Design Notes
June 04, 2016
BaconCats vs LaserSharks
NOW: Enter the Bacon Cat Force HeadQuarters!
Heroes of the Bacon Cat Force… UNITE! The Laser Shark Brigade’s invasion of the flying Bacon Cat Fortress is about to begin, and Ziri needs every adventurer’s help to drive them out.
It is vital that we get as MANY heroes possible to attack the waves of invading LaserSharks. That's why ALL heroes will get to:
- Take on some of the LaserShark Brigade's finest warriors* as you explore the BaconCat Force HQ
- Unlock the BaconCat Force gear by farming the new BaconCat Force rep
- Quest for the key to open Kitty Boo Boo's secret and super-secret boxes
SECRET: If you are not an AdventureQuest worlds, do not read any further!
Well, hello! As an AdventureQuest Worlds member, you are eligible to join the Special BaconCat Forces Unit (SBCFU), an elite group of heroes with the skill and ability necessary to take on the heart (and the boss) of the LaserShark Brigade!
You'll have access to exclusive quests and the BaconCat Lair Underground (which... doesn't make sense now that I think of it, since the Force HQ is in the sky, but... hey. It is Ziri the Daimon's world and delusions, so we go with it!), plus member-only gear!
* Though the Great White Cyborg LaserShark may not recognize them once they've triggered the security magic!
PS: The AC/member Daimon Class variant has been delayed until next week due to unforeseen insomnia on the part of the dev team. We are fixing this with copious amounts of energy drink and lolcat videos.