Design Notes
January 03, 2020
New Year's Gift: 500 Free AdventureCoins
Confirm your email to unlock your New Year's 2020 gift of free ACs!
Every year, we award free AdventureCoins to all of our heroes who have been battling alongside us through the winter events... and we wanted to start 2020 off right with FREE AdventureCoins! Starting tonight, we are giving 500 FREE AdventureCoins to all heroes with a confimed email address as our way of saying "thanks!" for logging in and participating in the releases we've created for you!
To unlock the free ACs, you'll need to:
- Have a confirmed email address
- Make sure your character is level 10 or higher
- Log in at before January 31st, 2020
- Enjoy your free 500 ACs!
Make sure you have a confirmed email address and log into your game account before January 31st! If your email is already confirmed, THANKS! If you have not already logged in today, you can log in NOW to get them immediately. (If you have already logged in today, the ACs will be awarded the next time you log in starting tomorrow, Janaury 4th)
Not sure if your email is confirmed? Log in to your Account Manager (Make sure the URL you use is to avoid scam sites).
You should see:
Need to update your AQW Account with an active email address?
- Head to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- Click on the Change Email link on the left
- Insert your New Email, and Retype New Email, and Submit (see picture below)
- In a bit, you should have an email in your inbox from: AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG ([email protected]) with a subject line of: =AQW= AdventureQuest Worlds Confirmation
Confirm that you will get the AQW Weekly Newsletter
- Go back to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- Click on the Newsletter link on the left.
- If your Status reads as "unconfirmed" please click: Resend Email (see picture below)
- In a little while, you should have an email in your inbox from: AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG ([email protected]) with a subject line of: =AQW= AdventureQuest Worlds Confirmation
- Click the “CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT” link in that email and you’re all set!