Design Notes
September 15, 2020
Talk Like a Pirate Day Arrives Friday
Yarrrr! Th' Best Booty of th' Year is Almost Here
Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most popular holidays in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot originated. Read on for a sneak peek at some of the gear available starting this Friday, September 18th!
Rare collectors, take note! The Chaos Alliance Collection Chest will contain ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2020 Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items plus this year's new color customizable, seasonal set from Dage the Evil, the Cursed Pirate Commander.A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from Quibble's shop in Battleon until the event leaves in early October.
- During the first week of our event, Quibble shop will feature the Chaotic Naval Commander, Swordhaven Pirate Captain, Toxic Naval Commander, Cursed Pirate Commander, and more.
- Immediately unlock ALL our TLaPD event rare items as they release when you get the Chaos Alliance Collection Chest.
- More sets will be added to the Quibble's shop and the collection chest during the second week of the event. If you buy the chest, you will automatically unlock the new gear.
- Week 2 additions will include the Grim Naval Commander, Chaotic Crew and Captain, Elegant and Classy Naval Commander armors and more.
Tags: Alina,