Design Notes

June 24, 2011

A fate worse than Death...

*Gulp* ...advertisements!

For years, players have told me that Death was not punishing enough in AQWorlds. So as of today, when you die you shall have to endure (play scary music here) Death's Ads! Of course, they are ads for our stuff... like the AQWorld's Card Game, Member Upgrades, and such. The respawn timer remains the same at only 10 seconds, but now Death will appear and tell you a useful tip or something silly.We also think the respawn button, actually being a shiny red button, will be less confusing to our newer players. If you are an Upgraded Member of AQWorlds, we are adding an option to turn off the ad part of the ads.

Death Note

Pre-Enhanced Item Drops

Have you ever slain a monster... gotten a really cool item drop and wanted to equip it instantly? Now you can! Items are now being auto-enhanced with the default adventurer's enhancement. It will be 2 lowers level than your level (So if you are level 40, you will get a level 38 enhancement on any item dropped by a monster.) There is a currently a bug that is causing items to drop at your level. It should be fixed shortly. Also, please note that the Adventurer's enchancement is not very good. You will want an enhancement designed for your class to maximize damage and life. So be sure to get a more powerful enhancement from one of the trainers in BattleOn. Next week we will be adding a level 40 version of the SpitFire enhancement and planning some high level monsters zones to put it to good use!

Tags: Artix,
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