Design Notes
September 25, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Cemaros, Reens, and the AQW bug testers team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at From here on out, check back to see if the bug you reported has been addressed.
Bug fixes: September 25, 2017
- Various items retagged for Rarity and AC tags.
- Various typos fixed.
- Jungle Assassin Commander foot fixed.
- Buttons in Plink’s apop no longer looks like the Dragon King Chest.
- Steel Hand Cannon now shows up in character pages.
- Obsidian Naval Commander missing details added.
- Kaiju Cannoneer no longer breaks Classic Pirate / Classic Alpha Pirate.
- Dual Gilded Rapiers and Dual Raiders Rapiers names changed to Dual Gilded Cutlasses and
- Gilded Cutlass Cape.
- Paragon of Chaos skulls on belt are now purple.
- Foot on Kaiju Pirate Captain is no longer blue while running.
- 0AC Sakura Dragon Chest now properly named.
- Dragon Chest Pets (0AC) no longer gives “You do not have the required items” error.
- Dragon Chests house items (0AC) now sellable, and item descriptions updated.
Bug fixes: September 18/19, 2017
- Prismatic Kaiju Captain Locks CC on the hair at the back now fixed.
- Legend version of Blue Dragon’s Parrot Cape added to Quibble’s Dragon Shop.
- Red Dragon’s Parrot Cape now in it’s proper place in the Dragon King Chest shop.
- Kaiju Corsairs in /kaijuwar are now tagged “human”.
- Captain Rhubarb now has one “lot’s” in his apop in /kaijuwar
- Death Standard staff rarity changed to Awesome.
- Issue with (DOOM) Naval Commander forcing a darker shading of the face template fixed.
- Weaver Knight Back Blades & Weaver Knight Back Spears rarity changed to Awesome.
- “The Leery Contract” quest description changed because of previous gold cap increases.
- Room numbers in /manacannon showing in the top-right corner removed.
- Explorer Pistol and variants now held correctly.
- All Brazilian Day pet macaws showing different head art in running animation now fixed.
- OathBreaker set delagged.
- Paladin Naval Commander shoulder transformation fixed.
- Female Crystal Dragonborn Naval Commander’s jacket cuffs now change colors.
- Crystal Dragon Wings now change colour while standing still.
- Sakura Dragon’s Blaster art changed.
- Dragonborn male armours all have eyebrows now (and scars added where missing).
- Dragonborn Tricorns odd bit of animation removed.
- Undead Pirate Dragon On Yer Back no longer hides.
- Quibble’s AVAST! Quests added.
- Dragon King Chest Pet Quest added in /battleon.
- Various typo fixes.
Bug fixes: September 11, 2017
Dragon Phoenix Bow held upside with drawstrings towards feet instead of head.
Chaos Hunter Crossbow and Legit Chaos Blade requires stack x2 in Gustav Merge shop, but only stacks to 1
Kiss The Void had a will/may get conflict. Fixed now.
Bug fixes: September 5, 2017
- Gargantuan Golem chest fixed
- August upgrade art removed from Ragnar in battleon
- Legend-Only Paragon of Nulgath room in /brightfortress no longer accessible to free players
- Purple square in top-left corner of citadel removed
- Text in Denara’s apop in /archives after completing the “Locate the Source” quest fixed
- Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath typo in name fixed
Tags: Alina, Patch Notes,