Design Notes
November 22, 2013
Celebrate 50 Years of Who
50 years of Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon or check your game menu to see our shop full of Doctor Who-themed gear AND all the new gear in Quibble Coinbiter's shop!
Doctor Whooooo's 50th Anniversary!
Wishsticks and mustard for all! Here at the Lab, we LOVE us some timetravel, and when you throw in a dapper Doctor and a sweet (and sonic) screwdriver, you KNOW it's a show we're going to love! Since the beginning of the year, we've had TONS of Whovians asking us to do a tribute shop for the big premiere of the 50th anniversary episode this weekend... so of COURSE we did, and put our own spin on it!
Whoooooooo! /Cheer
You'll find Doctors When, Why, and Hue armors in the shop along with sonic blades and more fezzes than you can shake a haberdasher at! (Don't shake haberdashers. They don't call them Mad Hatters because they are nice!)
And remember, if you're going to live in a ZARDIS house, pick up an Ultrafez! It's the only thing tall enough to clean the ceiling!
Harvest Fest and TWO Free Fortune Tickets!
You've got a LOT to do this weekend, and once you've explored the realm of Chaos and confronted Drakath, /join harvest to take down the Turdraken! Then /join carnival and spin the Wheels of Doom and Destiny for a chance to get our newest item: the Hungry Werewolf pet!
Hungry for adventure!
TWO FREE FORTUNE TICKETS?!?! You read that right. If your account has logged in within the last 30 days and is level 15 or higher, you got two Fortune Tickets for free! We awarded those earlier this evening. But there were SO MANY heroes to give tickets to, we could not do it all at once. So if you did NOT get your tickets tonight, you will receive them on Monday.
NEW Chaos Gear in Quibble's Shop!
Chaos has its eye on Quibble Coinbiter, and you KNOW that means something big is going on! Check out the new Chaos and wedding gear in Quibble's shop before it leaves forever!
Zorbak LOVES ebil. And track pants.
Find the following in Quibble's shop:
- Zorbak Loves Ebil Bank Pet
- Dual Chaorrupted Bloodletters
- Chaorrupted Bloodletters
- Chaorrupted Nemesis Mace
- Drakath's Chaos Mug
- Chaos Shankers
- Chaos Slicer
- Creeping Chaos Cape