Design Notes

March 15, 2024

Battle for Control of the Underworld

Dage's Dark Birthday 2024 Event continues this weekend!

The Underworld was not meant for a Paladin's light. Dage the Evil is missing, and an old frenemy reappears. Log in this weekend as a rebellious Legion General threatens to flood the Underworld with his bright power in Part 2 of Dage's birthday event!

New game release

  • New Story: Dage's Dark Birthday Pt 2, Legion General's Revenge
  • Wicked Rewards: new gear for all heroes + Undead Legion exclusives
  • 2024 Dark Birthday Rares: Underworld Spirit Summoner, Immortal LionSlayer, Underworld Raven's Fury, and more

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Server Boost: double Class Points
  • Resource Boost: Spirit Orbs + Metals
  • Saturday: rare Underworld House Items from the Chest in the /eventhub
  • Sunday: rare Overdriven Knight set from the monster in /CocytusBarracks

New Dark Rewards

Dark rewards are waiting in the /cocytusbarracks map! All players can unlock the dark and light Penitent Underworld Keeper + Acheron Usurper sets after completing this weekend's new event. Undead Legion exclusive: the Void Vigilante gear!

Monster drops:

  • Dimmed Overdriven Knight's Blade (single + dual wield)
  • Usurper Lord Helms +Capes
  • Vengeful Soul Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Sullied Blame Blade (single + dual wield)
  • Penitent Keeper Helms
  • Death's Requiem Spear & Staff
  • Undeath Dominion Core
  • Mourner's Hair + Ponytail

Cocytusbarracks Merge Shop:

  • Penitent Underworld Keeper armor + accessories
  • Acheron Usurper Lord armor + accessories
  • Ivory Penitent Underworld Keeper armor + accessories
  • Ivory Acheron Usurper Lord armor + accessories

New Undead Legion Exclusive Gear

  • Overdriven Evocator armor + helms (in the Cocytusbarracks Merge Shop)
  • Void Vigilante sets (in the Undead Legion Merge shop)

If you're not a member of the Undead Legion, never fear! You, too, can sell your soul to Dage the Evil and become a part of his immortal army.

Note: earlier this week, we announced the Lucky Day set would arrive this weekend. Unfortunately, I had a run of real-life bad luck was out sick most of the week, and did not have a chance to communicate with the team about the details for how it would release. It will arrive next week.

Legion Quest Updates

A new set of daily quests has been added to Dage the Evil in /underworld. These quests serve as a replacement to the Legion Soul Collector quests and involve defeating bosses of varying difficulty for large amounts of Legion Tokens. 

Legion Soul Collector 

The Legion Soul Collector has been replaced with a new item called "Legion Promotion".

  • Legion Promotion costs 1,000 Legion Tokens and requires completion of the "The Beast" quest in /sevencircleswar.
  • If you already have the Legion Soul Collector, you will receive the Legion Promotion item for free.

Legion Promotion Quests

Six new daily quests have been added to Dage the Evil in /underworld.

Daily Exercise 1: Ultra Aeacus
Defeat the boss for x100 Legion Tokens, 50000 XP + 50000 gold

Daily Exercise 2: Legion Lich Lord 
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 75000 XP + 75000 gold

Daily Exercise 3: The Beast
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 100000 XP + 75000 gold

Daily Exercise 4: Devastator Deimos 
Defeat the boss for x150 Legion Tokens, 150000 XP + 100000 gold

Daily Exercise 5: God of the Depths 
Defeat the boss for x250 Legion Tokens, 200000 XP + 100000 gold

Daily Exercise 6: Dage the Dark Lord 
Defeat the boss for x250 Legion Tokens, 200000 XP + 150000 gold

Legion Exercise Quest Changes

  • Legion Token rewards for Legion Exercise 1, 2, 3, and 4 increased to x25
  • Legion Exercise 1 no longer requires Chaotic DracoHeart
  • Increased drop rates for Flawless DracoHorns and DracoHearts
  • Increased drop rate of Charred Skull and Intact Tiger Leech Hide on Legion Exercise 2
  • Increased drop rate of Chaorrupted Essence and Chaos Egg on Legion Exercise 3

Souls Quests Removed

The following quests are no longer available from Dage the Evil NPC: Gateway to the Souls, Ghostly Zardman Souls, Cyclops Warlord Ghost Souls, Escaped Wendighost Souls, Belrot the Ghost Souls, Ghostly Deathgazer Souls, Escaped Dai Tenghost Souls, Mercutio's Souls, Ghostly Aracara Souls, Ghostly Grizzlespit Souls


  • Updated Dage the Evil's NPC in /underworld and /darkbirthday
  • Owners of the original Dark Caster, Evolved Dark Caster, Legion Evolved Dark Caster, Arcane Dark Caster, and Mystical Dark Caster classes can now access the quests for the 2019 versions of the classes year round
Tags: Alina,
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