Design Notes
July 08, 2010
Craziest Release Ideas... EVER!
Weatherman forcast predicts "BRAIN STORMING"
Over the past 8 years we have received an incredible number of your creative ideas and suggestions... but today, a new top secret project**has begun. This project may... possibly.... involve AQWorlds, an amateur film crew, a tour of the Secret Underground Lab and the usual quantity of Ninja, PIrates, Cyborgs, Vampires, and Were-servers. I was sorta wondering... did you want to be a part of this too? If so, next monday the team will be recorded looking at a special thread... this will be an anything goes... any plot... any feature... any game... even new game ideas... or even things you want the team to do in real life. Be forewarned, we might actually do/build/act some of the best (or wierdest) things in this post. Limit yourself to just posting once -- make it your best! This thread shall be known... as the CRAZIEST RELEASE IDEAS EVER thread! Take your time & have fun!
* Curse you time travel faeries!!!!!!!!
** Since when has Artix actually been able to keep a secret for more than 20 seconds?
MetroCon, Tampa FL
Nythera and I are going to be running a booth this year at Metrocon -- Florida's Largest Anime Convention. If you are attending we hope you will visit the booth so we can meet you! It is happening July 23-25th at the Tampa Convention Center. Warlic is even make a special CD featuring music from the games and a special Zhoom track "I don't like dem Ninjas", because it is a well known that Zhoom, does not... like being attacked by Ninjas.... and it is really funny when we overdub him with a cowboy voice saying so.
Zhoom also does not like Hackers (Ban Warning!)
The ban hammer has been unsheathed and over 1,000 hacker accounts have been flagged (targeted) in the database for perma-ban. A new version of AQWorlds has just went live fixing the town-kill and attack-spam exploits that were reported yesterday and is now secretly identifying players who use cheat programs. Any characters found using cheats will be banned. We love all of our players... it is our goal to create a fun, safe and fair game world for us all to enjoy together.
Crazy Idea Thread Update....
OMG... this is the best thread ever!