Design Notes
January 20, 2020
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
Transcendent BattleBlade of Tercessuinotlim has been made Member only. Sorry about the oops! Please stay tuned to Cemaros' Twitter for more information coming soon on this.
Map and/or dialog fixes at the following locations:
- Greenguard West
- Aria's Pet Shop
- Charred Path
- Pyrewatch
- Greymoor
Art Fixes:
- HypeFiend's Locks and HypeFiend's Locks + Eyemask now have unique art of their very own.
- Yin-Yang Street Wear and Yokai Street Wear got a spot removal done.
- Night Mare Scythe is flipped over now.
- Legion Jolly Roger Armor male now has a chest.
- Grip on Dual Fire and Ice Blades repositioned.
- HypeFiend's Runes re-centered.
- Gothika Vogue has had a few CC issues removed or reworked.
- Sandsea Enchanter arms are as fixed as they can get. This is an almost non-standard shoulder on the coat so it does look out of line in some positions.
- House items Vampiric Void Knight Guard, BloodVoid Knight Guard and Winged BloodVoid Knight Guard have been upsized a bit.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Paladin of Souls Hair and Paladin of Souls Morph Hair not blinking or being CC is to keep them the same as the OverSoul items.
- Enchanted Kitsune Katana flames being transparent are on purpose. They will be harder to see in some maps.
- Enchanted Void Awakening leg detaching during some movements is because Voids are non-standard.
The Big Bad No Class Error!
Chasing bugs is fun, right? Of course it is! It’s even more fun when you are chasing one which had previously known, but fairly rare, reasons for happening. And then suddenly it begins happening all over the place!
Recently, we’ve been getting an increased number of reports that players cannot fully load. In every one of these cases, it was due to having the temporary No Class equipped. In the past, this class would equip to your account if you were wearing a Legend class, and let your upgrade run out and not renewed it. Or if you were trying to exploit a glitch which did nothing but render your account unplayable until a Dev fixes you.
This is no longer the only reasons it happens now. We’ve recently come across a new way it has begun happening. There’s good news though! You can prevent it from happening to you!
First, let me give you a brief explanation of what happens when you obtain a class. During the session you obtain it in, the class will have 1 temporary class point on it. This is to tell the servers that “yes, this is an item”. When you log out and back in without ranking the class up any, this temporary point goes away, and your class now has 0 points. And this is where things get tricky. When an item is listed this way, the server doesn’t allow you to equip it.
So, what has been happening lately is a huge increase in improper saves while ranking a brand new class, resulting in the class being unequipped and the temporary No Class being equipped instead. We’re already looking at ways to make this stop.
The good news is you, Buggy Fans, can prevent improper saves!
When you obtain a new class, we would like to recommend that you first trigger a save state before you begin ranking it, and then shortly after you have any amount of class points on it.
The most effective ways of triggering a save state are:
- Buying or selling anything from your inventory.
- Changing a piece of armor, weapon or cape.
- Going to your house.
- Making sure you use the Logout button in the Options menu, not just clicking the X in the upper right corner. (This one is the most reliable and guaranteed to work!)
Yes, it takes a little extra clicking on your part until we can chase down the root cause and fix it. It saves you hours or possibly days of waiting to get fixed! So for now, please make sure when you obtain a new class, you are forcing save states to occur. THANK YOU!