Design Notes

June 10, 2016

Are you ready to become... A Daimon?

Daimon Class Skills Breakdown

Daimon are like the genies or Lore… but Ziri the Daimon is, in reality, simply insane. His believe in his magical wish-granting amulet is so strong that, in effect, he convinces himself that his delusions are real. Sadly, he is the only one who can truly “experience” his wishes. For everyone else, they do not really exist. Fun fact: our Hero is Ziri’s idol, and he would like nothing more than to become his sidekick.

A New Psionic Class Variant

In the (new) tradition of having a class variant for each of the Throne of Darkness Sagas, and trying to keep true to Ziri's NPC Class, we've combined several classes - Mindbreaker, Oracle, and Evolved Shaman - into one to create fun and useful combination that marries psionic attacks with healing abilities. The class also has new icons and animations -- enjoy unlocking them all!

How to Get the Class

You'll find both member and AC versions of the Daimon Class in Ziri's Shop when you /join baconcat. To read the full skills breakdown, head to the Class details page!

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