Design Notes

May 23, 2017

6 Reasons Not to Share Your Account

Sharing leads to swearing... when your account is stolen

Your AQWorlds account is your online alter-ego -- the hero you want to be while inside the world of Lore. Playing alongside your friends is a huge part of the fun. But it’s better to have them battling alongside you… not AS you. Sharing your account is a risky business, and you stand to lose a lot when you do it.


1. You may lose your account. Permanently. 

When you upgrade your account, you invest real money into it. But if you share your account with others, they may upgrade it, too. Accounts that are shared among many people, and which have payments made by many accounts, can be disabled for payment fraud. 

Even if you are the original owner, you may lose access to your account.
Your friend may lose access to theirs, too, if they make payments on accounts they don't own.

2. They may not give your account back.

If you tell someone else your account and email address passwords, and they change it, they become - in effect - the new owner of your account. Then all the time and effort you put into it will be gone… until you start the process of recovering it. (But jump back up to #1 for a reminder about payment fraud.)

Give away your password and you give away your control.

3. Other people can sell your items/spend your ACs.

Anyone with access to your account can spend your AdventureCoins or sell your items (including rares)... and you can't get it back. 

If someone sells one of your rare gold items, it will be gone forever.

4. Your friends can share your account with others.

Just like it’s a bad idea to use someone else’s toothbrush (because you don’t know where it’s been. EW.)... when other people are able to access your account, they can share it with other people. Who can share it with other people… until people you do not even know have as much control over your account as you do.

Sharing your AQW account is like sharing a toothbrush.
It can get gross and messy REAL fast.

5. The account you use can be taken from you.

If you are playing on an account you did not create, the original creator can take it back without your permission by recovering their account or contacting the Help Team.

If you did not make the account originally, you do not "own" the account.

6. You may get punished for what your friends do.

If you share your account with a friend, and that person uses it to bot, scam other players, or attack the server, you (the account owner) are responsible for their actions. 

You may never use a bot, but if someone bots on your account, it may be banned. Then YOU lose out.


Remember: one account, one person.

That means: each account should only be used by one person. :)

Why Write This Listicle? (A mini bonus listicle!)

  1. Many people put years into building their ultimate AQWorlds account. We want don't want to see you lose it... for any reason! 
  2. We hear a lot of you saying "But I didn't know it was against the rules. You can't ban me for not knowing!
  3. We've gotten a lot of player feedback about losing accounts, and trying to get them back. The best way to prevent losing your account is not to give it away/share it in the first place!


Check out a full list of the rules here:

But because inside the game is the BEST place to list our rules, an in-game TL;DR version of the 5 most important rules can be found in Battleontown. Talk to Nythera to unlock a quest, reward, and character page badge.

Tags: Alina,
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