Design Notes

March 02, 2016

Dage's Dark Birthday Shop is HERE!

Help Us Celebrate Dage's Dark Birthday!

Wish Dage the Evil, leader of the Undead Leagion and AdventureQuest Worlds artist, a VERY happy birthday! Log in NOW and find Dage in Battleon, check out his birthday gear, and /dance the night away to celebrate the Darkness! (And hey, why not wish him a Happy birthday on Twitter?)

NOW available:

  • Rare Arcane Dark Caster Armor set (for AdventureCoins or Legion Tokens)
  • Rare Arcane Dark Caster Paragon Pet
  • the seasonal Legion DoomKnight Class returns (see how to get it here!)
  • A TON of new rare accessories!

The armor will be available for 2000 AdventureCoins each! PLUS, members of the Undead Legion can get the armor version for Legion if you're a die-hard Undead Legion fan with a LOT of time on your hands, fear not! You'll need Legion Tokens, 75 Solidified Souls and Obsidian Rocks, and 6 Enchanted Deathsheads from the Mastery of Death quest in the /undervoid.

Find the Arcane Paragon Pet in Dage's Dark Birthday shop in your game menu... or talk to Dage in Battleon! This pet has SIX quests - one for anyone who owns the pet (even if you aren't in the Undead Legion) with 2 exclusive item drops! The other five quests all reward Legion Tokens and you do need to be a member of the Undead Legion. These quests are geared towards different levels, so whether you want a challenge for farming with monster closer to your level... it's got what you need! The sixth, high-level quest is member only because even though Dage is Evil, he DOES love our members! /cheer!

Available from Dage's Shop for his Birthday!

Several years back, Dage decided he wanted to make the Altar of Caladbolg available while his birthday is here. (During the month of his birthday, he becomes Dage the Mostly-Good!) The Altar is ALWAYS available as a drop from the Treasure Chest, but now you don't have to rely on Luck to get it.



After his birthday ends, the Altar will still be available from the Treasure Chest. If you do not want to pay 5000 ACs for the Altar but DO still want it, you can keep trying to get it as a drop from the Treasure Chest. (If you are upgraded, you get two free spins a month.)

* These rewards will only be available during Dage's birthday each year.

On Friday, we'll ALSO be adding:

  • Legion BladeMaster Assassin CLASS with updated art and skills** (Legion Token-only)
  • Legion Castle (Legion Token-only)
  • Shadowed Gunner Morph Armor (Adventure Coins, only available during Dage's Birthday)
  • New storyline rewards from Dage and Laken

* Including a daily quest component.
** Designed by Sync, one of AQW's epic Class imagineers! 

Arcane Dark Caster Legion Class News

The Arcane Dark Caster Class WAS scheduled to release tomorrow with existing class skills (we were already concentrating on the Legion Blademaster Assassin, and wanted to make that an EPIC class for Legion members). But you guys made it clear what was most important to you - a new Dark Caster class- and we are listening!

That is why we will release the Arcane Dark Caster Class with all-NEW skills later this month, to give us the time to craft a well-designed and balanced class.

Tags: Alina,
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