus to our Legends, for each month of membership you have, you'll get another chance to win!
* Example: if you have 12 months of membership left, and you buy the DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor, you'll be entered into the raffle 13 times.
** When next year rolls around, we will change the winners' armor slightly, (gilding? Cutlass cape? We'll preview this art soon) to show that this was a time-traveling armor set.
Brilliant Naval Commander
(Eye)Patch Notes For 9/22/14
- The Purified Deep Terror Blade has been added to Lucia's quest in /Pirates
- The Waves of Wrath shop has been added to Thalyssa in /Pirates
- The Avast quest chain has been added to Quibble in /Pirates
- The Pirate Class quest chain and shop have been added to Elisa in /Pirates
- The Ravenloss War meter has been removed
- The refund for the 800 AC quibble capes has been applied if you bought them on Friday
Still to come
- Today: Design Notes detailing the super-secret feature release... that SHOULD release Friday if all goes well!
- This week: the skin on the Void Pirate Captain hands will turn color-custom this week. The "all-black" chest skin on the Void Naval Commander will become CC.
- Friday: The seasonal rare naval top hats will return later this week. They will not be tagged, and will only be available during the TLAPD event each year.
- Friday: Memet's Retro Pirate armors will drop from the boss monsters this week!

September 19, 2014
Talk Like a Pirate This Weekend
Naval Commander vs Pirates Deep Terror War!
Yarrrr! Deep Terror is rising across the world of Lore as Naval Commanders prepare to clash in a seabattle against the Pirates... and they aren’t content to keep the battle abovewater! Defeat the Dread Fleet, or face death from below! And the town of Lolosia is the prize!
- Quibble arrives with all new loot!
- Choose to fight for or against the Dread Pirate Fleet in the Deep Terror War!
- Explore Lolosia and the lands beyond as you search for hidden treasure!
- 2015 Naval Commander Original Design contest begins Friday! (One winner's design will be created for next year's Talk Like a Pirate Day event!)
Quibble Arrrrrives with Pirate Gear!
As Beleen says, "Pirates be lovin’ some booty! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest now that he's made landfall in Battleon. Quibble Coinbiter, our time-traveling sales-moglin, has brought piratal loot from the past, present, and future to sell to you... for a price!
Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:
- Naval Commander Class
- DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
- Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
- Void Naval Commander
- Void Pirate Captain
- And more
2014 Naval Commander Class
When you're sailing the high seas with a crew of rough-and-ready sailors, you need to command RESPECT... and we've got just what you need to do that: an entirely new class, the Naval Commander!With skills designed by Zereldo and art by Laken, this Class will return each year in our Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble shop! Everyone can get the Class for 2000 ACs, or Legends can buy a version with gold!
Originally intended for release as a Naval Commander armor in 2015, with so much excitement building over the art, and to make the NC Class stand out on its own, Laken's High Seas Explorer has become the new Naval Commander Class! /cheer
Treasure Hunt in Lolosia
If you have Dage's Deep Terror Blade, talk to Lucia in Lolosia (/join pirates)to begin a daily quest to its five exclusive prizes! The quest will be around forever... but you can only complete it once a day!*
- Platinum Trobble Pet
- Color Custom Ultra Cutlass
- BrutalCorn Pirate Helm
- Purified Deep Terror Blade (coming Monday!)
- Dual Deep Terror Blades
DoomKnight Naval Commander
* Originally planned to award one prize per day, this changed to having the quest permanently available so that you could farm for all the gear whenever you have time! There is a chance for any of the 5 rewards to drop each time you complete the quest.
Other activities and shops available in Lolosia:
- Complete Captain Rhubarb’s quiz to prove you are not a spy (Beware: if you answer incorrectly, you’ll be tossed overboard into battle!)
- Preen's Piratical Pets, where Legends can find a stable full of pets to choose from.
- Barnacle's Bandana Shop, where next week, all wanderers can find headgear themed on our most popular piratical armors of yesteryear... if you've got the dubloons to grab'em!
2015 Naval Commander Design Contest
The Naval Commander armor that arrives each year with Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of our most popular designs.
- A free version of your winning Naval Commander armor next year
- An exclusive, 0 AC Trobble pet themed on your design THIS year
- 1000 AdventureCoins
As with all contests, we reserve the right to award those who go above and beyond! Stay tuned for more details early this week.
Brilliant Naval Commander
Talk Like a Pirate Week... Part 2 Next Week!
As we prepare for a HUGE release full of gear for all players (details coming Monday), we are also getting ready for the end of the Naval Commander vs Pirates war, exclusive boss drops, and more accessories coming to Quibble's shop!

September 19, 2014
Lore's Piratical Haberdashers
Barnaby's Bandanas by Blade
Tomorrow night, talk to Barnaby in Lolosia (/join pirates) to find his High Seas Helm Shop! You'll need to battle the monsters in this weekend's war to get the merge resources to create these bandanical beauties!
Barnaby's BOOTY-cal Top Hats by Boxer502
Barnaby's got a special story for you guys... and it's all about Boxer502! This heroic haberdasher is a regular player with an irregularly-awesome obsession with helms! Tophat-styled helms, to be specific. For the last couple years, Boxer has flooded our twitter accounts with some of the coolest, craziest tophat adaptations of our gear.
This year, we paired his suggestions with Blade, one of AQW's haberdasheriest (it's a word now, go with it) artists to create the gloriousness you see above. These, too, will be free for ALL players... as long as you battle for the merge items to create them!
In addition, Barnaby will also stock the seasonal rare Legend-only merge shop tophats from Boxer that released LAST year!

September 18, 2014
Quibble's Pirate Preview
Quibble Coinbiter Returns This Weekend!
Tomorrow night, log in for the 2014 Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble shop! We've got a LOT in store, so let's get right down to the news you're waiting for: WHAT will the shop include?!
Four Piratical Sets!
Some of the most popular gear in AQW, the Naval Commander armors will let you look your best while beating the worst bosses we can throw at you... perfect for scoring the greatest loot and the best booty in-game! And this year we've got something completely NEW - the Naval Commander CLASS!
- Naval Commander Class
- Dual Explorer Pistols
- Explorer's Boomstick
- Bearded Captain's Tricorn
- Explorer Lass' Tricorn
- DoomKnight Naval Commander
- DoomKnight Tricorn
- DoomKnight Locks
- ShadowKnight Tricorn
- ShadowKnight Locks
- DoomKnight Naval Cape
- DoomKnight NavalCapeSwords
- DoomKnight Naval Sword
- Brilliant Naval Commander
- Dual Brilliant Cutlasses
- Brilliant Cutlass
- Brilliant Backblades
- Brilliant Shoulder Parrot Cape
- Goldbones Parrot Cape
- Golden Parrot Cape
- Brilliant Parrot Pet
- Brilliant Parrot Pet
- Brilliant Eyepatch
- Brilliant Tricorn Locks
- Brilliant Windswept Tricorn
- Brilliant Naval Tricorn
- Brilliant Captain's Hat
- Brilliant Captain's Locks
- Void Pirate Captain
- Void Naval Commander
- Fiery VoidPirate Plait
- Icy VoidPirate Plait
- Fiery VoidPirate Helm
- Icy VoidPirate Helm
- VoidPirate Captain Cutlass
- VoidPirate Captain Armaments
- VoidPirate Captain Gun
- Crossed Void Cutlasses Cape

September 18, 2014
Silver Sun Cutlass Hunt
The Last of the Silver Sun Treasure is Now Here!
Yarrrr! Talk Like a Pirate Day be almost upon us, and that means it's time to hunt for TREASURE! Talk to Esprit d'Cour in Battleon to begin the tunt for the color-customizable Silver Sun Cutlass! Use the map to find the area in-game to hunt through... then prepare to battle ALL the monsters to see which ones drops it!
Our Talk Like a Pirate Day release arrives TOMORROW NIGHT, and the Silver Sun Cutlass will go rare until next year... But you'll be able to
- Battle through the Deep Terror: Naval Commanders vs Pirate War
- Convince Captain Rhubarb you're not a spy in our quiz minigame
- Explore the expansion to Lolosia and
- Talk to Quibble for all his new Naval gear!

September 18, 2014
Arr Ye Ready?
How to Talk Like a Pirate
Ahoy me matey! Friday be jus’ over the horizon, ‘nd that means International Talk Like A Pirate Day be here!
Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we pirates don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. But fret not, sailor—ye be in luck, ‘cause me ‘nd me AQW Crew has a lil’ lessen for ye in the way o' the Pirate. Yaaaar!
There be Rules, Sailor: Pirate 101
Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate is ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint no one else ganna be bamboozled! Set ye deadlights on these steps:
Pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We be mutterin’ most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
- Ye gatta run ye words togeth’r. Ye gatta slur. Don’t be usin’ no proper sentences, either!
- If ye still got both ye hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ ye hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer protectin’ against Carpal Tunnel!
- Pirates be loud ‘nd lusty ‘nd brash. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!!!
- Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk the plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
- Oh, ‘nd it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
- Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
- Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be mindin’ a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
- Pirates be superstitious folk. Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty a dire consequence! Me never leaves me home base without me lucky pink skull pendant!
Swanky Pirate Lingo: Pirate 102
Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! Best practice these phrases, ‘nd ye then be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!
- All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
- Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
- Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
- Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
- Aye! - "Yes!"
- Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
- Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
- Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
- Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
- Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
- Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go.
- Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice.
- Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
- Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
- Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
- Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
- Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
- Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
- Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
- Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
- Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
- Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
- Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!"
- Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
- Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.
Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures: Spoils o’ the Scallywag
Pirates be lovin’ some booty! Har har har! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon this Friday, September 19, at twilight. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:

- Naval Commander Class (ye can read more ‘bout it ‘ere)
- DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
- Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
- Void Pirate Captain set
- Undead, Bright, and Fiendish Parrot Pets
- 13+ Naval Commander bandanas (ALL sailors can get ‘em!)
- ‘nd more treasures await to be plundered!
Ye be a savvy pirate now, that ye be. On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Weigh anchor, grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer trusty parrot neither! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, sail back ‘ere ‘nd get a seaworthy refresher!
Savvy, pirate?
Skulls and crossbones, Cap’n Beleen

September 17, 2014
Dare to Share!
1,000 Shares --> Mega Spoiler Announcement
Ahoy landlubber! Talk Like a Pirate Day be nearly here, ‘nd that means BOOTY! Ye AQW crew gots a galley full o’ loot coming ye way this Friday, September 19.
But even MORE booty ‘nd achievement badges be on thee horizon in an all-new game feature set to release soon. Go to thee ol’ Facebook ‘nd SHARE this picture with all ye friends!
If we get 1000 Shares in the next week, we’s shall reveal all the swanky details!
YAAAARRR! Clicky 'ere to Share!
Skulls and crossbones, Beleen! =D

September 17, 2014
Silver Sun Pistol Treasure Hunt
Log in this each day this week for new treasure!
Yarrrr! Talk Like a Pirate Day be almost upon us, and that means it's time to hunt for TREASURE! Talk to Esprit d'Cour in Battleon to begin the tunt for the Silver Sun Pistol! Use the map to find the area in-game to hunt through... then prepare to battle ALL the monsters to see which ones drops it!
A new item will release in a new area of the map tomorrow so you can hunt for the third of Esprit's treasure chests. This is a great way to train up your class as we prepare for the Deep Terror war between the Naval Commanders and Pirates this Friday!

September 17, 2014
Naval Commander Skills
Yarrrr... this be the Class Info Ye Are Huntin' For!
Hey, everyone! Zereldo here, and today I’m going to be talking to you about* the Naval Commander Class, coming this Friday in the COOLEST Talk Like a Pirate Day release we've ever done!**
It be the best holiday on the high seas!
Lots of Important Details!
Here are a few basic things about the class that you defiitely want to know.
- The class releases this Friday, during our International Talk like a Pirate Day release.**
- This class is available for 2000 ACs OR if you have an upgraded account, you can buy it for gold.
- This class is only available for a limited time around Talk Like a Pirate Day, but will return each year for Talk Like a Pirate Day as seasonal rare. It will not have a year tag. The current plan is that the same version (with the same art) is made available each year.
- The Naval Commander Class is a seasonal rare, which means it will only be available during our Talk Like a Pirate Day each year. (We will announce the leave date soon!)
Naval Commander Class Skills Breakdown!
A Naval Commander is the leader of their crew. Although they can fight as an individual they work best when they fight alongside their crew. What this means for you is that for each additional person in your party the damage output of your Naval Commander class will increase. This works just like the Paladin High Lord and DoomKnight Overlord Classes for those of you who want an example.
Naval Commanders regenerate mana in the same way that warriors regen Mana. What this effectively means is, Naval Commanders gain mana when they:
- Strike an enemy in combat (More effective on crits)
- Are struck by an enemy in combat
Now that we have the basics of how it works out of the way we can move onto the moves.
Auto Attack
2 second cooldown.
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
You’ve seen this before on many classes. It needs no further explanation.
Rank 1: Strike'n'Parry
15 mana, 3 second cooldown.
A strike dealing light damage (Damage is increased by the number of people in the party) that forces the target attack you for 8 seconds and decreases the target's chance to hit by 25% for 6 seconds.
As a leader you need to know when to take one for the team. This moves lets you draw attention away from your crew and forces the monster to attack you, but seeing as you are a strong intimidating leader your opponent is less likely to hit you.
This is great for when your friend is about to die, but nobody can heal him just yet, or just for reducing total damage being taken in general. The attack is not great, doing only light damage, but it does get more powerful with the party buff.
Rank 2: Flintlock Barrage
20 Mana, 6 second cooldown.
A strike dealing moderate damage to multiple targets. (Damage is increased by the number of people in the party) All targets hit suffer a haste reduction of 20% for 4 seconds.
This is your dependable damage move and it attacks 4 targets at once. Of all your moves you will probably be using this one the most. With 4 enemies attacking you, you’ll really want to make sure you’re in a team that has your back. The move does help out your team a little by slowing down your opponents’ attack speed. With a full party this turns into nice constant AoE damage.
Rank 3: Commander's Rally
25 Mana, 12 second cooldown.
The presence of the captain inspires everyone in battle. Gives an AoE HoT (healing power increased by the number of people in the party) and increases the target's chance to dodge by 30% for 8 seconds.
Things don’t always go your way in battle. As a leader you need to be be able to inspire your crew to keep fighting even when the odds are not in your favour. Your heal over time is not particularly potent, but it does effect 6 players. This is the sort of move you really want to be in a party to make useful.
The true strength of this movie lies in the dodge buff it gives you. This dodge buff ONLY affects the caster. You can’t give the dodge boost to anyone else except yourself.
This is a really good move to use in combination with your first move since both effectively reduce your targets chance to hit you. You’re basically taking damage off your team mates without having to sacrifice much of your own HP at all.
Rank 4: Broadside Blast and Gust of Wind
- Crit chance is increased by 10%
- Increases dodge rate by 8%
These passives are self explanatory. You crit more and get hit less. Because you are using the Warrior regen model, you’ll crit more often and gain more MP in that sense. That said, you will also be dodging more often and so your opponents will not be hitting you as often or restoring as much MP that way.
Rank 5: Flintlock Fury
35 mana, 15 second cooldown.
Deals a large amount of AoE damage to it’s targets. (Damage increased by the number of people in the party). It also has a 50% chance to stun opponents for 3 seconds.
This is effectively your nuke. It deals the largest damage out of all the moves, attacks up to 4 targets, and as you would expect, becomes more powerful the more people are in your party. Because the cooldown takes a while, it’s a sudden burst of damage as opposed to something you depend on. But if you time it right it can make all the difference, especially with that 50% chance to stun your opponents.
Final thoughts
After playing around with this class, I would say it performs best as a strategic addition to any group, especially while in a full party. You’ll want either Fighter Enhancements, Luck Enhancements, or a mixture of both. You can use it for support or tanking in a limited capacity. With a full party it can even function as a farming class.
When you take a close look you’ll realise that all 4 moves, and the second passive, either slow your enemies, reduce their chances to hit you, or outright stop damage hitting you. This may seem good, but with the warrior regen model what this effectively means is that MP regen from enemies attacking you is significantly reduced.
You’ll have to plan your moves carefully to avoid running out of mana, or use the Mana Vamp enhancement. Spiral Carve or Health Vamp would also be useful.
A couple of final thoughts to leave you with. I might have another surprise ready soon but we’ll have to see. That, and I am already working on my next class which has not yet been announced. Have fun guessing.
* This is how I normally start my videos. It seems weird to type it instead of saying it. Don’t look at me that way… I thought it was funny.
** I’ve been part of the AE team testing releases for about 6 months now, but I have recently started designing classes. This is my first class design and I’ve had a lot of fun making and testing it. Making a class is something I have dreamed of doing since day one of the Beta and it’s amazing to be able to share this class with all of you. If you know me in game, you’ll know that 99% of the time I’m wearing the original Naval Commander armor, so you can imagine how excited I am to make a Naval Commander themed class.
*** For those of you who don’t know, International Talk like a Pirate Day is September 19th every year. It just so happens that this year it is also on release day and we can actually have these items available on the exact day.

September 16, 2014
Hunt for the Silver Sun Treasure
Log in this each day this week for new treasure!
Yarrrr! Talk Like a Pirate Day be almost upon us, and that means it's time to hunt for TREASURE! Talk to Esprit d'Cour in Battleon to begin the tunt for the Silver Sun treasure gear! Use the map to find the area in-game to hunt through... then prepare to battle ALL the monsters to see which ones drops it!
A new item will release in a new area of the map tomorrow, and then on Thursday, you can hunt for the third of Esprit's treasure chests. This is a great way to train up your class as we prepare for the Deep Terror war between the Naval Commanders and Pirates this Friday!

September 12, 2014
Survive the Apocalypse
A Mysterious Summons and a World in Peril
The Queen of Monsters has risen, and as your allies take stock of the destruction around them, you receive a mysterious scroll from a shadowy organization calling themselves “The Council.” Loremaster Maya cannot say who it is from, only that you MUST discover where they are hiding are as soon as possible… and that if you can decipher its hidden message, the scroll will guide you.
/Join Summon to begin! Decipher the scroll and follow the portals in each area of the map to go from place to place, completing the tasks set for you by the Watchers! In the end, make your way to their hideout to find out what new journey awaits you later this month!
Dage's Deep Terror Blade Treasure Chest
Every Treasure Chest needs a key to unlock it... and THIS blade is your key to one of 3 varrrrrrry cool rewards! Find this blade in the Deep Terror Rares shop in your game menu for 1000 ACs. When Talk Like a Pirate Day arrives next week, this blade will let you quest once a day during the event to open a rare treasure chest and claim its prize!
You'l get either:
- Platinum Trobble Pet
- Color Custom Ultra Cutlass
- BrutalCorn Pirate Helm
- Purified Deep Terror Blade
Aranx's Birthday Shop and Dage's Collaboration Shop
One of AQWorlds' finest artists, Aranx, is leveling up in real life this Saturday, so we're celebrating his birthday in-game starting tomorrow night! /Cheer for him and the gear he's so lovingly crafted you to thank you for playing AQW!
This week, we're releasing the Dage x Laken and Dage x Blade collaboration gear! Dage teamed up with these other two two awesome AQW artists, Laken and Blade, to get some of those sketches Flashed out and ready for you!
Chaos Finale Gear Leaves Monday!
We said all the Chaos Finale rares would leave game permanently tonight, but since we did not announce that earlier this week (and to give everyone a last chance to get the gear), we're removing the shops on Monday. Enjoy the last chance!
Those shops are:
- Chaos Rares (including DragonFable's ArchMage and ArchMage's Wrath)
- Eternal Dragon of Time Rares
- Willowcreek War Chest
Next week: Talk Like a Pirate Day 2014!
With the DoomKnight and Brilliant Naval Commanders, the ArchFiend Pirate Captain. the Deep Terror: Death from Below Pirates vs Naval Commanders WAR... and so much more!

September 11, 2014
First Look at this Week's Loot
This Week's Wicked Rewards Preview is Here!
After you've played through tomorrow night's release, hunting down the Council that has summoned you, make sure to check your game menu for the bounty of loot and beautifully-bladed booty we've got in store!
Dage's Deep Terror Blade Treasure Chest
Every Treasure Chest needs a key to unlock it... and THIS blade is your key to one of 3 varrrrrrry cool rewards! Find this blade in the Deep Terror Rares shop in your game menu tomorrow night for 1000 ACs. When Talk Like a Pirate Day arrives next week, this blade will let you quest once a day during the event to open a rare treasure chest and claim its prize!
You'l get either:
- Platinum Trobble Pet
- Color Custom Ultra Cutlass
- BrutalCorn Pirate Helm
- Dual Deep Terror Blades
Aranx's Birthday Shop
One of AQWorlds' finest artists, Aranx, is leveling up in real life this Saturday, so we're celebrating his birthday in-game starting tomorrow night! /Cheer for him and the gear he's so lovingly crafted you to thank you for playing AQW!
Dage Designs Collaboration Shop
EVERY MORNING when Dage comes into the Lab, he does a warmup drawing or seven. With so many sketches piling up, we knew we had to enlist extra help to get this gear in-game! That's why Dage teamed up with two other AQW artists, Laken and Blade, to get some of those sketches Flashed out and ready for you!
- Dage x Laken Fallen Shaman Warrior armor and helms
- Dage x Blade Lycan Shadowstalker armor and helms

September 11, 2014
Back to School Bonus Points
Books, Brains, and 10% More Bonus Points!
Starting today and running through September 19th, you'll get 10% more Artix Points to upgrade or get ACs in AQWorlds and all your other favorite AE games when you pay using your credit card, or Paypal!
DoomKnight and Brilliant Naval Commanders!
Stock Up For Talk Like a Pirate Day Loot!
With Talk Like a Pirate Day coming up, this is a good time to cash in any unused gift cards you've got lying around the house, because Talk Like a Pirate Day starts NEXT FRIDAY, and you're going to want get your land-lubbing hands on this shiny, shiny loot!
Important Information
- No credit cards required
- Gift card must have at least $10 USD left on it
- Works with US stores only
Check out all the info on Paygarden and redeeming gift cards here!

September 10, 2014
Don't Miss These Releases!
September is going to be AWESOME in AQWorlds
Every year, we have our big summer event, and then we hit September running as we prepare the newest, craziest releases leading into the holiday season... and this year is no different. Except it is, because it will be WAY COOLER!
Check out what is coming this week and next in AQWorlds, and let Artix know on Twitter if you'd like to see more of this style of promo picture! He asks:
Experimental Promo Art/Pic Idea! "What if our promo stuff contained NOW, NEXT WEEK, and OTHER STUFF all in one go? Is this an easier way to see what is coming on the horizon? Because... OMG... we have a lot coming..." - Artix

September 10, 2014
Breaking News: World Shatters Dungeon Crawl
New Releases Happening this Friday, September 12
Who has time to wait for the weekly newsletter in their inboxes anymore? I say... to the victor goes the spoilers!
Survive the Apocalypse
The Queen of Monsters has been freed—now the world has fallen into complete havoc!
- Prepare for travel to a new land
- Hunt down the Queen’s Titans
- Dungeon crawl to the Hall of LoreMasters
- Buff defenses & beat back new monsters
Mountains are falling… seas are rising… and no one knows what will become of the world this Friday at sundown!
Dage's Collaboration Shop
Dage knows a thing or two about being Evil and he's teaming up with other AQW artists to prove it!
- Dage x Laken Fallen Shaman Warrior armor and helms
- Dage x Blade Lycan Shadowstalker armor and helms
- Dage's Deep Terror Blade: unlocks exclusive gear in Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Dage may be the Undead Lord, but he certainly knows how to take care of his loyal friends and followers. If you haven't declared your allegiance to him, now is the time!
Win $100 with Rixty!
Score the motherload of all pirate treasures with this exclusive Rixty promo!
- Use Rixty to Upgrade and/or buy ACs
- Exclusive Item: Rixty Render Cutlass for Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Automatically entered to win $100
Be sure to read more to see all the details, and best of luck to you!
Soon: Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy matey! Quibble be settin’ sail to Battleon next week, and bringin' his Naval Commander CLASS, yarrrr!
- DoomKnight Naval Commander
- Golden Naval Commander
- ArchFiend Pirate Captain
- ‘nd more!
Quibble be havin’ somethin’ fer sea dogs ‘nd landlubbers alike, so make sure ye be ‘round next Friday, September 19, fer ye best Talk Like a Pirate Day event!

September 09, 2014
LQS Packages leave Friday
Gryphon Mount Armors Still Available!
Head to our Limited Quantity Set page to grab one of these insur-MOUNT-ably awesome sets! Each set also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore! The Limited Quantity Set packages will leave this Friday, September 12th, at 11:59 PM server time!

September 08, 2014
Obrigado Brasil
Feliz dia da Independência, Brasil!
Thanks for your battling alongside us as we fight Chaos in AQWorlds, and congratulations on the anniversary of your Brasilian Independence Day (one day late)! To make sure ALL our players can share the holiday excitement, we've made the Brasilian Independence Day items available to everyone!
Obrigado Brasil!
You can find some of our most colorful, electrifyingly-awesome Brasil-themed items in your game menu.
This year the shop has:
- Runas de Protecao 2014
- Runas de Ataque 2014
- Defesa Brasileira 2014
- Soldados Brasileiros 2014
- Arara Jubilo 2014
- Arara Amarela 2014
- Arara Verde 2014
- Arara Ouro 2014
- Arara Azul 2014
- Dragao da Independencia 2014
- Capacete Brasileiro 2014
- Espada Brasileira 2014
- Punhais Brasileiros 2014
- Relâmpago Alado +3 (will go rare)

September 08, 2014
Apocalypse Lore
Friday: A Mysterious Summons and a World in Peril
The Queen of Monsters has risen, and as your allies take stock of the destruction around them, you receive a mysterious scroll from a shadowy organization calling themselves “The Council.” Loremaster Maya cannot say who it is from, only that you MUST discover where they are hiding are as soon as possible… and that if you can decipher its hidden message, the scroll will guide you.
Your allies need you... but so does "The Council"!
This Friday, you'll need to journey around the world you so recently tried to save, completing the tasks described in the scroll... but first you'll need to decipher it!* Loremaster Maya believes these tasks are designed to prepare you for the coming mission ahead, so you'd better prep your biggest blade, a six-pack of HP potions, and a battle pet or two because the journey ahead of you is fraught with titanically-treacherous danger!
Don't miss this week's other releases! More details to be released Wednesday:
- Dage's Design Collaboration Shop
- Aranx's Birthday Shop
* Hint: if you haven't trained up your alchemy ranks yet, you might want to get started on that! It will come in handy for one of the early quests. /join alchemy to begin.

September 05, 2014
Legends: Unleash the Beast
Upgrade to unlock the Legend-only BeastMaster Class!
Monsters are rising up across Lore, taking advantage of the Chaos running wild. Faith, one of Lore’s most skilled BeastMasters, is searching for help to battle them into submission. She is calling all Legends to accept her quest to become a Legendary BeastMaster, and the fight to become the best begins this weekend!
Talk to Faith in Battleon to become a BeastMaster!
Vital Information for All BeastMasters!
The Legendary BeastMaster was designed by Aster, one of our volunteer Class creators. You can see his skill writeup here.
GOOD NEWS! You'll need to be a Legend to unlock the Class, but once you have, you'll be able to use it forever. /cheer This is our way of thanking all of you who have purchased a membership to become a Legend.
There are two ways for Legends to unlock the Class:
- Buy it for 2000 AdventureCoins
- Rank up your BeastMaster reputation!
6 level-locked quests will be available to help you rank, each giving more rep than earlier levels. You can also unlock the BeastMaster Daily Quest for TONS of extra rep to help you rank up even faster!
Quest to Unlock Vokun's Dark Gear!
If you have not yet encourntered the Lord of the Forgotten Tombs, /join underworld and explore its dark paths until you encounter Vokun. He's got 4 new quests for you AND a merge shop full of dark and deadly gear! Battle monsters to earn the Unitas Fragments to create the items, then prepare to RULE the WORLD!
The gear listed below can be created through battling for merge items, except for the Vampire of Vokun, which drops from the Twisted Trust quest. The Bladelord of Vokun set (the center armor in the picture above) can be purchased for AdventureCoins.
- Assassin of Vokun set
- Infernus of Vokun set
- DreadKeeper of Vokun set
- Skuller of Vokun set
- Vampire of Vokun set
Note: The Founder of Vokun set will be delayed until October, until after Talk Like a Pirate Day. But that just means more Vokun releases for all you darkness fans!
Gryphon Mount Armors Still Available!
Head to our Limited Quantity Set page to grab one of these insur-MOUNT-ably awesome sets! Each set also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore! The Limited Quantity Set packages will leave next Friday, September 12th!
Drakath Armor Quest Update!
We're not going to spoil this one for ANYBODY... except to say that if you've finished the Drakath Armor quest and HAVE the armor, you should head to Battleon, then go North. You'll find a Chaorrupted Time-Travel Fairy. We don't know her name, so I just call her Skittles.
Accept her quest. Do it.

September 04, 2014
BeastMaster Skills Writeup
Tomorrow: Legends Can Unlock BeastMaster Class!
Heyo. I’m Aster. I’m not that guy who did the last couple classes, and neither is Zereldo, the other guy who has been given the privilege of designing classes. I’ll spare you my life story and jump right into what you came here to read: The BeastMaster Class Breakdown! The breakdown that gets its own Lorepedia page will have more specific information. It’ll have things like the Recommended Allies section and… Numbers.. And.. A bunch of percent symbols.. Anyway, breakdown time!
With all the monsters in this world you would think that someone would go out of their way to tame them and make them into something other than a nuisance. Well, someone did! Faith the BeastMaster will soon arrive in the town of Battleon. She’ll be your tutor. Very soon you’ll learn the benefits of commanding your very own beasts as you fight alongside them during battle.
BeastMaster Basics Breakdown
Want to find out how to get it? Talk to Faith in Battleon. Get up to Rank 10 BeastMaster rep OR buy it for 2000 ACs. As long as you're a Legend. Can't get this Class without being one.
The Beastmaster can call upon any manner of creature to fight by their side. How? I dunno, Animals just like them. They use their skills in animal communication and improvise strategies to defeat their enemies.
Auto Attack
Rank Needed: 0
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: You and your chosen beast fight as a duo, and attack swiftly together.
As a Beastmaster, you’ve studied fighting alongside a companion. This means you don’t get quite as much practice in normally, but you can alternate and randomize your rapid attack to disorient the enemy.
Fetch Potion
Rank Needed: 2
Mana Cost: 28 Mana
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Sensing that you are in danger, your companion has brought you a health potion. Where do they find these? Well it’s yours now, so use it wisely!
Misdirection in action!
You know how sometimes a pet will get into something it shouldn’t or bring you a gift you REALLY wish it hadn’t? Well, it turns out your beast is smarter than the average pet, and knows where someone’s stash of potions is hidden. That’s a way better present than a smaller, less-living animal! The heal is moderate and has a heal over time attached. You can use this move to summon a battle companion to your side, if you don’t already have one equipped.
(Fun fact: this wasn’t originally a pet summoning spell because the class is for Legends only. Then I realized that if we didn’t have a skill to summon a battlepet, we’d be forcing people to use a regular inventory slot to carry a battlepet around! That wouldn’t be very nice.)
Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: You command your beast to attack the source of your enemy’s vision, even if they have no eyes. Clinging to them and attacking is quite the distraction on it’s own!
There is a technique passed down from generations of heroes and their familiars.. A tactic that has become a staple of all underdogs.. A called shot to the eyes! This is an additional strike for extra damage that will lower your enemy’s hit chance and cause a DoT.
Rank Needed: 3
Mana Cost: 22 Mana
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Command your Animal Companion to distract your opponent by attacking it from a different angle. This opens up weak points and keeps the enemy busy!
This is another extra attack. if it lands, you will distract your enemy, lowering their haste. There’s a small chance that the attack will land where your opponent least expects it, stunning them!
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Increase haste 10%
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Description: Increase damage output 10% and hit chance by 5%
A few words about your newly domesticated beast: They like praise! Praise them! Don’t be afraid to baby-talk them, either. I don’t know why they like that. That’s weird.
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 40 Mana
Cooldown: 24 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: You stick a piece of delicious bacon onto your enemy. Your beast becomes fully focused, attacking your target voraciously and relentlessly pursuing them!
You’ve had a carnivorous pet before, haven’t you? The Bacon scent wafting from your now heavily confused and greasy enemy motivates both you and your beast to fight harder and faster while causing the poor bacon’d fool a lot of difficulty when trying to avoid you both. This skill is costly, but in testing, I’ve seen that we’re able to loop the skill.
Carnivorous Class Conclusion
So that’s what you should expect from a BeastMaster. The skills are a tiny bit costly, but your attacks HURT and your mana regeneration is like a spellcaster’s. You’re pretty okay support with your ability to cut hit chance and haste, and the dodge debuff from Treat is massive AND unavoidable. This class went through a number of changes both big and small, but we’ve reached a stage where most of the testers who have it enjoy using it. I’d mention what class I’ll be designing next, but I’d probably wake up with some missing parts if I did that. Please enjoy.