Design Notes
March 08, 2013
Explore New Battleon
Battleon's Grand Reopening is Live!
Explore the newly-redesigned hometown of Battleon! With over 30 quests in the new Pet Shop, your endless adventures have only just begun. Speaking of endless adventures… Dage the Evil has released even more Undead Legion birthday gifts.
Welcome to Battleon!
2013: Year of Evolution Continues!
We've been making a lot of little changes, but THIS week we went all out! There is NEW map art in Battleon, Battleontown, and more! Run around town to see all the new NPCs who've moved in... and check back next week to see what quests they'll have for you!
Cleric Joy from 2008 to 2013
New Buildings in Battleon Tonight:
- Aria's Pet Shop
30 NEW quests, 9 NEW pets, FUTURE: Pet Tamer Class! - Yulgar's Inn
Meet Serenity and Hans - Cysero's Forge and Bakery
WHY is his ceiling like that?! - Apothecary
Alina and the Healer Trainer welcome you! - Librarium
Maya wants to read YOUR writing someday! - Barbershop
Get ALL your hairs cut!
Where did the Trainers Go?
Battleon's Warrior, Mage, Healer, and Rogue trainers spread throughout the town this week to encounter more Heroes! Next week they will move into the Coliseum, where all good Heroes go to train!
Find them all to train your Enhancements!
New Gear in Battleon!
Go on Aria's Pet Quests to make ALL the pets appear throughout her shop, then take them along with you on your adventures!
Complete Aria's quests to make pets appear!
New items in Battleon tonight:
- Gladiator of Consequence set
- Gladiator of Circumstance set
- Slime
- Green Rat
- Mini Skeleton
- Red Shell Turtle
- Chaos Wolf
- Gargoyle
- Albino Wolf
- Zard
- Fairy
- Dark Bloodtear
NEW Dage Gear In-Game and at HeroMart!
Dage continues his birthday celebration with a new poster at HeroMart AND all new items in-game! With the massive influx of souls to fuel Dage The Evil's SoulForge, he has forged several impressive new weapons, and after your feedback on his birthday items, we've released a limited-edition Legion Poster!
What Comes Next?!
We wanted to open the Museum tonight, as well, but there was just not enough time to do it right! Next week, we'll have more quests in Battleon and the trainers will move to their new permanent home.
And don't miss the main event in next week's Coliseum update! With half the size and twice the violence, the Dwarves vs Giant event will be one of the biggest micro-battles you've ever fought!