Design Notes
November 06, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: November 6, 2017
- New Achievement badges in Achievements now, and art added.
- Midnight Assassin helm no longer oversized.
- GrimBlade is held correctly now.
- Non-CC Paragon Plate eyeglows fixed.
- Bright/Shadow Claymore pets and battlepets identity crisis resolved. They are now aware they are not Sword Of Nulgath.
- Snowball Amberarms is officially rare, and Zoshi’s apop has been updated.
- Various typo fixes.
- Various map fixes for monster spawns.
*Apop is shorthand for 'a pop up', what we call those nice interaction panels on NPCs
Tags: Patch Notes, Cemaros,