Design Notes
October 12, 2018
Our 10th Anniversary begins this week
The Battleon 10th Birthday Bash begins on Friday, October 12th!
Welcome to your AQWorlds' 10th Anniversary party, Hero, and thank you for battleon alongside us! No matter if you've been with us since 2008, or just created your account yesterday, this party is for you because... without your enthusiasm, support, loyalty, and encouragement, we would not be here.
Log in NOW as we begin the first week of AdventureQuest Worlds' BIGGEST anniversary celebration ever. Head to Battleontown to /party with all your favorite NPCs and friends from across our game universe. With 4 maps, 21 quests, 11 shops, 5 cutscenes, and over 60 items, this week's DOUBLE 10th Anniversary Birthday/Sepulchure's Saga release is HUGE!
- Talk to Zorbak in Battleon to quest for 12 new Good and Evil house statues!
- Explore Battleontown and see who's come to your party... like The Hollow, Tomix, Verylrus, and more! Each NPC has words of congratulations, shops, or quests for you to take.
- "Sign" our Guest Book by posting on the event page here: Sign the Guest Book
- Head to the /birthday map to see even more friends, battle the 10th Anniversary Cake for delicious goodies and rare drops
- Talk to Artix for his Bright Paladin's Weapon quest
- Talk to Alina for the 10th Anniversary Event shop
- Talk to Gravelyn to begin (or immediately unlock) Sepulchure's Original Helm
Plus, each of the Game Leads' NPCs has their BattleCon shop featuring imported gear from their games PLUS a new item just for you!
Our Gifts to You: Free ACs and More Space!
Yesterday, we gave all eligible heroes 500 free AdventureCoins and more inventory and bank space as our way of saying thanks! for playing AdventureQuest Worlds during our 10 year anniversary.
Join us this week for:
- 500 free AdventureCoins (accounts must have logged in within the last 3 months and be level 10+)
- 10 free Item Inventory spaces, 10 free Bank spaces, 10 free House Inventory spaces, 10 more Friends List slots
- The max number of buyable slots available will increase to: 250 Item Inventory spaces, 300 Bank spaces, 125 House Inventory spaces
- Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor becomes 0 AC, non-member (quests will still require membership)
10th Anniversary Armor Sets: Eternal Champion
Check out the 10th Anniversary Rewards shop, with the seasonal Eternal Champion set and the event rare Platinum Eternal Champion sets!
The Event Shop includes:
- Eternal Champion set
- Platinum Eternal Champion set
- Eternal Champion's Paragon Pet (with quest for wings)
- Eternal Champion's Nulgath Pet (with quest for wings)
- Doom Fire
The Eternal Champion's Paragon and Nulgaht pets each have a quest for equippable versions of their wings, to help you and your companion sync up on and off the battlefield!
The Undead Legion and Nulgath Nation are two of the most popular factions in AQWorlds. That's why we've created pets to help YOU celebrate your time here. Starting tonight, find the exclusive
- 10th Anniversary Paragon Pet in the Undead Legion Merge shop for 1000 Legion Tokens (0 ACs)
- 10th Anniversary Nulgath Pet in the Diamond Merge shop for 100 Diamonds (0 ACs)
Each pet has a quest for an equippable version of its helm.
The 10th Anniversary Paragon and Nulgath pets will be available until the end of the year. If you're only just now joining these factions, you will have several months to farm for the requirements to unlock the pets! Happy battling!
Member Preview: ShadowScythe General Class
Starting tonight, members can talk to Gravelyn in Battleon to try out the ShadowScythe General Class. This baby has some lore behind it (he was originally a LightGuard General who... sadly... fell to Sepulchure and Noxus) and a LOT of power.
Next week, you'll be able to unlock the class immediately for 2,000 AdventureCoins or - much like the Artifact Hunter Class - you'll be able to farm a daily quest and/or get drops from next week's boss.
Member Preview: ShadowScythe General Class
Starting tonight, members can talk to Gravelyn in Battleon to try out the ShadowScythe General Class. This baby has some lore behind it (he was originally a LightGuard General who... sadly... fell to Sepulchure and Noxus) and a LOT of power.
Sepulchure's Helm Reward
- Farm for the iconic Sepulchure's Helm OR
- Unlock it for free if you have Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor
- Unlock it for free if you bought the Sepulchure Action Figure from Heromart
- Unlock it for free and get the color-custom variant if you bought the Sepulchure Armor T-Shirt from Heromart
Note: the color custom helm will arrive next Friday.
Story Release: The Rise of ShadowFall
We continue Sepulchure's Saga with Chapter 2... the Rise of ShadowFall! This section of the story follows Sepulchure as he battles to build a foundation for himself. Noxus the Lich is very willing to use (and abuse) his desire to expand. This week, fight through /noxustower as Sepulchure on your way to become the darkest ruler Lore has ever seen!
Our 10th anniversary event is really a double event. There's the full birthday release, but with such an milestone year, we wanted to tell a story that none of our games ever has. ShadowFall has been such a HUGE - but silent - part of your adventures through Lore that showing its creation felt like a worthy story to tell. Next week, we'll continue the tale as the Champion of Light (and Sepulchure's love) Lynaria re-enters the picture on HER quest to save him from the Darkness.
2018 Founder Pet: Twilly's Platinum Dragon!
Tonight: the original AQWorlds Founders will unlock their exclusive 10th Anniversary Exclusive pet: Twilly's Platinum Dragon! This is our way of continuing to say "thank you!" to the original supporters of AdventureQuest Worlds.
For the last several years, we themed the Platinum Dragon on one of the Talk Like a Pirate Day naval sets, and this year was going to be no different. We tried the "Ghostly Platinum Dragon" and the "Golden Platinum Dragon" AND the "Spiderkin Platinum Dragon" but... none of them felt QUITE right for such a milestone. So we went back to our roots, and your heroes. Twilly has been with you for the last ten years, and its fitting he join your platinum dragon now.
More to come...
This week is only the FIRST part of our 10 year anniversary extravaganza! Next week: the ShadowScythe General Class will be available for all players. Buy it for ACs or farm for it (daily quest or boss drop methods). NostalgiaQuest will have a small update. The Color-Custom Sepulchure Helm and Renn/Zio armors will also be added.
And later this month, find...
- 9th and 10th Upholder Star Sword accessories in /DragonRoad
- Sepulchure's Rise: Chapter 2, Part 2 (and the farmable Noxus armor rewards set)
- New Achievement Tracker rewards
- New Mogloween 2018 event and rewards
- As many other surprises as we can craft, construct, and create
- the Surprise of DOOM! (some of you may know what this is. Some of you may even be right. O_O)
Thank you
You make our games possible, and for that Artix, the AE team, and I /salute you! Here’s to another 10 years and more battling to save this world and all the future ones we journey through together.